Did I Forget To Tell You That I Am Blessed

I Am Blessed Beyond Belief and So Are You

Did I Forget To Tell You That I Am Blessed

Did I forget to tell you that I am blessed? You are blessed beyond measure too.

Blessed. Yes, that would be us; blessed.

The works of my hands have been blessed to create and hand whip some of the finest butter creams for your skin.

Hands blessed to create and hand whipped from some of earth’s most alluring butters I present to you a skin loving experience.

Like the perfect color palette of makeup highlighting or enhancing your loveliest features our jewels of amethysts, emeralds and rubies beautifully compliment your skin.

Using simple and yet majestic ingredients of ever natural properties you will see radiance glowing like the setting of the sun.

Softness will be felt and beauty shall reign evermore.

Beauty shall come forth.

Did you just read the above?

You Are Blessed, Brilliant and Amazing Too

Did I Forget To Tell You That I Am Blessed

You are highly favored and truly blessed because you are women of the Most High.

That is why I am blessed as well. I get to hand craft some of the most beautiful butters in the world. Now, how do I know that my body butters are the most beautiful in the world? I don’t, but I believe that they are.

See, believing is the key word here. I believe in myself and I believe in my skin care products.

If you have a product or if you provide a service to your clients you must believe that you offer the very best in every aspect of your empire.

Did I forget to tell you how blessed I am and so are you.

When you think this way you can build on what you already have.

Believe it and receive it and always be blessed.

All for His glory,




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