It’s Time To Heed God’s Wise Counsel
God has a wonderful plan for your business. What does that mean you ask?
Listening to countless sermons, I have heard men of God say, God has a plan for your life.
As I grew older, I often wondered what God’s plan for my life entailed.
I was a typist and then a graphic artist. I am a published author. I love to write.
And then there were some things that I wanted to do,. However, I wasn’t sure if God was calling me to do that one specific thing. That was just me wanting to create something unique that would help others to live better lives.
As Christian, we want to know what God’s plan is for us.
Truly believing in my heart that God’s plan for me is to be a caregiver. He has also called me to be still and listen to His whispers. Furthermore, He wants me to be able to discern what He is telling me to do every day of my life.
God’s plan for all of us is really easy. It is to use the tools He has gifted us. There is nothing hard about it.
No money is required.
Our God has a wonderful and powerful plan for your business. What are you going to do about it?
Are you ready and willing to lay down everything that you have planned for yourself and follow the Lord’s direction? Or are you going to continue on the current path that you’re on?
It’s time to be fruitful and use your mind, heart and hands to begin a promising journey of happiness and success.
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