Journal Your Journey With Jesus

A Journal To Pen Your Upcoming Plans and Goals

Journal Your Journey With Jesus




Journal your Journey With Jesus and enrich your business.

You’re on a spectacular life-loving journey and it’s life-changing.

The Christmas Season has arrived! I’m elated.

Yes, I know it’s November, but for me, everyday is Christmas. How do I define this wonderful time of year? It is filled with love, so much hope and all the things that remind each and everyone of us to love one another just as Jesus loves us!

I am thrilled to be able to present you with this journal, Journal Your Journey With Jesus. It is another creation that I birthed with thanksgiving overflowing from my heart.

Being able to share this with you brings me so much joy. I hope you like it and I pray you use it. It was a blessing to write it and I hope it will bless you and your business.

It was in my heart to write this journal because I love helping to change the lives of women as their create, design and build their very own empires.

Yes, God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs, you have the potential to create, from scratch, empires that can alter lives through your awesome products and/or services.

And so it is that I present to you Journal Your Journey With Jesus because I recognize the fact that we can do nothing without Him!

Written to bring even brighter light into your life and prosper your business, Journal Your Journey With Jesus is uplifting and enriching.

With fewer words, it has the power to help you to prosper in all that you do.

Small and yet so relevant to you and your business, please use this journal to record your thankfulness and then your dreams, goals and visions.

Be blessed and be encouraged.



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