Powerful Prayers for Every Day Living

Women In Business, Here’s How to Pray for Success, Abundance and Prosperity

Powerful Prayers for Every Day Living

Powerful prayers for every day living is right here.

Prayer is powerful. Spending time with God alone in complete silence is life-changing.

If you are not a prayer warrior may I suggest that you begin each day praying to God giving Him glory, honor and praise with thanksgiving. May I also suggest that you end your day in prayer always grateful for all that you achieved or didn’t achieve at the conclusion of your day.

When you are living in the present, not worried about tomorrow then you pray which is to say when tomorrow comes you can forge ahead accomplishing the things that you didn’t achieve the previous day.

I would like to encourage you to stay prayerful at all times even throughout the day.

To help you to pray, here are some powerful prayers that will clothe you will strength to take on any tasks you may be trying to achieve in your own strength.

Go to God and He will strengthen you as He guides and instructs you in all of your daily assignments.

Peace be with you.

Powerful Prayers for Life and Business. Here are your prayers. Pray them day and night and watch what happens.

*Hear this*….this day and beyond, whatever that makes you happy and danced for joy will not make you cry, Everything that gives you hope and peace of mind for better tomorrow will not be taken away from you. All that makes you gallop and leap for joy God Almighty will retain that for you. As the Lord liveth, the works of your hands mixed with mercy shall increase your blessings in Jesus mighty name… amen
*Good morning , do have a Victorious Tuesday*
Jer.1:12. “Then the Lord said to me, “You have seen well, for I am ready to perform My word.” Put all your trust in the unfailing Word of life, God Almighty will defend and fulfil His promises in His Words concerning you. You will go out in peace and return safely. Jehovah Lord will crown all your positive efforts with His Divine Power. You will no longer labour in vain and Elohim will positively increase you on all sides. Your hope, joy and aspiration will neither sour or dissipate in Jesus name. Fruitful and Blessed season for you and your household in God’s Wonderful name. Amen. Good morning. Have a great and wonderful day.🙏🏾 Jesus loves you…….
Prophetic Declaration!!!
I asked for the grace of God to release your due blessings and entitled benefits today. By the reason of the anointing, I declare, every yoke of delay, stagnation, failure and disappointment in your life shall be broken and be destroyed. By the grace of Almighty God, every filthy garment is removed, and the Lord will put on your garment of glory. Your days of sorrow are behind us. You are entering into the season of Joy and testimonies. You shall enjoy divine health mentally, emotionally and physically in Jesus name. Amen
Powerful prayers for every day living. Let them be a blessing to you. May your business propel to the next level and the level after that with God’s blessings constantly and consistently raining upon you.
All for God’s Glory,

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