Your Business

Your Business is You, Your Incredible Gifts Along with Your Unique Great Skill Set That Can Make You Tons of Money!

It’s Thursday afternoon and the rain is pouring.  It’s cold and I am loving it! 

I want to write this post, to once again, remind you that you are women of excellence.  Your unique skill set and ability to get things done in a professional, timely and phenomenal manner places you in a position to create your wealth and not just your finances.  You have been blessed beyond belief, beyond measure to do some magnificent things in business.  You just have to believe that you can and if you’ve already built and branded your empire, then you already know just how great you truly are and your greatness has led to your amazing success

As virtuous women entrepreneurs opportunities will always be presented to you.  When one chapter ends another chapter is waiting to be written.  Take out your journal or notebook.  It’s time to start planning what your next move will be.  It’s time to create your dream/vision board.  It’s time to envision your goals and how you will execute your new plan for building the next extension to for your dynasty.

Look out into the universe; there you will see your prosperity. 

When I think about how God created, formed and laid the foundation of the earth, I think abundance and that’s who you are abundance. 

Be blessed and use the gifts God has given you as you swim in the sea of unlimited potentiality.  In that sea you will find your financial wealth and without fear, you can build and blaze your brand like never before.

Written by Cyndi

Manifesting Money

The True Art of Manifesting Money

It Begins with You and Your Attention To Detail

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manifesting money

Why Manifest Money?

Why manifest money? Because it can be life and business changing for you.

The true art of manifesting money begins with you. It starts with having a grateful heart.  Manifesting money also begins in how you think.  When you begin manifesting money you will see that is has the potential to change your business and the way you do business.

The art of manifesting money is an amazing life-loving journey that can truly impact your life in an incredible way. 

Manifesting money is an art that, once you discover how it really works, you can get money flowing into your life easily, quickly and effortlessly. Everything you think about when turn into gold even before it comes to fruition.

Once you put into place your personalized affirmations and you begin speaking them over your life every day, you will start  seeing other miracles happening all around you.  You are going to be in awe once you begin to implement these profound and life changing tools into your being.  Your life is going to change in ways you’d never expect. 

You are going to be super and I do mean beyond excited when you start to see your business and your life encounter greater success than you ever thought possible.

Once you discover the pure goodness in the art of manifesting money with our MATH Course, Money in Abundance with Thanksgiving from the Heart, you will start to see all kinds of incredible changes taking place in your life as well as in your business.

Change Your Life Today

manifesting money

Manifesting money will change your life in profound ways.

I wrote this MATH course because I want my Sister entrepreneurs to enjoy the same financial success that I enjoy everyday of my life.

If you want to get money flowing into your life right now, I invite you to order my ebook, MATH and watch for the goodness and success that promises to change not only your business, but your life and everything that is a part of who you are. 

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Are You Stuck Where Your Business Is Concerned?

It’s March 2017, soon to be April 2017. Are you stuck where your business is concerned?  Are you still having trouble moving into the next phase of your business?  I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to continue being stuck not for another nano of a second!

As Entrepreneurs, not only should you be adding new chapters to your book as you tell and share your story about your entrepreneurial journey, but you should be adding new steps to your own unique and personalized ladder every month. This is your season to enjoy great success.  Every month you should be writing new thank you’s in your journal for having been gifted with amazing and phenomenal!

Are you stuck where your business is concerned?

 Are You Stuck Where Your Business Is Concerned? It’s Time To Shift

If you’re an entrepreneur and you’re stuck in the same place as you were December 31, 2016, then it is imperative that you apply a few new business changing elements to ensure you never find yourself stuck again. Let’s get you moving into the flow of making exciting happen even if it’s just a little everyday.


Think about all the things you are doing that are not working for you. Let’s scan and purge all files and notes. If they are not serving you well or at all, then delete them or you can store them in your archives if you think you may need to refer to them later at some point during your entrepreneurial journey. Yes. You are on a life altering g journey swimming the sea of unlimited potentiality.


You need to continue making a daily list of things to do. Write down your goals and as you work towards achieving them remember that you’re running a marathon. Not a sprint. Take your time just simply trusting and believing that you will attain your goals. Enjoy learning new things that will challenge you.  You will prosper.  You’re on the pathway to learning new things about yourself as you dive into growing your business a little more than the day before. This is how you learn to really appreciate using all that God gives you because all the things you are implementing into your business makes you think and say to yourself, “Wow this lesson that I just learned is phenomenal brilliant!” It will also help to boost your business and illuminate your brand.


Be thankful and sincerely grateful for the awesome business woman you have become. You’re wise. Intelligent. Brilliant. Proficient. Talented. Skilled and gifted. You demonstrate excellence in all aspects of your business. Take your God gifted tools and use them to your advantage, always with thoughts of being a help and blessing to others. There are blessings in blessing others but remember to do it from the heart.  If one of your many goals is to make money, then you will need to incorporate the above to manifest rows of money in fields of abundance.  If you want to continually grow money then you it is imperative that you water your fields and watch your harvest come in by simply using your gifts and skills and pour your passion into your business as you plant seeds to fulfill your every dream wish and goal.

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There are countless ways to make money if this is your goal. You are a well of resources and for those in need you are support. Here are some fantastic ways for you to make additional money to supplement what you already have:

Write an ebook and share that valuable information stored in the treasure chest of your heart and don’t be afraid that someone may steal your idea. No worries. God will protect all that He’s given you to share. Remember He’s faithful. Just think of the feeling that will encompass just knowing that you are sincerely being a help to others.

  • Give a free coaching session even if you’re not a coach because you really are a coach.
  • Create, design and sell a product that can help to bless and or perhaps transform a soul.
  • Teach a class.
  • Give a webinar. 
  • Create your own brand of tee shirts.
  • Make jewelry at your dining room table.  Gather some girlfriends together and ask them to help you. 
  • Design gift baskets as give-always.
  • Open an Etsy shop.
  • Start a blog that you can attach to your website.
  • Join affiliate programs that will allow money to stream into your life and business.
  • Write a monthly newsletter and offer to add something of great value to your audience.

These are just some business building tips that you can use to grow and prosper your business and promises to bring more money flowing into your business.  Think positively.  Encourage yourself. Give God thanks and believe that you can do all things through Christ.  Go on now and move that mountain.  You are powerful!

Be blessed,



It’s Time to Rejuvenate. 

Explore and Discover your infinite gemstones!

Their hidden in your garden!!!

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Spring has arrived. Let us give thanks to God for His faithfulness and goodness.

Winter has gone and Spring is here.  Even though Winter has departed, we can still feel the crispness of chill in the wee hours of the morning and in the evening when the sun has set. 

In this new season there is much to be done.  Pretty soon it will be time for us to pull up the weeds and replace them with perennials and annuals.  We want our garden to be a breath-taking, awe-inspiring garden, a rich and bountiful harvest thriving with a spectrum of vibrant, bold and beautiful colors just like you.

Being one of God’s Virtuous Women Business Owners says a lot about you as a woman.  First of all you are brilliant.  It’s how you were created.  You’re beyond intelligent.  It’s just your mindset.  You possess this inner glow, that special light that never flickers.  You are a gemstone.  You are truly a luminous being and because you are this rare commodity, you have the gifts, skill set, proficiency and authority to do great things.  Being all of the above comes from within. 

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Being a business owner means demonstrating and showing your customers that you are so much more than just someone who can provide a service or even perhaps offer a word of life-changing advice to someone in need.  When you take everything that God has clothed you with, your wisdom, knowledge, compassion, passion, understanding, patience, generosity, gifts and you begin to swim in the sea of unlimited potential you become the entrepreneur you were meant to be. 

Living your life to the fullest is not only about being an entrepreneur, but it’s about using the abundance that is deep within to pursue your dreams and make them come to fruition, truly full circle while being a blessing to others.  This is how you experience success.  This is how your business breathes by you being the phenomenal woman that you are first and displaying your wonderment each and everyday.  When people see you they should always recognize immediately upon looking at your radiance and countenance that you are an awesome woman of God first and this is exactly how you have built your empire.  Be proud of the woman you have become. 


You Define It

Related imageWhen you think of abundance does wealth, prosperity and riches enter into your thoughts or is it money that seeps into your mind. Does the word abundance and it’s meaning stop at the doors of your life or does it go beyond flowing over into every aspect of your business. If not, it should. 

Your business is a part of you. You breathed life into it. You feed and nourish it everyday. You create goals around your business. It is an entity that has great potential and with your unique skills that you continually hone your business thrives and flourishes like a beautiful healthy garden where the hues of your flowers are vibrant, colorful and full of life. 

To truly enjoy the abundance of gifts that God has awaiting your business and you, always remember to give God the Father glory. Be thankful unto Him and bless His holy name. 

Receive and accept God’s great plans for your business. Apply His plans for your business to your empire. Allow His principles to become a part of how you do business to ensure even greater success throughout your years in business.

As the money flows into your empire always give a portion of your earnings to advance God’s kingdom work. Be kind to your customers. Listen to them. Give them what they need. You are a blessing to them. Remember you have what they need. Remember you have and continue to provide a service or product that have deeply impacted their life in a positive and major way. You are unique and so is your brand. This is how you have been able to stay afloat and thrive where your business is concerned. Opportunities come and never stop. Turn them into a million dollars. 

From Him. For Him.

Using Our Gifts From God. For God.


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If you’re reading this Holy Spirit gifted post then it means you’ve been blessed to see and bask in another brand new day of life.  Another day to perhaps get right what you need to get or make right. Only you know what that is.

For me it is constantly working to update certain things about my businesses and blogs that have been given to me from God the Father and from the mind and heart of those who have been blessed with the knowledge to see and know the things that I didn’t know and therefore could not see.

What is it for you that you feel you need to change or update where your business is concerned.  Whatever it is now is the time to get it all done.  So from this day forth I want you to let your light shine and glorify God as you heed His wise counsel. There is no better way to do business. 

Here’s a story I want to share with you that may be of some amazing value to you in some.  It is also my hope that you take and apply this great information to whatever area your business needs it most. 

Agnes Ikotun

Agnes Ikotun

Years ago I met a very lovely young lady. Her name is Agnes Ikotun. She is a website designer and owner of AI Web Designs. Her work is exceptional and her business knowledge is vast. Her heart is sincere and because of her honesty she was kind enough to share some valuable things with me about my businesses that have helped me to see that my unlimited potential is even more unlimited than I thought, if that makes sense. 

I love how Agnes broke down and explained to me that I need to update some things about my design business.  I am forever grateful because I love it when we, as women of God, are willing to open our hearts and pour blessings into each others business which in turn affects our lives.

Agnes has helped me to change the way I see my businesses.  She is helping me to make the necessary changes with Cyndi’s Light Work Designs to keep my business afloat. When I reached out to Agnes in December 2016 to ask her about helping me to restructure my website for Cyndi’s Light Work Designs I had no idea that I was going to learn the priceless information she has gifted me. As an entrepreneur Agnes believes in us helping one another. Isn’t this a form of love ladies. I love to be a blessing to others. This, I will always believe, is what life is all about and I believe it starts from God and then doing it all for Him.  It is then that we can help each other. This will help to ensure that your business is sustained for years to come along with the success that you truly deserve. 

Be blessed God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs.

Written by Cynthia G. Boyer



Information Abundance

That’s Who You Are!

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You are information abundance. You are a brilliant woman entrepreneur.  Your business is an extension of your life. You are the heart of your business. Your life and light reflects all the goodness your business was created and designed to be which is to be a help to others. If there is anything you are withholding that continues to lay dormant in your luminous being, please let it out and share it with the world. You created your business to change and bless lives. If you touch one person and they are blessed by whatever product or service you offer or provide I sincerely believe that their life has been changed or has the potential to change at some point and time, all for the betterment of their home and/or environment. 

Now is the time to pour everything into your business that is in your reservoir, you, attach passion to it and make your dynasty even more successful then it already is or everything that it has the potential to become. 

You are abundance filled with a well of overflow. As you swim in the sea of unlimited potentiality you can never run out of ways to leverage your business and make it even greater. While you may not think that this is possible remember that you have endless possibilities for growing your business. This is how you stay inspired. This should be where your motivation comes from just knowing that God opens one door and then the next as long as you stay true to Him, to yourself and to your business. You may as well make a beeline to Office Depot, Staples or Dollar Tree and purchase a bulk of journals because God is promising to do new things for you. He knows what you are capable of producing and doing. He sees all that you are doing with the gifts He has given you. He’s going to bless your deeds and actions in ways you only dream about. All of this is real. You better believe that you have an amazing journey ahead of you.

I want you to enjoy and love working your business. It’s a part of you. You birthed it. You nourish it  and it grows. You bless it and it flourishes.  So if there is anything on your plate in reference to your business is not feeding you nor your business scrape it off your plate right at this very moment. There’s never a need for you to be all over the map. Having too much on your plate should never make you feel important. Doing what the Holy Spirit instructs you to do and you heeding His every word should make you feel all the more awesome and highly blessed and favored because you are important to Him. When it comes to being an entrepreneur you excel because you belong to God. It is with the blessings of His infinite wisdom that you do all that is exclusive to you.

Be the phenomenal entrepreneur you were born to be. Be blessed. 

Written by Cynthia G. Boyer

Now Is The Time

Now Is The Time To Plant Those Seeds

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 Now is the time to sow seeds in the richest soil of your business, yes that would be you, and allow them to take root by watering them with your gifts and knowledge. Your seeds will grow and your increase shall be a bountiful harvest.  Don’t ever forget that you have unlimited potential to grow your business into fields of prosperity and abundance.

It’s time to think of your business like a garden. How does a garden grow. Think about it. Apply this same wealth of information to your business and increase your sales today.  

It’s February, but for the most part the days have been pretty mild with a few cold days here and there. Most landscaping businesses are preparing and gearing up for the humming of their lawn mowers. Their customers will need to have their lawns manicured. Their goal is lots of greenery to beautify and compliment the exterior of their homes. The landscaping businesses start planning and planting seeds early so that by the time April and May usher in the lawns of their customers have been fed and nourished with those vibrant green grass enhancing products they use or create themselves. 

Let’s take a look at your business. Is it where you want or need it to be. Are you really making money or is there something lacking in your business. Could it be that you’re not getting enough traffic or leads because in order to make money you must have massive traffic going to your website. This can be hard to accomplish if you don’t have or aren’t using the right tools and please know and understand that with the correct tools your business can soar like a city fenced up to heaven.

So, where are you in your business right now? If you’re struggling ask yourself what you can do differently to make an impact on/in your business. Study your business. See what you can improve upon. Does anything need to be changed?  Evaluate your business. Take your time and really think about all these things. You have great potential. You are awesome and sometimes it just takes positive words to affirm your greatness to remind yourself that yes I can do this. Also don’t ever be afraid to ask for help if you really feel you need it. Everybody needs help from an advisor, coach or mentor from goal-to-goal, dream-to-dream. You’d be surprised how your business can jump from one level to the next ten levels if you just ask for help and if you do decide to ask for help and you feel it resonates with you then make sure you apply it to your business.

I hope that this little piece of information is an enormous piece of information that has done just that. To God be all the glory!!!! Be Blessed. 

Written by Cynthia G. Boyer

Soar and Sell

Give Your Business a Boost

Planting Seeds of Words of Encouragement Everyday

Into Your Mind and Heart for Every Aspect of Your Business


You maybe wondering why I wrote soar and sell instead of sell and soar. It would be beyond easy to just say what you know is the obvious; sell and soar. If you have a product and you make a sell your energy level soars through the roof.

So instead of doing the norm, let’s create a new way of manifesting your wealth. 

Let’s get real excited.  I want you to write down those things that you want to help make your life a lot easier and more productive.  You have been giving and so very generous in providing for others what they need, now it’s time for you to do the same for  yourself.  So, to change your current financial forecast let’s get excited and soar in your business.  Everyday when you enter into your office or work space, I want you to say to yourself, blank is going to soar today!  Visualize this and watch your product start selling like never before.  Is it just that simple.  You’d better BELIEVE it!

You Have So Much Talent

Use What God Has Gifted You

To The Fullest of Your Potential

You have so much talent. So why are you stopping there. You are beyond gifted. In addition to your gifts and talents you have an abundance of tools swimming in the sea of unlimited potentiality. These tools, you know the ones that are relevant to your business, can make an enormous difference in how successful your empire can be. You just need to know what tools you need to use, like having systems in place. You don’t want to use anything that isn’t relevant to your dynasty.