Making Money Should Be Easy

Making Money Does Not Have To Be Complicated

Manifesting money is easy when you know how

How to manifest money quickly and easily and consistently

Trust in the Lord with all your heart.

Do you know that making money is easy? Many people in the world today are chasing after money for different reasons. Some people want and need money because they have families to care for and some people want to live a certain lifestyle.

I can honestly say that I have never chased after money because I didn’t have to. Did I need money? Yes, but don’t we all need money to pay bills, buy food and for other reasons.

When sales were slow I would feel a little down, but not because I wasn’t earning money, but because I wanted my potential customers to experience my amazing skincare products. Me being able to help others has always been my main goal. I knew that I had great products and I wanted as many people as possible to see how their skin would glow once they tried my all natural body butters. And when that didn’t happen I knew that I had to do something different.

Please understand, making money is important to me because again, I get to tithe and help others. I love to tithe because it blesses the lives of others. It is important that we all thank the Lord for giving us the tithes to tithe because if it weren’t for the Lord we wouldn’t able to tithe or do anything else for that matter.

Listen, making money does not have to be complicated. Would you like to know how I make money on a constant basis?

Here’s how I get money flowing into my life.

The art of manifesting money

I speak what I want because I believe God when He said I can have anything I want. So I simply speak to my heart and mind as if I’m talking to a friend and I say, I have………$……… the amount of money that I want. Believe that you can have whatsover you say and open your hands and arms to receive it.

Speaking affirmations is another way that helps me to receive. I only use affirmations that resonate with my spirit. This is important. I’ll share these powerful affirmations in my money series that’s coming soon.

I also use prayer bullets that help me to manifest money

And then of course I use my gifts that God has given me because I am deeply passionate about these gems from the Lord.

Now do you see how easy it is to manifest money? And not only is it easy, but it’s also fun because you are going to enjoy watching money flow into your life.

Asking questions about money can bring a whole lot of money into life. I’ll tell you more about that some other time.

For now, I hope this short manifesting post will help you to get started on your manifesting money journey.

Relax and let go and watch money flow into your life freely, easily and quickly.

Be blessed,
