God’s Open Doors of Endless Opportunities

Gods Open Doors of Endless OpportunitiesBeing an entrepreneur has shown me many things. It has also presented me and opened my eyes to endless opportunities.

God’s open doors of endless opportunities have helped to grow, not just my businesses, but my life.

The lessons I have learned have been tremendous. Am I grateful? Yes. I am beyond grateful.

God has graced and granted me with much wisdom. His lovingkindness blesses me in ways too numerous to count. Whenever I hear someone say count your bless I say to myself it would be impossible because God’s blessings are innumerable.

However, not only do I count my blessings, I give God thanks for His blessings.

When I prepare to start each day I look forward to hearing from God. I know He is going to share something phenomenal with me. Whether it’s a word from His word to speak to my heart, or perhaps an article to touch, warm and transform someone’s life, I get excited because I already know His word is going to be powerful.

Not only is God’s word going to be powerful, it is going to phenomenal. He is going to clothe me with a lesson so profound that it will be life-changing in some way.

As a result, not only am I going to receive a multitude of blessings, but others will be blessed as well because I share and I give.

When this happens God’s open doors of endless opportunities immediately become available to me. I walk through each door as He presents them to me with faith and confidence. I glean valuable information that I refer to as priceless gems.

Have you ever experienced God’s open doors of endless opportunities in your business? If so, what have you learned? Are there any doors that you have yet to walk through?

I’m sure that God has a plethora of doors of endless opportunities awaiting you? Is there something that prevents you from walking through God’s open doors of endless opportunities?

If you are sitting dormant and some giants have stilled your steps, I advise you to go to the word of God and read the following Scripture. Joshua 1:9, Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”  Prayerfully, this will help you to see the light that will lovingly, mercifully and gracefully guide you to God’s open doors of endless opportunities.

You don’t have to be afraid because with Jesus leading the way and His Holy Spirit convicting you, you cannot go wrong. Your paths will be straight and your compass will direct you into even greater success.

Be blessed and give God thanks,






Stepping Out In Faith Once Again

Your Faith Walk

Stepping out in faith once againStepping out in faith, once again, I had finally found the courage to take that first into my greater. I have to say not only has my life shifted, but my mindset has taken me on a powerful journey in more ways than one. As a result, I am truly enjoying the life loving lessons that have positioned me for greatness. 
Firstly, during the building of my businesses, of which there are many, and all that I love, God has graciously deposited seeds into my garden. Upon watering these seeds, I along with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, have grown a bountiful harvest. This harvest, rich and plentiful, is the environment in which my mind lives, thrives and abundantly flourishes. 
Secondly, when I started out in business I had a powerful system in place.

Stepping Out In Faith Once Again To Be Bold and Brilliant

I quickly learned how to create my own marketing materials. I also learned the ins and outs of WordPress, which in my opinion, is one of the most complicated and amazing platforms on the planet. It was a difficult process, but one that I was willing and wanted to master. I am glad I did. WordPress has so much to offer in terms of helping you to build a professional blog or website. It has everything your business needs to help you to create a website masterpiece. WordPress can do wonders for your business if you’re willing to put in and do the work. You can transform your business if it’s presently stuck in the miry clay. Once you master WordPress I think you will see that it has everything you need for the success of your business. 
 Thirdly, I knew that if I was going to prosper any part of all of my business I had to read and learn about SEO to drive traffic to my blogs and website. 
I also learned about affiliate marketing. Google Adsense was one of the first programs of many that caught my attention. I signed up for an account and it took me a little over a year to receive my first $100 check. The reason why it took me so long was because I wasn’t getting nearly enough traffic to my sites. This seems to be a problem many blogger and business owners have. It wasn’t until I had a few bright bulb moments that I finally had/have money coming in from my websites as well as from my products and ebooks. 
If you’re struggling to prosper in business here are a few tips that I would like to offer you. I suggest you apply all these tips to generate more traffic to your business. Monetizing your business is one of the reasons you started your blog right? Why not utilize the resources available to you. 
May I suggest that you ask yourself the following questions:
Should you re-evaluate your goals?
What resources do you presently use to grow your business?
Do you use the various social media platforms available to you?
Have you found your target audience?
Ask yourself these important questions and I will help you search for answers.
Be blessed and be awesome!

Pandemic Leadership Pivots

Pandemic Leadership PivotsEntrepreneur and Coach, Lougenia Trailblazer Rucker sent me a copy of the slides from her Pandemic Leadership Pivots masterclass. Today, I’m sharing this special bonus with you – the audio recording of the masterclass!


Lougenia shared on Tuesday’s masterclass, that enrollment in the Diamond Heart Kingdom Mentorship is now open. Please do not pass up the opportunity for growth!

Wondering if the Diamond Heart Kingdom Mentorship is right for you? Ask yourself these two questions:

Does thinking about enlarging your territory, expanding your brand and figuring out what to do next make you feel overwhelmed?

Does the thought of crossing over into the next “Big” Dimension of your life make you feel vulnerable, nervous or stuck?

If yes, then now is the time to get diamond clear, power up on purpose to experience the SHIFT with amazing life-changing results and exponential growth through the power of mentorship and mastermind.

CLICK HERE to learn more and enroll today!

If you would like to setup an appointment with me to discuss if the Diamond Heart Kingdom Mentorship is right for you, CLICK HERE to get on my calendar.

Be blessed, be safe,

Dr. Lougenia Trailblazer J. Rucker

Divine Diamond Ministries

Copyright © 2020 Dr. Lougenia J. Rucker, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

Dr. Lougenia J. Rucker

PO Box 49082

Philadelphia, PA 19141

Add us to your address book





Be Anxious For Nothing

Be anxious for nothingThere’s a story I’d like to share with you.

Back in March I stopped my online sales for Beauty and the Face, LLC for personal reasons.

Even though I was no longer selling any of my beauty products I was still creating, writing and designing marketing materials. I want to be prepared so that when September comes in I’ll be ready to resume my online sales.

During this time that I was out of work, money was still flowing into me from other resources and I mean a lot of money.

One day when I was expecting another financial windfall and avalanche to flow in I did something to mess up this great avalanche of abundance. It was was entirely my fault.

When the funds began pouring into my life I was elated and beyond grateful. I am always beyond grateful aren’t I?

Well, as fast as the money was flowing into me from multiple sources, it stopped and I became very anxious, too anxious to be honest. I started beating myself up and asking myself why in the world did you do this? Was I being greedy or was I anxious? I would have to definitely say that I was being anxious as I’ve never been one to be greedy where money is concerned.

During this time, I had to remind myself of God’s word which is be anxious for nothing. This priceless verse of Scripture was speaking to me loud and clear. Isn’t something how certain verses of Scriptures leap into your heart in certain scenarios.  I learned, through all of the mistakes I had made, that I must remember to trust God. I took my mind, heart and eyes off of Him for a split second and my world changed.

I am here to tell you, God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs, that no matter what kind of storm you find yourself in, you have to keep your faith and trust in God and believe that He is with you.

He will never leave you nor forsake you. God the Father promises to provide all that you need and He will.  Our gracious and merciful God will support you and love you with an unfailing love. You just have to trust Him.

And so in all my anxiousness I began praising and thanking God, in advance, for turning my situation right around. Isn’t it something how when we mess things up we have to call on God to help us because He only is our Rock. Somehow I forgot that for a moment. When I realized that all I have to do is trust Him, I calmed down, I asked Him to forgive me and once again, He opened the windows of heaven and now I’m back in the flow.

Thank You, Lord for all You do for me.

Be blessed,



Daily Encouragement for Female Entrepreneurs

Encouraging You To Be The Greatest Entrepreneur Ever

Encouragement. It’s a game changing component for anyone in business.

While I understand the essentials of business, from marketing to promoting, I also know the importance of encouragement.

Being a business owner goes way beyond the norm of all the intricacies that gets poured into a business. Building relationships, selling products and services that can change lives in a powerful way is the goal we should strive for.

As a business owner I have learned a very valuable lesson that I like to share with other women entrepreneurs.

Daily Encouragement for female entrepreneurs should be a way of life.

Encouraging one another through word, deed and/or action is also an important element for business. Starting each day encouraging yourselves is vital and should be your focus before you start your business day.

I like the idea of receiving encouragement and I love that I can do the same for others.

Did you know that you can encourage yourself.

Yesterday, as I set out to execute my to-do-list, I was excited because the Holy Spirit had spoken to me.

He clearly said, Cynthia, get up and update your Rubies in the Garden website. I immediately heeded His Word and logged into WordPress. Before logging into my WordPress account I took a good look at my existing website. I said, Cynthia, this is all wrong. You have to fix this! So I jumped right into work mode and worked until 9 last night. It took quite some time to get the right theme to match my thoughts, but I was finally able to get it all done. I didn’t need anything long and drawn out or super complicated because anyone who uses WordPress knows that it, along with all it’s themes, can be a challenge.

I finished updating my website, previewed it and then logged off. Rubies in the Garden is one of my many loves because it showcases my writing style. I get to provide other women with encouragement and much needed inspiration in a challenging world.

As you begin each day I hope you will encourage yourself because you are awesome women of God. You deserve only the best because you are the best.

Daily encouragement for female entrepreneurs; it is more powerful than you know.

Kingdom blessings,





The Abundance Prayer

In every thing give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Giving thanks to God is one of the most important things that you can do upon awakening to His glory, mercy and unfailing love.

I know that there are a lot of people who are going through difficult times in their lives right at this very moment. Financial struggles are real and people are desperate to change their financial forecast.

No matter what anyone is going through I think it is important that we sit back and reflect on the goodness of the Lord God Almighty and give Him thanks.

When March 2020 rolled around my recently married girlfriend called to ask if I could whip up a jar of butter cream for her dry skin. She has been suffering from dry skin for quite some time now and has tried just about every name brand to generic lotion in an effort to achieve her skincare goals. She has never tried my beauty products, Beauty and the Face, and decided to give me a call because she wanted to make a purchase. I told her that my business was on hold for a while because of all that was going on in our nation. She understood and thanked me. I promised to ship her a jar as soon as my store reopens this fall.

During this time, I was told by another friend that since my business was closed for the time being I should apply for UC. Let me say this; God is an awesome God, just phenomenal, understanding, good and great in every way. Not once has He ever failed me or left my side. Thank You, Lord God for all that You are doing for me. Please join me in giving God the thanks He richly deserves. He is worthy of our praise!

As a servant and faithful woman of God, I love to honor and glorify Him. I realize that no matter where I am in business I have to give God thanks. I have so much to be grateful for and I am sure you do too.

In every thing give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

When God wakes you up, be it in the wee hours of the night or whatever time you get up out of  your bed every morning, I want you to give Him thanks even before your feet hit the floor. The moment you realize that you have been awakened I want you to start singing God’s praise. This is a fantastic and really the only way to begin your day.

Giving God thanks puts you into the flow of having an amazing day as He is at the helm of your day, leading, guiding, directing and instructing you. God truly does guide you with His eye. You must learn to trust Him. He and only He will direct your paths and give you the desires of your heart.

Another way to show God how much you love and appreciate Him is to give. I have to tell you I love to give. I love to be a blessing to others and I give every week to help advance God’s Kingdom work. This is a wonderful to live your life. Giving showers you with such a great feeling of thanksgiving because being able to give is a form of thanksgiving, well at least for me it is and always will be.

So awesome women of God, in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Be blessed ladies,



Can’t Miss Virtual Marketing Campaigns

How To Create Can’t-Miss Virtual Marketing Campaigns To Engage Your Audience

Remember all the meetings you had at the end of last year about what this year’s marketing strategy would look like? It’s time to revisit those plans if you haven’t already and revamp them to match the changing environment in which we find ourselves as we enter the second half of 2020.

In the marketing world, the main change that has occurred in the past six months is, of course, the shift away from experiential marketing as the world moved inside to avoid COVID-19. Instead, many brands are turning to community-building as a focus. That means more digital content to connect with audience members who are spending more time at home and online.

It’s more important now than ever to pursue a virtual marketing strategy that meets customers where they are. Now isn’t the time to stay the course with whatever marketing plan you planned in the fourth quarter of 2019. Consumers’ needs and habits have changed drastically, and your efforts should change with them.

If you want to engage your brand’s audience as the COVID-19 pandemic continues, you need to embrace the benefits of virtual marketing and implement such strategies right away. Need a head start? Jump in with the following three strategies.


1. Use video to speak to each of your audiences.

Using video to engage audiences may seem like a no-brainer, but adding more video to your marketing strategy does require some nuance. ”Video is appealing because you can break some traditional marketing rules and create specific, targeted videos tailored to all of your audiences,” says Nayani Vive, vice president of regional business development at marketing and advertising agency RAPP.

2. Encourage user-generated content.

Contests or challenges in which your audience members post photos, comments, or other content — also known as user-generated content, or UGC — can be a great way to engage with people digitally and keep your brand top of mind. Think about your goal for the campaign. Do you want to build your community, or do you want participants to take a particular action, like making a purchase or donating to a cause? The answer to that question will guide the type of campaign you implement.

For examples of successful UGC-based campaigns, look no further than FedEx and Coca-Cola. FedEx rolled out an “Innovation Challenge” for young people, asking them to solve science and math problems, post photos as they completed scavenger hunts, and answer trivia questions, all with the aim of teaching them STEM skills. And Coca-Cola asked members of its global audience to send in photos the brand could use to build a mosaic flag to debut at the FIFA World Cup. Both strategies show that if you cater your calls to action to your audience’s interests and values, they’ll want to play along.

3. Host a virtual event.

Have your in-person activations, conventions, or conferences been canceled for the year? That doesn’t mean you can’t hold an event — it just needs to move to a virtual environment. There are wide-ranging benefits of hosting a virtual event. You can invite as many people as you want no matter where they live, and that goes for guests and audience members alike. And aside from any costs related to the video or streaming platform you choose, you won’t have to worry about renting a location, providing meals, or incurring any other costs associated with a traditional in-person event.

Instead, focus your efforts around the production value of your virtual event. Instead of simply scheduling a video meeting via the teleconference platform of your choice, make it feel like a real event with branded backgrounds, high-quality audio and video, and lots of interactive elements to keep audiences engaged. Ensure your presenters or hosts have plenty of time to prepare for the event, just as you would for an in-person gig. Remember that distractions abound for audience members at home, so your event needs to be energetic and interactive to keep viewers engaged throughout.

Even as some businesses around the world begin to open their doors to the public and consumers venture back to their favorite brick-and-mortar locations, others are prepared to wait several more months before changing their habits. For brands, that means the increased importance of virtual marketing won’t fizzle out over the summer or even into autumn. For the foreseeable future, digital campaigns will be critical — and with these strategies in your toolbox, you’ll be able to continue connecting with your audience virtually the whole time.



Now Is The Perfect Time To Change Your Life

Become An Entrepreneur. How To Start Your Own Business

Now is the perfect time to change your life. It is the most wonderful time to start a business

Have you been thinking about starting a home based business, but you’re still on the fence. May I ask what’s stopping you. Is it you? Are you afraid of something? Maybe you don’t have an inkling of where you should start.

Let me say this; the path to starting your business promises to take you on a profound life altering journey. It goes beyond fulfilling because you get to do all the things that you are passionate about. Starting a home based business or any business is easy when you have the right tools and it all begins with you. Please allow me to elaborate as I speak to you from my own life and business building experiences and events.

Starting a business gives you the opportunity to use your never ending incredible potential and please trust me, you can do this. You can do anything. It all starts in your mind. It is the planting of a seed that can grow a full harvest with never ending rows and bountiful fields of abundance, wealth and prosperity. You just have to make up your mind to do it which is such a powerful thing. It is then that you will be on your way to experiencing greater and amazing!

Now Is The Perfect Time To Change Your Life. Here’s How You Begin.

In the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Before taking the steps to building your new future and lifestyle, you go to God. You pray and ask His Holy Spirit for His guidance. Speak to Him and share your goals with Him. If you’re afraid of something let Him know so that He can help you to release and remove those giants from your path whatever they or whatever fears concern you.

One by one you speak to those giants and you tell them to be cast into the sea. Speak boldly. Don’t be afraid and remember to believe that you can do anything with the Holy Spirit guiding and instructing you.

Now let’s build that foundation. Rock solid. Doing this ensures that your business never crumbles.

Incorporate the following Scriptures into the building of your empire. It is important that these Scriptures abide in you for they are from Jesus. Meditate upon them both day and night.

James 2:26 – As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead.

Habukkah 2:2 – And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. 

Proverbs 29:18 – Where there is no vision, the people perish.

Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. 

Proverbs 16:3 – Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.

Philippians 1:6 – Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. 

Now Let’s Dream!

Do you see yourself as a highly successful entrepreneur? Pen it to paper. Maybe you see yourself selling a much needed product. Perhaps you have a coaching service that has the wonderful ability to change lives a little everyday.

Go on and dream. This is the beginning stage of your life changing business. Be creative and design a brilliant business.

As you continue to dream you think of an idea. You embrace a vision. You set goals and you pen them to paper in full and complete meticulous details. You need this business to be successful from the opening of the gate doors. Anything that pertains to your business pen it immediately. You can refer to your notes off and on as you make plans to design your empire. It doesn’t matter how small or unimportant your ideas or plans may be, if you think that they are relevant to your business write them down. They are all important. When you do this you will be amazed at how one great idea after another will come to you.

And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water. One great and remarkable idea after the other will flow into you.

Now that you have taken the necessary steps to build your business it’s time to write your business plan. If you’re not familiar with how to write a business plan or if you don’t know how to write one go here to see samples to help you write your own. This step is super important. They have a great wealth of information on your website that can help you to leverage your business.

The Next Step; Building Your Website

When you build your website you need to plan it out. Ask yourself what pages will you need.

To make it easy, you can begin planning your website with the basics; Home; About Me; Contact, etc., and I highly recommend using WordPress. WordPress is great. It can be difficult to use at first, but if you persevere you will be able to master it like I did when I first starting making all of my own websites.

Weebly is another great platform that you should consider. They have some lovely templates and they have a drag and drop feature that makes it award winning. You just have to add your keywords for SEO and whatever else they suggest to drive traffic to your website.

If you choose to go with WordPress you will need hosting. I use bluehost. Bluehost has a host of tools you can use to build your website. If I had to suggest which platform to use I would have to go with WordPress and I think you should too.

These are just some of the actions that you need to take and incorporate into your business plan to make it grow.

If you’re ready to change your life, start right where you are for now is the perfect time to change you life. You are going to change lives and while you’re changing lives, you’ll be helping to change the world.



You Are The Head

And You Always Will Be

Let Us Give God Glory!

You are the head

Deuteronomy 28:13 King James Version (KJV)

13 And the Lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the Lord thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them:

The Head

Yes, you are the head and not the tail. You are the leader, the CEO, CFO, the pioneer and you are, well, simply wonderful!

Being an entrepreneur has brought me great joy. When I get to use my gifts for Gods glory it gives me a sense of peace and happiness that floods my soul. My gifts from God also remind me that I am the head!

Taking the appropriate steps to achieve the goals God has laid before me has helped me to devise an awesome plan by putting a unique system in place for the success of my businesses.  I am loving my entrepreneurial journey more than I ever thought could be or would be possible.

I am thankful for all that our Heavenly Father has done for me. I’m not going to write or say even through…… I’m just going to give God the glory for all that He has and continues to do in my life.

It is with a grateful spirit that I share my testimony with you. You see God has gifted me a wealth of knowledge, along with sprinkles of understanding in business. As an entrepreneur, I sincerely appreciate being given the opportunity to wake up each day to put into action God’s purpose and plan for my life. 

As I utilize my fullest potential I incorporate some of my own ideas to help me to create and design a remarkable model for my success. That recipe includes having faith in God and trusting Him with each step that I take. It is then that I see motivating progress which then motivates me to do even more where my businesses are concerned.

Using the incredible business building tools and resources out in the world of business, I shape my own success and I get to enjoy that success day after day.  We, as Christian women business owners, have the fantastic ability and skill sets that can place us in a class all alone, but why would we want to. We are so awesome and brilliant, caring and always willing to share the gifts we have received that we look forward to be blessings to others.

You Are Cynsational And You Always Will Be!

We have this cynsational ability to prosper, grow rich and be wealthy. Single-highhandedly we can transform businesses and other people’s lives just by the words we speak as long as we are speaking from the heart.

Our mountain-moving techniques, tools and strategies can also be life-changing for ourselves as well as others. This, too, should clothe us in layers of warmth that lets us blanket another woman’s world thereby helping her to create, by design, a flourishing business that she too can enjoy in unlimited ways.

Looking back at the path and the foundation God has helped you to design for your own empire can you honestly say that He has shown you some amazing things you never could have learned or figured out on your own. Do you realize that It is because of God that you have your being and everything that comes with it. You are indeed the head and not the tail.

Have there been some quiet times in your life where you can honestly say God has spoken clearly to you and you’ve just closed your eyes in thankfulness.

During some of the most quietest times in my life, which have gratefully been during the months of March, April and May I have kept still in some aspects of my businesses. It is now that I have received the go ahead to begin forging ahead.

Right now, at this very spectacular moment I am, once again, breaking out into another new creative idea that reminds me that I am the head and not the tail. I am above only and not beneath. In other words I am enjoying businesses that are highly successful on so many levels.

It is my sincerest prayer that you will take whatever time God has allotted you to grow the seeds that He has planted within you.

This is one way that you can always secure your success and soar like you have never soared before in your life as well as in your business.

Be blessed,

Let’s work this thing together!



God Is Speaking

Listen To His Voice

Good Day Phenomenal Ones,

As God continues to speak to us, we should listen to and hear what He is saying.

His message is clear and though it may be a soft warm whisper, He is speaking volumes to our hearts.

Now is the time to create and a sing a song of praise to our Lord and Savior for this time in our lives because He is reminding us that we need to turn our attention to Him and seek His Word now more than ever.

While I am not fulfilling any orders in business, I am so honored to be able to sit and be still and hear what God is saying to me and the world.

If you’re at home and maybe a bit bored you don’t have to be. There is so much that needs to be done. Being an entrepreneur means that your business should always be growing.

Here are some things that you should consider doing if things have quieted and you are, like me, sitting still.

Read God’s Word.

I have delved deep into the Book of Acts and I am loving it. It’s amazing how truly powerful God’s word is. I have learned so much and have made a commitment to read more of God’s word this year. As I spend time with God each and everyday the Holy Spirit reveals things to me that I otherwise would never know. He gives me understanding whenever I am stuck on a verse of Scripture and just can’t seem to get clarity. The Holy Spirit always answers and I am grateful.

The other thing you can do is write. Write down your goals. Make a list of things that you would like to incorporate into your empire. As you write your goals, make sure to elaborate upon each one by writing out clear content that will give you understanding of how you plan to accomplish your goals. Doing this will help you to stay focused and motivated.

Yesterday I grabbed my notebook and began writing thank You letters to Jesus. It showed me that my mind doesn’t have to be centered upon making money. Writing is therapeutic and when I write from the heart it goes into my mind and the words just flow.

Pray the Abundance Prayer.

From The Light of God that I am.
From The Love of God that I am.
From The Power of God that I am.
From The Heart of God that I am.
I Decree-
I dwell in the midst of Infinite Abundance.
The Abundance of God is my Infinite Source.
The River of Life never stops flowing and it flows through me with lavish expression.
Good comes to me through unexpected avenues and God works in a myriad of ways to bless me.
I now open my mind to receive my good.
Nothing is too good to be true.
Nothing is too wonderful to have happen.
With God as my Source nothing amazes me.
I am not burdened by thoughts of past or future. One is gone. The other is yet to come.
By the power of my belief, coupled with my purposeful fearless actions and my deep rapport with God, my future is created and my abundance made manifest.
I ask and accept that I am lifted in this and every moment into Higher Truth. My mind is quiet.
From this day forward I give freely and fearlessly into Life and Life gives back to me with a fabulous increase. Blessings come in expected and unexpected ways. God provides for me in wondrous ways for the work that I do.
I AM indeed grateful.
And so it is.

Praying the Abundance Prayer is a great way to stay connected to God and the abundance that He so freely gives and shares with His children. Read the Abundance Prayer daily, two to three times a day and watch what happens.

Call A Friend and Offer Words of Encouragement

Since I’m not fulfilling any body butter orders at the moment I have been talking to a few lady friends in my life. I love to coach them. I try my best to offer them encouragement. I always have and I always will.

One friend wants me to make hand sanitizers with her and sell them in Rite-Aid and Walmart. I don’t have any interest in doing that really, but I am helping her where she needs my help. Now, if she would  only listen things would go smoothly for her.

Well, I hope you will take into consideration the things listed above to keep you busy during this time in our lives. Let us be grateful that we are here and we are able, capable, gifted and highly skilled to do what we love to do. Even if, at the moment, it is us sitting still and focusing on the Sovereignty of God.  The abundance is real.

Be blessed,
