Why You Should Design A Business You Love

With All Your Heart, Soul, Mind, Might and Strength

The Same Way You Love Our Lord.

Design a business you loveWhy you should design a business you love is easy! Being gifted, talented and creative means you have the power to get wealth. In your power to get wealth, you also have all the tools and resources available to you to help you design a highly profitable business; a business you love.

Why should you design a business you love. Well, let’s delve into it and discover the gold mine you are sitting on first in addition to the peace and happiness that awaits you when you make up your mind to design a business you love.

Let me say that I have designed so many businesses that I can’t count them on both hands. My mind is a creative force that has given me all kinds of brilliant ideas for many unique businesses.  I have thoroughly enjoyed building them because I love to design. I love to design because, as I’ve said in the past, it is deeply therapeutic for me.

When I created and designed Cyndi’s Light Work Designs it took me on a completely different path from what I had envisioned for my graphic design business. I was selling my framed heart art and then I found myself making designs for others. Some of my clients wanted headers for their websites while others wanted me to design logos for their businesses. I was elated to do it because designing is just one of the things I am passionate about. I also netted a lot of money from designing logos. $300 for one logo was phenomenal, but my joy didn’t come just come from making money, it came from making my customers happy. I could honestly say that I had designed a business I love.

Here’s Why You Should Be Designing A Business You Love, Too.

Design a business you loveLet’s say you work outside your home for a company. Your salary is enough to get by, but you want and feel you deserve much more. You want to be given the opportunity to showcase your unique talent and brilliant skill set, but you know that that is not going to happen in your current position. You’re stuck in this cubicle that tells you that the space you inhabit is truly the limit in terms of your career and the path you are on. You know in your heart that this cubicle that you live in five days a week perhaps 8 hours a day is not who you are.

God has gifted you abundantly and you are a fierce force who knows her worth. You have the ability to obtain wealth, but you’re a little nervous about starting your own business. It’s all new to you and even though you have been clothed with an overflow of every single tool you need, you still feel unsure about designing a business you love.

Even though you have mustard seed faith, you are not sure that you are really ready to create the path to execute God’s plan for your life from the dream you dream.

Here’s what you need to have in place in order to at least take the steps toward designing your own business; a business you love:

  1.  Have faith in God.
  2. Be confident in who you are and who you are connected to.
  3. Be absolutely positively sure of your gifts, skill set and your awesome life changing ability.

Design a business you loveWhen you design your business you must be passionate and love what you do. It is also imperative that you devote, stay dedicated and committed to doing what you love. You also have to be consistent where your business goals are concerned and remain diligent in working towards achieving your goals even if it is just one goal a day. Don’t be in a rush to make money or to launch your business before you are ready. Take your time and put all of the pieces of your business together one by one. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need help. Write out your business plan. Make it strong and let it be your compass and guide. 

Implement your own fantastic ideas into your business to ensure it lasts. When you’re ready to design a business you love, you’ll also want to incorporate God’s principles into your business to ensure that it has a super strong foundation that will not crumble no matter what.

Design a business you loveBefore starting your business go to God in prayer and ask Him if this is the business He wants to you to start. Be patient and wait for Him to answer your prayers. After you have received your answers and you decide to take the steps to getting your wealth, stay focused and always, and I mean always be encouraged by doing this:

  1. Speak encouraging words over your life every day without fail; if you speak them over your life they will trickle right down into every aspect of your business.
  2. Read Verses of Scripture daily to remind yourself that God is with you always and should you need help, He will help you and He will send that special someone into your life to be a blessing to you.
  3. Pray and pray some more for His wise counsel and instruction. Remember, God will guide you with His eye. Trust Him.
  4. Be of a good courage and watch your business roar.

Design a business you loveYou are one of God’s beautiful, most phenomenal creations and you should be using the gifts He has bestowed upon you to change your life while you give Him the glory.

Be blessed.

Written by Cyndi



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