Your Business Needs You

Stay Focused and Be Encouraged


Your business needs youYour business needs you so stay focused and build your empire with faith and trust in God.

Sundays are always quiet and filled with an abundance of peace.

There is just something deeply special about the silence in Sundays.

That is the day that I write poems and short stories. It’s like when God awakens me I begin my journey. My personalized journey takes me places, in my mind, that I have never visited before.

As business owners we have to take tender loving care of our businesses, but that starts with us.

Our daily to do list should include caring for ourselves as well as building every layer of our businesses.

So let’s dive into your heart and mind and take good care of you!

First, be still and exhale. This is all about you and for you.

Secondly, you are going to write a thank you list. Write as many things as possible that you are thankful for. It can be anything and everything.

Now, sometime during the day take a long hot bath. Relax and enjoy the warm soothing water. Water is a wonderful healer. 

While you’re in the tub meditate and give God thanks for His greatness and the endless blessings He has and continues to bestow upon you and your business.

Treat yourself a very healthy breakfast. May I suggest oatmeal with honey and pure cinnamon. This will help you to relax as it lowers your blood pressure.

When your day is done and you’re ready to climb into your cozy comfortable bed ease your mind freeing it from any negative thoughts. Open the doors to let beautiful thoughts enter in and as you fall asleep bless the Lord for you have so much to be grateful for.



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