Dated Marketing Tactics


They Have No Place In Your Business



Please, plain and simple.  Please do not use dated marketing strategies. I cannot express this enough. I know I’ve written about this before, but I feel the need to say it again. 

When marketing your business don’t ever think that you have to lie to your potential customers to make money. 

Let me share q quick story with you. I will abbreviate it so that I get my point to you without taking up too much of your time because as you know I could go on and on forever writing a book that you probably don’t have time to read right now. 

There were times when I would chime into coaching calls from others in a true effort to market my business. Excited to learn  something new or different that I may not have been aware of in terms of marketing my business, I instead learned a valuable business building WHAT NOT TO DO TO OTHERS lesson.

There was a young lady I connected with or so I thought. I am one who is always willing to let others into my heart because business for me is more than just business. It’s more than making a thousand dollars in a few days. It’s about building trustworthy relationships and new friendships simply because I love people. I absolutely love to give and I think it’s life changing when we give and are willing to share what God gifts us.

When I give it seems that I am always reminded in some way that for most people business is strictly business.

Okay, so I met this young lady and we shared our business models with one another. She said I had an amazing product ( design business) and she promised me she could get me a ton of business if I allowed her to coach me. I didn’t think that I need one-on-one personal coaching because I had already been in business for so long that I just didn’t feel there was a need. I kindly explained that I would think about it and she said okay.

Well this young lady kept in touch with me on a weekly basis presenting to me her coaching program. She said the price is this, but the offer goes away at midnight. Well I have to say that she badgered me so badly I decided to decline her offer. It was then that she removed me from her Facebook page. Just like her offer, she took me off of her friends list. I was really beyond surprised because in my communication with her I was honest and sincere and excited to have found what I thought was a new friend in business, but me being naive I learned that people just want to make money.

This young lady didn’t care about me not one iota.  Her main goal and focus was her business and making money.  I accepted that fact and now after learning that valuable lesson I learned a lesson on top of that which is the importance of being authentic. Now please don’t get me wrong I’m not downing that young lady for what she did. She did what was best for her and her business. I will always believe deep down in my heart that she has missed out on something potentially awesome.

Create a unique and brilliant marketing strategy for your business and put your clients/customers first.  Remember, business is about people and when you put people first, their concerns and needs my oh my the success that can follow is astounding.

So I want you to think beyond those dated marketing strategies and just be honest. Create your own kind of new with sincerity putting into place a remarkable system using your gifts, skills, knowledge and wisdom.  Design that amazing marketing blueprint for your business and enjoy your unspeakable success.

Blessings Upon You,



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