Gratefulness Should Be The Way You Work Your Business
Hello Beautiful and Brilliant Entrepreneurs,
Entrepreneurship, gratefulness and you!
Let’s have a conversation about entrepreneurship.
First, let me say that I have so much to be grateful for. What about you; what are you grateful for?
Having a conversation with my daughter early this morning, we talked about her business. We had a nice conversation about the Morrow Home. The Morrow Home is her interior design business that she launched last July It took off for from the door. Her clients are loving her work and she is enjoying the entrepreneurial journey.
For my daughter, entrepreneurship means doing things her way.
She shared with me about the years she spent being micromanaged in her various roles with the jobs she had. The three women bosses with whom she had daily interactions completed turned her off if I can be totally honest here. With ever woman boss that she encountered, in the front of her mind she was going to start her own business at some point because working for someone else was definitely not her goal.
While earning a college degree was an experience that she will never forget,
it cannot compare to the gifts God has blessed her with
Even though my daughter had earned her college degree she knew that that college degree could not compare to the gifts that God had given her. She knew that it was important to use her gifts because using those gifts every day make her extremely happy. To God be all the glory!
Now when my daughter started her business she planned everything out in detail. And now she has hired an awesome assistant and her business is booming. My daughter enjoys meeting her clients, planning out their visions for their homes, offices and venues with them and completing her beautiful installs.
As our conversation continued my daughter told me how working for someone else was/is the absolutely worse and she knew that she could not and would not continue working in corporate America and even though those jobs paid her quite well she was not happy at all.
It was then that I shared my work life experiences in Corporate America. Not that she had never heard my story before and she knew it quite well, but to reiterate the importance of using the gifts God has given us.
Being able to build empires with our own unique skill set is powerful. Why? Because we get to share, give and bless others with the blessings God gives us as highly skilled entrepreneurs. All of this comes with entrepreneurship. For me, this is what the entrepreneurial journey entails.
Being Grateful for Being The Awesome Entrepreneur You Are
I am beyond grateful that I get to take and share this journey with anyone who is an entrepreneur. Creating and designing our business legacies is always a blessing to us and those blessings flow to our businesses every day that we work.
If you have not taken the steps to begin your entrepreneurial journey, why not do it right this very second?
Now you can do what you love and you love what you do. Take your entrepreneurial journey and enjoy unlimited abundance, success, wealth and prosperity. Add gratefulness to the mix and watch what happens as you prepare to go places you’ve never gone before. Believe me when I tell you.
Entrepreneurship, gratefulness and you. So just be thankful and Give God thanks for He is worthy.
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