God Spoke To My Heart

God’s Wise Counsel Has Given Me Hope That My Dreams Would Be My Reality

God spoke to my heart


Acts 15:8 says, God, who knows the heart, showed that he accepted them by giving the Holy Spirit to them, just as he did to us.

God spoke so that I could deepen my faith in Him – to be able to live a life worthy of my Father.

He spoke so that I could do all the things He was speaking into my heart and not be fearful or concerned about what others would say or think, so that they would see His righteousness and glory shining upon me with hopes that if they needed to be transformed in some way that they would see the light in me assuring them that there is nothing to fear.

God spoke so that I could tell my children what no one ever told me and that’s to trust and serve God.  God spoke so that I could use my gifts from Him, equipping me with all the tools necessary to accomplish all the goals He has written upon the table of my heart.

God spoke so That I can clearly Hear Him say all the things that He alone knows that I need to be able to live and lead a fulfilling, rich and plentiful lifestyle that can only be found in His word and based upon His principles.

God spoke to my heart. Is He speaking to you? If so, heed His wise counsel and be thankful.







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