And It’s Changing Ways
I just got off the phone with a very dear close friend of mine. She, too, is an entrepreneur. We don’t talk everybody because we both have businesses to run, but we do check in weekly to share tidbits and to inspire.
When I called her a few minutes ago she sounded a little tired. I understand her feeling. She is constantly and may I say she is consistent when it comes to her business goals. She has to be as do we all. We talked briefly and I wanted to share with you what I told just told her in all of the three minutes we spoke.
I told her that I had to change my meta descriptions on my website, Beauty and the Face. She said that’s technology for you; you have to keep up with it and I responded with this; Yes, technology is changing every second we breathe. My friend laughed so hard when I said that and I said, and I’m not going to wrack my brain trying to keep up with it. I went on to say that as long as the Holy Spirit is guiding and instructing me and I am faithfully heeding His every word and following Him then I cannot go wrong regardless of how much technology changes.
I hope this little information inspires you in some way.
Have a blessed business.