Writing Great Posts
To Propel and Excel Your Business
Blogging consists of writing excellent content. When you are skilled in and knowledgeable about the things you write about writing weekly or even daily posts is super easy and highly beneficial, but I don’t want you to think that it’s necessary for you to write a blog post daily or weekly if you have nothing to write about. Don’t just write something just to write. Write what your heart tells you to write, let the words, sentences and paragraphs flow and you will be driving massive traffic to your website in no time.
When you make a blog post make sure that you are writing about those things that are specific to your business which makes sense right. Take pictures and start a conversation about your images. Tell a great story about the pictures or designs you’ve created. Write about the things you have experienced. Business things or life things. You simply pen about the stories you have researched and/or studied. Pen your thoughts to paper. Share your expertise with your potential customers and target audience. Let them know how knowledgeable you are by giving them information they need in your posts. Be sure to tell your why and your how. Remember to always be sincere and write from your heart and/or knowledge. Add a little wisdom and my you have an amazing journey you just have to share!
I do a ton of research and one of the things I’ve read is the importance of keywords. I know that in order to drive lots of traffic to your website you must use/have keywords, but I believe if you just write from your heart sharing your knowledge and wisdom the keywords will be added automatically because you will always be writing about specific topics that pertain to your dynasty so don’t think too hard about keywords. Stay focused on the thoughts that you need to pen to paper, do your edits and then write and post some more. Your empire is going to flourish. I promise.
There’s something else I’d like to share with you. As I prepare to write my posts I ask the Holy Spirit for His wise counsel to guide and help me to pen the right words together. I also use a pad to pen my message. Sometimes I use the notes in my phone. I never just go to my blogs and start posting. I give careful thought to my writings. For me, this ensures that I get my thoughts and message across as clearly as I possibly can and I make my edits after I’ve done writing my posts.
I hope that this gives you a touch of encouragement because I believe every female entrepreneur needs a touch of inspiration