Optimal Success

Positioning You and Your

Business for Optimal Success

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Have you positioned yourself for optimal success?

If you are living and truly enjoying a rewarding and meaningful life I would like to think that this is true in every aspect of your business. It is my hope and sincerest prayer that your business is flourishing as well and you are reaping the great benefits of being a virtuous woman entrepreneur. 

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As Christian women business owners you should be welcoming unlimited opportunities being presented to you as you conclude each new business transaction. Of course there will be challenges. This is what makes for great learning experiences, faith and wealth building bricks for the foundation on which your business stands. Remember that you have the courage and power to face those obstacles in a positive light. Courage is a valuable trait and as a woman of God you have the awesome and great ability to do all things through Christ who strengthens you. 

Are you taking advantage of and utilizing all of the great tools and knowledge available to you ensure your long lasting success as an entrepreneur. The resources available to you in many forms and can easily be found by doing your research. There is a great abundance of information awaiting you to help you in whatever it is you may be struggling in where your business is concerned. Believe it or not you yourself possess priceless information that you can out to good use to grow your business. Take a look at your business plan and use it as your guide to get you to the next level. I am more than sure that it contains some powerful tidbits that can help you to leverage your business right now and start enjoying a whole new level of optimal success. Y

You stand apart as one of the greatest, if not the very best in whatever it is you do; make sure that your business reflects your brilliance and don’t forget to give God the glory that He alone so richly deserves. 


Cynthia G. Boyer



Before You Dive Into

Anything That You Are Not Sure of

Please Do Your ResearchImage result for research

Brilliant Women Entrepreneurs, there at times when you may feel you need just a little more money to supplement your income. 

While on Facebook the other day, a post came up in my news feed.  There was a young lady who shared her financial struggles with her audience.  She went to say how she and her husband earned $311,000 in 90 days.  She posted a video as she was standing in Times Square talking about this automated system that had shifted and changed her life and that she was no longer going around in circles. There were thousands of people who commented to her post asking her how she did it and that they, too, wanted to make the kind of money she was making and to live the lifestyle she could now afford to live.  Always skeptical, of course, I had to delve in to do my research. 

Seconds after typing the name of her business in the Google search bar, the word scam appeared.  I read about four or five reviews because I have to be fair.  In my assessment of this business I found out some valuable information and because I don’t want to say anything negative about anyone I will just tell you this; if you are in the market for other lucrative streams of income, please do your homework and research and research some more.  It is vital.  Even if you’re starting a new business it is important for you to do your research. 

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I enjoy research simply because it teaches me things that helps to protect myself from being hurt in the long run in more ways than one. 

It is my hope and sincerest prayer that your businesses are thriving and that you, as God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs are truly enjoying doing what you love and in the midst, please don’t forget to give God the glory. 

Be blessed.



Let the Money Flow

Money Flow

How to Get Money Flowing Constantly Into Your Business

Money Flow

It seems to be so very hard to get your hands on all the money you need to sustain your life and your business.  

As women entrepreneurs you brilliantly use your gifts to give God the glory He alone so richly deserves.  You started your business and you built your brand slowly by utilizing your great talents and tools gifted to you by the One Who helped you to create your masterpiece that nows breathes, lives and thrives by the passion that burns deep from within your soul.  However, the money you envisioned is not flowing into your business like you had hoped.  It’s time to make a change entrepreneur in the mirror.

I want you to stop where you are and think about your empire. Do you offer a great service that has the unique ability to change lives in an impactful and positive way? Do you specialize in creating happiness through a product that’s all your own and you want to share it with other budding women entrepreneurs?  Is it something women, children or families need? Will it make their lives easier and maybe even more productive? Maybe your product is eye opening.  Perhaps it is so profound that it truly speaks to the spirit of your customers or clients. If all these things pertain to you and you’re afraid of charging what your product/service is really worth because you are so sure that your target audience will not be willing to pay for your service/product then you may as well close the doors to your business.

Be Bold and Courageous and Watch the Money Flow

Money Flow

Let the Money Flow into Your Hands!

Let’s say you have written an ebook about how to make gift boxes and your ebook is filled with everything your gift basketers need. You even create a bulleted list of items that your customers will need to purchase, you know, all the rights tools to help them to start a highly lucrative and successful business. Your ebook contains in-depth knowledge that gets right down to exactly how they can start their business from beginning to end. You even include links to your video that will help them to go even further and blast their business into a phenomenal empire. Now when it’s time to attach a price for your ebook fear creeps up and steps in whispering in your ear that you cannot add the price that you know your book is worth. Why? Because you fear people are not going to spend what you are asking. Well, let me tell you that this way of thinking is detrimental to you and your business and you may might as well close the doors and windows to your business because you are blocking your blessings and preventing the money from flowing right into your hands which is your bank account.

Money flow

Believe and Receive.  You Deserve It!

Now let’s take a look at you. You are a woman of God. You are a masterpiece created by the Master. You are beyond brilliant. You are amazingly awesome. You have been gifted with a genius mind and you can do what your heart says you can. Remember Who resides there so you already know that you have the ability to succeed. There is no way that you can ever fail. You need not ever think that you can’t do something. Don’t ever devalue your business, service or product because of what you think others may think. Your product/service and you deserve the award of a lifetime because you, my sisters, simply put, are phenomenal and everything you touch turns to gold. It’s the law.

Written by Cynthia G. Boyer

Speaking to the Eyes of Your Audience

Recognizing Greatness

When my son comes to me and says, “Mom, can you buy me these sneakers?’, I already know that they are going to cost a small fortune. I also know that the sneakers are either going to be Jordan’s, NIKE. New Balance or Adidas. My son is an avid basketball fan. It is safe to say that he knows the game inside and out and seems to know all the happenings of the NBA before the players in the NBA! Oh my the NBA..now there’s a logo that is awesome in every way simply because its design is truly unique and speaks to the eyes of it’s audience because it captures of the essence of the game.  


It is truly a dynamic logo rich in history because Jerry West, Mr. Clutch, graces the logo with his presence.  It is a classic symbol and focal point of the NBA’s identity.  It is strong, it is powerful and it says professional basketball.  

Buying Quality


My son’s taste in sneakers is completely different from my taste and not necessarily because of how they look, but because of the price tag attached to those sneakers. I just don’t believe in spending $250 for a pair of sneakers, but then I always have to remind myself that certain sneakers are beyond expensive and they are beyond expensive for one reason; the name which is the brand! When I look at all the different brands my son has to choose from when it comes to buying sneakers and anything else for that matter, I think about the quality of the product. I know that Nike and Adidas produce some of the amazing sports gear in the world. Their logo truly does speak to the eyes of their audience. Nike’s logo is so unique that whenever I see if I know it immediately, without ever having to see the word, Nike, know that it belongs to them.  Adidas has been around forever and whenever I see their unique logo I automatically know that Adidas owns it. These are some ultra powerful logos and products that offer exceptional high quality that can last a lifetime if well taken care of.  

nikeimage  And Then There’s You!

You have created a product or perhaps you provide a need through your services that can help to change and empower lives around the globe.  You are making a profound impact on those you employ and for those you help their lives have been forever blessed.  Your brand truly does speak to the eyes of your audience.  When your potential clients/customers see it they already know that they will be getting a high quality product or an amazing service which is why they are flocking to you!  

As you continue speaking to your audience through your brand, your logo, remember that even though the competition may be fierce, so are you which is why you stand alone when it comes to your business and your powerful brand.  You are one of a kind.  Now go and continue speaking to the eyes of your audience and empower them like they have never been empowered before.  

Written by Cynthia G. Boyer, Approved by B.J. Boyer (SMILE)

Founder/President GVWE 


Want To Make Money

Want To Make Money


Of Course You Do!

Are you an entrepreneur struggling to make money week after week in your business.  You have all the right tools and you’re doing everything you can possibly do to make money on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis, but it’s just not happening for you.  It seems to be beyond possible to make ends meet so much so that you’re thinking about getting a 9-5 even though you dread the thought of having to apply for jobs which you already know will limit you in terms of being able to do things your way.

You have created an amazing product or perhaps you provide a great service that is changing lives everyday, but you are baffled by the lack of business in your business.  Your awesome product, birthed and brilliantly designed by you is just sitting there awaiting your potential customers, but the customers are just not coming and you’re desperately trying to find them.  You’re desperately trying to find where they hang out to inform them that you have what they need.  You’ve even built your website on a powerful platform and it looks phenomenal just as you are phenomenal. Your content is queen and you promote your business every day, but still, all is quiet; too quiet.  You’re getting some traffic to your site, but it’s not enough traffic to make a different in your business and you need to turn this completely around today.  You want to make money because you need to make money.  I know for me when I want something it’s because I need it!!!!!!! 

The Importance of Driving Traffic of Your Website


If you’re not getting enough traffic to your awesome website today is the day that you change this.  Believe it or not you really can make the kind of money you envision and are so deserving of.  Without tons of traffic flooding your website your business will not and cannot grow online.  When you get traffic to your website, your business, it is then that you build your list and when you build your list you make money and lots of money.  There is even potential for you to make a seven-figure income easily. You even have the great potential and abundance to be a millionaire!!!!!!!  

Let’s look into and explore in more detail the importance of traffic for your online presence.


I think this is a perfect of example of what it means in driving traffic to your website for your online business.  When you think about the millions of people who are traveling to work on the highways, expressways and freeways in this country you may be saying to yourself, wow, all of these people are driving to work to earn a living, to make ends meet, to provide for and take care of their families.  To pay the bills, to buy food, to keep the lights on and the house warm or cool, depending on the seasons.  Rush hour traffic can be hard to deal with, but for employers or business owners, it should be considered a true blessing because it means that their employees are traveling to work, some sitting in traffic, to come to work to help make them rich while they make a small portion of the earnings.  Just think if you could drive this kind of traffic to your business you could be rich.  You’ve been working your goal mind and now it’s time to tap into your gold mine to get the money you have been working so hard to get.  Making money is not meant to be difficult. Here are some great ways that you can drive more traffic to your site.

  • Advertising
  • Monthly/Quarterly Newsletters
  • Link building
  • Connections through Networking
  • Vimeo and YouTube Videos
  • Business Blogs
  • Google Adsense
  • Helping Others

These are just some ways that you can drive traffic to your site, but stay tuned for more because the list is never ending!

Making Money Series Coming Soon!    





The Right Combination

The Right Combination


Today is Friday, July 8th, 2016.  I usually clean my house on Fridays.  I enjoy cleaning on Fridays because I know I have something fantastic to look forward to when I get up on Saturdays and that is  building and working on my businesses.  Working my businesses is my passion.  It is truly therapeutic for me.  

Today, as I was washing the dishes I bleached down my counter tops and the kitchen sink.  Whenever I clean anything in my home I always and I mean always add water to my cleaning solutions even if I’m just using a paper towel.  Using water makes an enormous difference in how my appliances and tile look; squeaky clean!  For me, water and whatever cleaning solution I’m using to cleanse certain things in my home has to be the right combination.  Even when I use hand sanitizers it is important for me to use water even though the amount of alcohol in hand sanitizers is more than enough to rid my hands of all kinds of germs. I love drinking water and I love using water because it is just as powerful as the cleaning solution itself, but only when used in conjunction with the right cleaning solutions if that makes sense!

The Tools To Cultivate A Great Business of Amazing Success!


So I’m sure you’re asking me why am I writing this.  I am writing this to convey to you the significance of having the right tools to be a highly successful and great entrepreneur.  It is important for you to realize that as an entrepreneur there are certain components of your business that need to be used and in place at all times to ensure your long-lasting success.  For instance, if you have knowledge of running your business efficiently then you need to have some wisdom in understanding how things work in terms of your business.  

Here’s a terrific example of what I mean. If you create gift baskets then you know it is vital for you to have gifts baskets along with items and products to place in your baskets to compliment your gift basket.  For instance, when you create your gift baskets, perhaps you use themes like breast cancer or birthdays.  In your breast cancer gift basket you may include items like pink candles, pink journals and so one.  You also need shrink wrap and a lovely bow to conclude your beautiful presentation.  All these things are considered tools in the world of business.  Having the perfect tools to cultivate a brilliant business is necessary if you’re going to enjoy a thriving business.  If you’re ready to write the next chapter of your business you’ll need the right tools to do so; pen and paper.  You get the point.

Okay my women entrepreneurs it’s time to get up and cultivate your harvest so that you can reap all the benefits of your investment.

Be blessed.   


More Than Just Business

More Than Just Business

Being So Very Thankful!


More than just business is all about being sincerely thankful and deeply grateful for having the mindset, gifts and skill set to do and be sensational!

Women are making commitments to brand and build their own businesses. Women are really doing grand things like never before as they listen to and heed their entrepreneurial spirit. There is no stopping women from living their lives in abundance, never lack, as they pursue their precious dreams bringing to fruition all the amazing things they have been envisioning for their lives.


If you’re a female entrepreneur looking to take your brand into a whole new realm that stands apart from your competition then it’s time to implement a mind and heart of sincere thanksgiving.

It is essential to understand that there is so much more to business than just doing business. You have been blessed with a unique skill set which is why you birthed your baby. You recognize your brilliance and you shine. You know your worth, priceless. You stand firm, strong, bold and courage and you work from a place, a true heart of gratefulness!  This is how businesses are born and this is how businesses thrive!!!!!!!


Excelling and succeeding in life and business is easy when you have the right tools. I cannot stress enough the importance of being thankful for being given the tools that belong exclusively to you. I promise your life will be forever changed and your business forever blessed when you give thanks to God for all that He does for you!



June’s Newsletter

June’s Newsletter is Here! 

We are excited to share with you June’s Newsletter for God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs.  It is always a blessing to be able to share with God gifts us.  The presents that He is gracious enough to bestow on us is how we keep our businesses thriving.  There is help and hope as well as something special in sharing our unique gifts and creativity!  

And so it is that we present to you, proudly,

Shimeka Fuller Williams


Shimeka is a brilliant woman who applies all the tools and resources that she has to help those trying to escape cubicle captivity in the smartest way possible.  Please read her story and be blessed by her blessings!

Grab your copy here!  Connect and network with Shimeka!  She has a wealth of knowledge and information that can propel your business!


Prosperity, Wealth and Knowledge

A Short and Powerful Message for

God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs!


Oftentimes, a few words of encouragement is all that is needed to help you to begin your day with a positive mindset and a grateful heart, so here it is!


Think abundance and receive your bountiful overflowing harvest every day of your life that pours into your business. Whatever you do in and for business today do it with a grateful heart truly believing that prosperity is your inheritance, your wisdom is wealth and having knowledge is prosperity!



5 Musts Before Launching Your Social Media Marketing Campaign



When you decide to pursue a social media campaign, it’s natural to get a bit excited. You’ve been thinking about the potential returns of social media marketing for a long time, and you want to start earning the rewards as soon as possible. For this reason, many new entrepreneurs and marketers jump in without thinking—and end up wrecking their campaigns before they ever have a chance to get off the ground.

The execution of your campaign matters—significantly—but if you haven’t set yourself up with the proper research and foundations, your campaign’s potential will be crippled. Before you start posting anything on social media, make sure you take care of these five pre-requisites:

1. Know your goals and targets.

This is by far the most important step of the process. Your general goal may be “success” with social media marketing, but what does that “success” really mean? Does it mean more traffic? More likes or followers? Higher brand awareness? Moreover, how are you going to get there? What demographics are you targeting? How are you going to appeal to them? What platforms are you going to use?

If you haven’t thought deeply about these questions, you shouldn’t start your campaign yet. Dig into some market research, as well as some competitive research, to learn more about your industry’s landscape. You’ll want to set a direction for your campaign, including who you’re targeting, why you’re targeting them, and the precise numbers you want to achieve. Without focus, you won’t even know how to measure the success of your campaign.

2. Confirm individual responsibilities and checkpoints.

Who in your company is responsible for managing your campaigns? What, exactly, are they responsible for? Is someone going to take charge of posting new content, with someone else taking point on responding to incoming messages? You’ll want to make this clear before beginning, or certain responsibilities will be lost in the shuffle.

You’ll also want to set up some key checkpoints for your campaign. For example, you may call a meeting every week or two to get the team on the same page and address any issues, or you might set up a monthly evaluation to take the pulse of your campaign and make adjustments as necessary. Outline this as formally as possible.

3. Establish conversion opportunities throughout your site.

No matter how big your social media audience gets, the real value is going to be people clicking through to your website and converting, whether that means joining your email list or buying your products and/or services. Accordingly, before you post anything, you’ll want to go through your site and make sure it’s fully optimized for customer conversions.

Depending on your goals, this could involve setting up specific landing pages for different audience segments or specific functions. However, most of your focus should be centered on providing ample conversion opportunities on your content-rich pages—as this is where the majority of your social audience will end up.

4. Set up an ongoing blog.

You’ll need to set up an ongoing blog, complete with high-quality posts, for a variety of reasons. First, it’s going to serve as discussion material for your social media accounts. Second, it’s going to serve as a means of not only keeping users on your site, but convincing them that you deserve their business. Your content establishes your brand as an authority in your space, which builds trust and drives conversions.

Founder and CEO, AudienceBloom