Women in Business

How To Use Your Power To Get Wealth and Keep It Flowing Into Your Business


Women in business

Women in business, learn how to use your power to get wealth and keep it flowing into your business! You have to believe and take inspired action!

Working from my warm comfortable bed today, my creative juices flow wherever I am planted at that moment. The future is now!

I am in the process of building a few extensions to my existing empires. When I speak to the Holy Spirit He speaks back giving me some of the most brilliant ideas ever. I execute and manifest these ideas, dreams and visions with His help. 

All of my business ventures have been birthed by God’s Holy Spirit. He tells me what to write, create and design; I simply obey. It is an amazing partnership because He knows what I don’t know and He sees what I cannot see. And so it is that I trust Him wholeheartedly for my success. It is great success. 

All of my projects have been relative to each of my businesses and I must say I am no longer gripped by fear. 

Women in Business, Let Wealth Spill Over Into Your Life


Women in business

The reason I have formed my businesses is because I want to be able to empower other women entrepreneurs. Sharing my heart and my blessings are two of the main reasons I do what I do and I love it. I thank God for my existence. I thank Him for the calling and joy He has placed in my life. 

Are you doing what you have been called to do? Have you taken the steps towards achieving your goals free from doubting your capabilities? What about doing the very thing you love? You know the things you are deeply passionate about? Do you know what God is calling you to do? Do you have any idea where He is guiding you? Even if you don’t know can you say that you honestly trust Him to lead you to the place where He only knows you belong? Perhaps it’s a place where other women await to hear your testimony. I hope you will choose to obey and trust Him no matter what.

Serving our Sovereign God of the universe with mustard seed faith is the pathway to your opulence. 

If your current position is called stuck, there is no need for you to be anymore. Speak to your mind, allowing your message to go deep down into your heart to give you the motivation you need to get you moving in the direction God wants you to go.



Women in business, with Spring upon us, now is an amazing time to change your life through your entrepreneurial spirit. You have the power to get wealth and you should be using your God-given power and gifts to give you what you desire. Only you know what that is. You have all the tools and resources, in addition to your knowledge, wisdom, understanding and ornaments of grace to exceed your own expectations. You have been graciously equipped to do amazing and be phenomenal. This is one way you can get wealth flowing into your business and spilling over into your life!

It’s time to get excited as you write your goals to execute your goals in a timely and professional manner. It’s who you are. It’s time to move. Success awaits you!

Be blessed,




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