Watering Seeds For Abundance

Growing Your Business

Watering seeds for abundance

Watering seeds for abundance comes from using your exclusive gifts. Sow your seeds and reap an abundant harvest.

Making the decision to become an entrepreneur is an awesome choice because you get to use the gifts God graciously bestows upon you a little everyday. 

Becoming an entrepreneur is an incredible way to share your heart and spirit and to put your love and passion on display in such a way that it can transform lives. 

When I came an entrepreneur I had and still have rivers and oceans to share.

Watering seeds for abundanceThe waters overflow and I open my mind heart hands and arms to receive my good and to always give to others. That’s how deep the abundant and rich reservoir is in me. It is an infinite supply of overflowing wealth, prosperity and riches gifted to me by God the Father.

Every single day that I work my business I receive a word from the Holy Spirit that speaks clearly to my heart. What an awesome feeling to know that the Holy Spirit resides in me empowering me through each and every one of my many goals. I achieve them all with His help. He is my wise counselor and with His infinite wisdom I get to do things that I could never do on my own or by myself.

Doors open to me that would normally be closed, but because I believe, golden opportunities are handed to me. It is my choice to walk through those doors and a wise choice it is. I then begin to water the seeds in my garden and I enjoy the process wholeheartedly.

It is then that my faith takes me on this amazing life-loving journey where I get to put into action all the things that helped to shape my business in a powerful way.

Entering into my office everyday I give God thanks because I know when I turn on my computer my eyes are going to be opened to something greater than the day before. I tell myself, I can be a success, I will be a success, I am a success. These words somehow open more doors to more business opportunities and sales. I love how I can offer a product and provide a service that many women need.

Life is about giving and business is about living.

Watering seeds for abundanceWhen we water the seeds that God plants deep into the soil of our ever loving hearts, we grow and it is then that we open our minds and our spirits to more blessings.

Keep watering your seeds for abundance and watch your business soar.

Encourage yourselves and continue to thrive in a way that you have never thrived before!

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