Rubies in the Garden Your Ultimate Manifestation Guide

Abundant Affirmations for the Heart of A Woman and Female Entrepreneurs 

Rubies in the Garden, helping women entrepreneurs to manifest their amazing dreams

Rubies in the Garden

Speak to Your Mind To Prosper Your Life with Rubies in the Garden, Enriching Affirmations

Rubies in the Garden is here! Abundant affirmations that work.

When I began my entrepreneurial journey 30 years ago, I was excited to use my God given talent to glorify the Lord.

I had vivid dreams and great plans to build a highly successful empire to help my family and friends. My ultimate goal has always been to bless those in need in any way possible.

Ready to pour my heart and soul into every aspect of my business, I began working towards attaining every goal that was written in my daily to do book, my heart.

The only thing that I did not count on was fear getting in my way.

Furthermore, I quickly realized that I wasn’t going to get too far as an entrepreneur if I did not knock that giant down. Yes, I had to SPEAK to that obstacle and tell it to leave.

I Needed To Be Encouraged Even If It Meant Encouraging Myself

Years passed me by and I sadly realized that I had wasted too much time sitting dormant because of fear. After careful thought I made a decision. That decision has led me to a new life that I am happily living at this very moment. I am now screaming out into the world here I am. I am telling the world that I am an accomplished author, self-taught graphic designer and entrepreneur.

When I finally opened my eyes I opened my mind and I started to speak to my heart and encouraging my own self a little every day.

While it took time for this encouragement to sink in, I had to make it a part of my daily living. Yes, living because these words had power. They also resonated with me richly and abundantly. If I didn’t speak to my heart who else was going to do it?

This is my life and I had to make the best of it. The best, in my opinion, included honing my skills and being super passionate about working towards achieving my goals while living my dreams.

Oftentimes, people think that they must accomplish their business goals in order to enjoy their dreams. I began enjoying my dreams first by visualizing.

As I did this I saw my goals started to come to life in ways that I could not begin to explain.

Visualizing Your Way To Entrepreneurial Success and More

Visualizing became a part of my daily morning routine. After researching about how to visualize, I then knew the importance of this easy, life-changing exercise while speaking what I wanted into my life. Spoken word has changed my thinking. Believing in myself has been an enormous part of this enriching formula as well. I love how I feel and how I work, passionately than ever before.

It was then that my creative mind began spilling over with new and wonderful ideas. Also, It was at that time that I started writing and creating all kinds of amazing masterpieces.

These same masterpieces that I am referring to have led me to teach and be a blessing to other women.

One of those awesome masterpieces is now an a sensational ebook. I must tell you that I love and have thoroughly enjoyed creating and writing these affirmations. I pray that they will touch your precious hearts and hearts of women around the globe.

The fact that I get to share these empowering, enriching and enlightening ebooks is a blessing to me and for me. I would for you to incorporate visualizing into your life too.

Rubies in the Garden, Abundant Affirmations for Women Entrepreneurs

From Rubies in the Garden, Abundant Affirmations for Women to Journals for Women, I am beyond elated, deeply and sincerely grateful that the Holy Spirit continues to speak to my heart.

The Holy Spirit is truly our Helper. He lovingly opens our mind and eyes to see phenomenal things. He never leaves us nor forsakes us. We all should be grateful. He is the reason that I get to write all the truths that I have written. I pray that His Word will bless countless lives of women across the pond and everywhere where women dwell.

And now I share my latest creation and design with you, Rubies in the Garden, Open Your Mind to Prosper Your Life. This ebook has been created to lift up your empire and every inch and fiber of your being and life.

May these abundant and super empowering affirmations to speak to your heart and prosper your life. These affirmations can be spoken morning, noon and night.

They have profound power that can enrich your life and change the way you think while blessing your entrepreneurial journey and path.

You will begin to see great results as you achieve your every goal. All you have to do is speak them into your mind, allowing them to sink into your heart to nourish your spirit.

Let your mind shift and watch your entrepreneurial spirit take flight when you use these affirmations with emotions and feelings.

There is nothing like being blessed with the tools and resources that can take your business to higher ground.

Here’s to your ultimate and God’s glory.

Bless the Lord,



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