Eliminate Limiting Beliefs In Yourself and Your Abilities
I want to talk about limiting beliefs and how I define my own.
Over the years I have come up with what I believe are amazing, wealth increasing, financial building and life changing ideas that I brilliantly converted into my own potential empire or at least that was my goal.
I wrote out each plan for every new creation I was able to design to ensure my success. I even designed a bevy of unique marketing materials and I wrote all the content for my business which for me was a blessing as I love to write. I had put a great system together and everything that I needed to prosper in business was in place.
Here’s Where I Failed.
Although I had a remarkable system in place my mindset was not in sync with my goals and dreams. As I was taking inspired action to build my businesses my mind was focused on my limits as a business owner. Everything I had ever dreamed about in terms of business and all I aspired to be would ultimately fail because besides having a fantastic system in place I also had a good amount of limiting factors in place as well. Why was this? I’ll share with you exactly why I failed.
As I was building my dynasty I was jumping for joy excited to launch and share with the world my life transforming products, ebook and designs. Oftentimes I was awakened by God’s loving Holy Spirit Who spoke to my heart telling me what to write. Grateful for His direction I penned the words He graciously spoke to me for I already knew that not only would my life be impacted but so would my audience. I was overjoyed. I knew in order to drive traffic to my self made website I would have to utilize social media to help grow my business. I froze. I was ashamed and embarrassed to let my friends on Facebook know or see the businesses I had uniquely designed. Why was I limiting myself. Was it about being embarrassed to let people know that I was trying to earn a living because I needed money? Yes. That’s one reason. The other reason was I just didn’t think any of my friends would ever support me and let me tell you something; I was exactly right but then I didn’t expect them to. Again my mind was not in sync with my goals and endeavors. I had great limiting beliefs even though I am highly creative with some of the most fantastic gifts and talents any woman could ever wish for in her life.
I Lived Like This For a Lot of Years, But Never Again
And now I look at myself and all I can say is my oh my.
My creativity has taken on new meaning and my mindset is in a new place. First of all I have trust in God. This was extremely important to me. To know and understand the important of trusting in God. And then there’s faith. My faith is stronger than it’s ever been and that’s because I know the meaning of of the word. It has changed my life. All of this is something I didn’t have before.
Limiting beliefs are no longer in my life. I got rid of them because they were stilling my steps and preventing me from living my greatest, most amazing and awesome potential. Talk about grateful. Talk about powerful. Talk about creative. Talk about profound. Talk about courageous. Talk about bold. Talk about high self-esteem. Talk about soaring. Talk about great life changing success. Talk about abounding in abundance and talk about wealth riches and prosperity and you’re talking about my life.
How I Was Able to Overcome My Limiting Beliefs
Before I was ever able to eliminate my limiting beliefs, I had to get over fear which I learned was a complete waste of time because it didn’t have a purpose in my life. There is never a need to be fearful to use what God has placed in your heart and mind to do.
I also had to trust in God knowing that He has always been right here with me, leading, guiding, directing and counseling me with His infinite. He is indeed the greatest Coach in my life. He inspires me so much so that I look forward to building up my businesses in ways that are unique and highly creative. I also had to learn another essential factor which was to have faith in God. My lack of faith in God was another component that held me captive, but once I decided to break free from bondage it was at that very moment that my life changed and my entrepreneurial spirit soared higher than it ever has before.
I decided that I was going to change my mindset and try my best to think positive thoughts with images of myself working my businesses and enjoying the success that comes with and lines up with my goals. My focus and ultimate mission is to be a help and a blessing to others simply because God is always helping me and I must share my blessings.
If you feel you are being limited by your thoughts, change your mindset right now. I know it is not as easy as just saying it, but once you’ve made up your mind to see images of yourself being success and wealthy and your life overflowing with milk and honey you will shift and your financial forecast will change as well.
Because every business woman and entrepreneur needs encouragement!