The Fearless Female Entrepreneur

Release Fear and Begin Your Journey

Entrepreneurs Choose Faith Over Fear Entrepreneurs choose faith over fear and fear will leave.

Your entrepreneurial journey can take you places you dream of. It can be highly encouraging, deeply empowering, beyond enriching and forever rewarding. Experiencing all these things and more can have a life changing impact, but before you decide to embark on your new way of living you need to invite, welcome and incorporate a new way of thinking.

Renew Your Mind and Believe

Entrepreneurs Choose Faith Over Fear

Don’t Let The Giant Called Fear Still Your Steps

First of all, there maybe certain giants that will or can prevent you from starting your entrepreneurial expedition. One of those giants is called fear.

Fear can still your footsteps making you afraid to create, design and write your business plan for entrepreneurship.  Maybe you have written your business plan, but fear has prevented you from executing your business strategy.

If your well thought out business plan is still sitting on a shelf in plain view now would be the perfect time to dust it off read, edit it and get started on your entrepreneurial journey, but this may not be your season which is why you must trust God for direction.

Did you know that fear can tie your hands together and keep you living in bondage while telling you you can’t do the very thing that God is calling and telling you to do? Don’t let it, just do it.

The important thing you need to ask yourself when it comes to being fearful is to ask yourself why do I feel this way. What is it that I am afraid of.

Let Your Faith Will Over Rule Fear 

Entrepreneurs Choose Faith Over FearEntrepreneurs Choose Faith Over Fear

Being fearful has no place in your life so when you search for the answers to these questions about fear go to God’s word. There you can find the answers to rid fear from every area of your life before you start your business.

Think about fear like this and ask yourself these important questions:

  • What am I fearful of and why.
  • What can man do to me when I know I trust God.
  • What would happen if I stepped out on the wings of the wind and let faith guide my every move and I slowly begin to execute the business plan that God has given.
  • How would my life if I took the reins and began to use the gifts that I am so passionate about.
  • How would I feel.
  • Would I feel overwhelmed or would I feel gratitude for being able to finally heeding Gods call.

Well, please, let me tell you something. For most of my adult I lived deeply rooted in fear.

It wasn’t until I received understanding from God what fear really was and why it never served my life and it certainly had no place in my life.

I realized that fear was not serving me or my life and it was time to release from every circumstance, situation and area of my life. I wanted to see myself in a positive light and fear was gripping me into darkness.

Going Beyond Fear To Succeed

This horrific giant only made my heart afraid. It also made my heart pound so hard that my entire body trembled. That, along with anxiety kept me in a dark place for way too long.

As I began reading more and more of God’s Word allowing my heart to open up to receive His Wise Counsel in addition to His Infinite Wisdom I received clear understanding about God’s love for me. Slowly, surely and with faith surrounding me I began climbing out of the midst of the miry clay.

And now I realize that I have nothing to fear. At some point in life you get  beaten down and worn out from fear clouding your thoughts and darkening your path.

Am I better now? Yes, I am like a new luminous being illuminating the paths for other female entrepreneurs.

As a business owner I’m traveling all over the map and that’s okay too.

I have finally learned that this is my life, my own unique, yet powerful way of doing things. I don’t always write things down, but I already know what goals I will accomplish for each day.

You see, my goals, visions, business concepts and dreams are my own and they have been written and forever itched in my heart. I take them up one by one every day and I get things done my way and always in my own time.

It’s Time To Take Your Journey Women in Business

I no longer beat myself up if I don’t accomplish all of my goals for that day.

And now t’s great to be and feel relaxed. I am a woman in business and I love being the one who tells me what to do when to do it and how.

Sometimes I get stuck because it is simply a part of my own personalized journey.

However when I do get stuck, because I will, I get up walk away and then I go back to the goal at hand, always and I mean always, asking Holy Spirit for His guidance. He faithfully gives me the solution and the answer comes to me without struggle and with trust in Him I know that it’s already done.

If you’re ready to take that very first step into a new place called entrepreneurship then I encourage to do it, but be sure to take faith in God with you on your journey so that fear cannot come near you and remember that God is with wherever you go.

Be Brilliant Women of Excellence,





God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs

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