Prayers To Be Financially Prosperous and Independent
Good Day God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs,
I hope you all are doing great and consistently working your businesses with faith in God!
For those of you who need a little help in business use these powerful prayer points that can help your business to flourish. Speak them out loud morning and evening.
Here they are:
I recognize that God is the eternal source of all riches, which never fails.
I am Divinely guided in all my ways, and I adapt myself to all new ideas.
Our Father in Heaven is constantly revealing to me better ways to serve my fellow man.
I am guided and directed to create products that will bless and help humanity.
I attract men and women who are spiritual, loyal, faithful, and talented, and who contribute to the peace, prosperity, and progress of our business.
I am an irresistible magnet and attract fabulous wealth by giving the best possible quality of products and services.
I am constantly in tune with God the Father and the substance of wealth.
God always governs all my plans and purposes, and I predicate all my success on the truth that God leads, guides, and governs me in all my undertakings.
I am at peace inwardly and outwardly at all times.
I am a tremendous success.
I am one with God, and God is always successful.
I must succeed.
I am succeeding now.
I grasp the essentials of all details of my business.
I radiate love and goodwill to all those around me and to all my employees.
I fill my mind and heart with God’s love, power, and energy.
All those connected with me are spiritual links in my growth, welfare, and prosperity. I give all honor and glory to God.
Give Thanks To God for Your Riches and Wealth
Now that you have these very powerful prayers pray them daily. Believe in God and let Him continue to guide you in your life and your business
Entrepreneurship is a blessing. Use God’s principles in every aspect of your business and watch God bless the works of your hands.
This business tycoon brought all these things that he affirmed to pass, and he blessed countless others. “Go and do likewise (Luke 10:37), and become a multimillionaire blessing multitudes!
God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs, may God bless you abundantly today and forever.
Blessings to you all,
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