Psalm 69:30
I will praise God’s name in song
and glorify him with thanksgiving.
Seven amazing things to be thankful should be a way of life for all female entrepreneurs.
Being grateful for the things you have opens up the door for greater abundance.
When you look around you what do you see? Do you see food, clothing, four walls which reminds you that you have shelter?
Well, these are the basics that we always give thanks for. However, being grateful goes beyond these things.
Do you want to know what these seven amazing blessings are?
Well, first, you are breathing because you are reading this post. Give God thanks!
Here are seven amazing things to be thankful for.
One of the most important things in this life that you should be thankful for is breath and from the breath from the blast of God’s nostrils you inhale, exhale and have your being.
Secondly, you are in your right mind and your mindset, positive I hope, helps to position you for greater success. You can attract abundance to yourself when you have a positive mindset.
The third amazing thing you should be grateful for is your gift(s) from God. Your gift(s) is/are your passion that you use to build your business and brand; it’s how you make money.
And then there’s your faith in God. Your faith empowers you to speak what you want and/or need for your business. Your faith will guide and place your feet on the path that you would not normally be able to do without faith in God.
Confidence then comes in, invited by faith, that let’s you do the impossible.
Courage to spread your wings by confidence and faith, you fly with your wings soaring without fear.
Now, we cannot forget power. You have the awesome power and ability to get wealth. Your wisdom, knowledge and understanding provides you and your business with brilliant creativity and wonderful ideas. You become empowered and so bold that you work your empire with astounding confidence so that your clients and customers know that when they call on you they will be receiving an authentic and trustworthy business owner who sells life-changing products.
As Christian women entrepreneurs, you are brilliant in every way. I hope you will take these seven important components and implement them into your business. They are a necessity for every successful female entrepreneur.
Be blessed and prosperous,