We Have It All

God and Faith

We have it all; God, faith and trust.

God Day, Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs,

We have it all and we should be sincerely and deeply thankful. Yes, we have it all; God, faith and some of the most spectacular tools and remarkable resources to grow as female entrepreneurs.

By week’s end I’m pretty much ready to grab my pen and pad to write out marketing plans for BATF (Beauty and the Face) for the upcoming week.

Growing a business is a life changing, never ending process when you’re an entrepreneur, but a process I thoroughly enjoy nonetheless. 

I look forward to new and exciting business ideas every minute of the day. Yes, I invite and welcome new business ventures that promise to nourish my mind, heart and soul. 

When adding new business concepts, dreams and visions into my brand you can best believe that I am taking them all to a level I have never experienced before. It brings me tremendous joy when my customers call, text or email me to me how much they love my skincare products. This is a form of motivation for me. I love making new plant-based, all natural skincare products that makes skin glow.

I also start to jump for joy when I check my email every afternoon and see more orders have come through while I slept throughout the night. 

This all happens because I believe.

I believe in God and I believe in my products. With faith in God and believing in my skill set and great ability to grow my business, I no doubt, believe in myself. I believe that all of this helps me to write product descriptions, affirmations and thankful notes on the table of my heart to God and then to my customers, old and new; only the thank you notes get mailed to my customers.  (SMILE). I even love writing thank you notes because the words pour from the depths of my heart. That is where the Holy Spirit resides.

With the Holy Spirit empowering me I get to experience and enjoy many business changing journeys that have changed the way that I think about my empire and my life in profound ways.

Knowing that I get to impact the lives of many because of God’s impact and blessings upon my life, well is awesome!

Perhaps you feel the same way. If not, then it’s time for you to change that. Why not incorporate new beginnings into your business this autumn season. There is nothing like positive change. It renews the mind and gives you a new prospect in more ways than one.

We have it all; God, faith, confidence and trust. Now is the time to take your business to the next mountain peak. You are going to be in awe when you see that you have the power to get wealth and I mean abundant wealth, riches and prosperity and not just in the form of money.

Be blessed.


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