Christ-Centered Poetry by Gail Moss

An Amazing Woman of God,

Gail is The Poetic Evangelist

Christ-Centered Poetry by Gail Moss


When God introduced me to Gail Moss, the Poetic Evangelist, my life changed; literally. She is moving mountains for the glory of God.

Gail has been a true blessing in my life. She is a powerful and amazing woman of God. To hear her voice when she speaks warms my heart. Christ-centered poetry by Gail Moss is encouraging and enriching.

Gail is a Spoken Word Artist and the Author of Heir Royal, A Poetry Collection of beautifully written poetry.

I wanted to share one of Gail’s most touching videos with you, Save Me. She speaks so eloquently. In her voice you will hear the passion and sincerity as she recites one of the most moving poems ever. Christ-centered poetry by Gail Moss is truly empowering.

It is my hope and prayer that you will enjoy this poem as much as I have.

For more information about Gail and her journey or to purchase her lovely collection of poetry or to donate, please visit her at The Poetic Evangelist.


Christ-Centered Poetry by Gail Moss

Be blessed,



Praying Over Your Business Each and Every Day

Prayer Is An Amazing Way To Start Each Day

Praying Over Your Business Each and Every Day

Prayer is a powerful tool.

Praying to God morning, noon and night is one of the most important things that you can do before starting your day. Whether you are a Christian women entrepreneur or if you’re thinking about starting your own business prayer is going to prosper the works of your hands. It can also help you to launch a powerful empire with long lasting success.

I love to pray. Talking to God gives me a sense of calm and peace which is important to me.

When I pray to God I know that He hears me and He has my best interest at heart.

Having a prayer life is essential to success, riches, wealth, abundance and prosperity. Now, I am not talking about just money. Experiencing and enjoying much wealth, abundance and more comes from God gifting you wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Thank You, Father God. And then the money flows!

Your prayer life is vital to and for your entrepreneurial journey. As Christian women in business we must stay prayerful at all times.

Praying to God changes things. When you pray to God it opens up the line of communication between you and the Father. He speaks to your heart with whispering words that has the potential to change the way you do business.

Starting your own business is one of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself. It is blessing that will bless your life for as long as you are a business owner and beyond that.

If you have decided that you are going to become an entrepreneur, find your quiet place, which can be your heart, a room in your home or a closet go there each and every day and pray. Also, enter into God’s gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise.

After praying, write down your goals. Believe in your goals. You must have faith in God. Trust Him. Believe His purpose and plan for your life and you’re halfway there.

Pen Your Plans to Paper and Pray

Grab your pen and get some paper. Pray. Be thankful. Write down your marketing goals and your financial forecast. Don’t be afraid to think big and I mean big. Dream like you have never dreamed before. You’ve got to use your imagination to the fullest. And pray day and night. God is going to equip you with tools and resources. Go to God in prayer and ask Him for what you need also.  He can’t wait to hear from you.

Here are some effective prayer bullets that can supercharge ‘s a prayer I’d like to share with you. It is my hope that you will read this prayer often and feel the presence of the Lord in the words you speak.

Prayer Bullets for Christian Women Entrepreneurs

Praying over your business each and every day is your guide to a powerful prayer life and successful business.

1. Lord, your word declares that you want me to succeed with the things I do, now Lord, I receive grace to do my part, to play my role in the journey to success, in Jesus name.

“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” (Joshua 1:8)

2. Father, I commit my plans, my work and strategies for success (name them) into your hand, whatever is committed to you, you are able to keep. Lord, keep, preserve and bring to success the work of my hand, in Jesus name.

“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” (Proverbs 16:3, NIV)

3. Father, I know that worry destroys productivity, I pray that you help me to focus on plan and pursuits rather than anxiety, in Jesus name.

“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” (Philippians 4:13)

4. Lord, your word does not encourage laziness, therefore, I refuse to be lazy. I come against every form of laziness in my mind, soul and spirit, in the name of Jesus. I declare I am vibrant in spirit and active in mind and body.

“He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.” (Proverbs 10:4)

5. Father, I thank you for giving me a sound and balanced mind. I declare my mind is productive, my mind is teeming with breakthrough ideas that make for success, in Jesus name.

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7)

6. Father, I understand that it is by wisdom that every enterprise is built, I pray for the spirit of wisdom to be operational and at work in me. I ask and I receive understanding and knowledge for inventions in Jesus name.

“Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established: And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.” (Proverbs 24:3-4)

7. Lord, I pray for an understanding and discerning mind to be able to make sound judgment and take decisions that make for success, in Jesus name.

“And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears:” (Isaiah 11:3)

8. Father, I pray also for strength; physical and mental to be able to pursue the visions, purposes and ideas you inspire in my heart. I rebuke weakness of the body and mind. I declare that I exude in physical and mental strength, in Jesus name.

“It is God that girdeth me with strength, and maketh my way perfect.” (Psalm 18:32)

9. Lord, I pray that you give me the opportunities for wise counsel and raise for me men and women of integrity with wise hearts to give me godly counsels, in Jesus name.

“Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellors they are established. (Proverbs 15:22)

10. Father, I pray for the grace to stay humble, to wait and to learn in Jesus name. Let pride not have the better part of me, in Jesus name.

“But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.”

11. Lord, wealth and success come from you and the power to succeed also comes from you. I pray that the power to succeed be let loosed in me by your Spirit, in Jesus name. Breathe on me fresh ideas, new insights and new thoughts, in Jesus name.

“But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.” (Deuteronomy 8:18)

12. Father, I pray for grace to work and to labor on the goals and ideas you inspired in me until they all come through to success, in Jesus name.

“In all labour there is profit: but the talk of the lips tendeth only to penury.” (Proverbs 14:23)

Praying over your business each and every day is going to propel you to everlasting greatness.

Blessings to you,


Need A Business Idea

Here are 55 Great Business Ideas

Need A Business Idea

Today, tens of thousands of people are considering starting a home based business, and for good reasons. On average, people can expect to have two and three careers during their work life. Those leaving one career often think about their second or third career move being to their own home. People who have been part of the traditional nine-to-five work force and are on the verge of retiring from that life are thinking of what to do next. The good news: Starting a homebased business is within the reach of almost anyone who wants to take a risk and work hard.

$1,500 or less to start up

Experience, training or licensing may be needed

Create a flier outlining your services. Before you do that, you need to know what those services will be. Do you want to simply do bookkeeping for a small business? A more involved level of accounting would be do actually work up balance sheets, income statements, and other financial reports on a monthly, quarterly, and/or annual basis, depending on the needs of the business. Other specializations can include tax accounting, a huge area of potential work. Many business owners don’t mind keeping their own day-to-day bookkeeping records but would rather get professional help with their taxes.


In many parts of the country, this business tends to be seasonal, but you can find ways around that. Rent a storage unit and offer to store people’s bicycles over the winter after you do a tune-up and any needed repairs on them. If you want to cater to the Lance Armstrong wannabes, you can have business all year round. These road race riders are training through snow, sleet and dark of night. Some of them work on their own bicycles, but many of them don’t, so you can get their business all year. And if you keep Saturday shop hours, you can be sure you will have a group of enthusiasts coming by to talk all things cycling.

Experience, training or licensing may be needed

Boats that are hauled out of the water for the winter or even just for mid-season repairs will need the hull cleaned. And depending on the type of boat, it is a good time to give a major cleaning everything else too–the decks, the sleeping quarters, the head, and the holds. Start by approaching homes that have a boat sitting in the yard. Or you could market your services to the marina to contract you to do the boat cleaning it offers to customers.

Has expansion possibilities

Offer a soup-to-nuts business plan, including market research, the business plan narrative and the financial statements. Plan your fee around the main one that the client will want and offer the others as add-on services. You can give clients an electronic file and allow them to take it from there, or you can keep the business plan on file and offer the service of tweaking it whenever necessary. Have business plan samples to show clients–and make sure to include your own!


Learning to be a chimney sweep may mean nothing more than apprenticing with someone already in the business. By becoming a chimney expert, you can combine a chimney sweep business with a chimney inspection service–covering more than just whether or not the chimney needs cleaning but whether the chimney is in good working order or in need of repair.


There are many directions you can take this business. If you want to work during hours when no one else does, you can focus on office clients. You can focus on retail businesses and keep your customers clumped into one or two blocks. Restaurants are in great need of daily thorough cleaning and can be a great source of steady clients. Perhaps you would be more interested in house cleaning. Many times with cleaning services you don’t have to spend lots of money on advertising or marketing because your customers will come by word of mouth.

Experience, training or licensing may be needed

Study the main types of software that system users will want–word processing, photo manipulation software, mail merge, spreadsheet, design and especially security software. Investigate all the components–monitor types in all their varieties; keyboards, from wired to ergonomic to wireless; mouse types; as well as peripheral components like printers and scanners. Become completely familiar with all the ISPs (internet service providers) available in the market area you plan to cover. Establish yourself as the guru who can meet the needs of the personal computer user, the small business or a larger corporation.

Has expansion possibilities

To be a consultant, you need to have an expertise in something so you can market yourself as an advisor to others looking to work in that area. Perhaps you managed several large warehouses in your career with a drugstore company, you did all the marketing for many years for a large shoe manufacturer or you set up a chain of beauty supply shops or take-out restaurants. You can use this experience to help others do similar things without making the same mistakes that you made along the way.


Do you have items lurking around your household that you could sell on eBay? Figure out your asking price and decide whether to auction it or put it in your eBay store. Then decide if you want a minimum bid and how long you want the auction to last. You will want to establish a PayPal account to use for transactions. The eBay website provides all the information you need to know to get up and running with an eBay business.

Has expansion possibilities

Here are some of the editorial services you can provide from the quiet of your own home:

  • Copyediting. This is where fact checking takes place, and where grammatical, stylistic and typographical errors are caught.
  • Proofreading. This is the last stop for a “finished” piece. The proofreader makes sure the copyediting changes have been properly made and no new errors are created in the process.
  • Indexing. There are indexing courses available and you can get indexing software.
  • Developmental editing. A developmental editor works with a manuscript on big-picture things like organization and content issues.
  • Book doctoring. This is an editorial service provided for manuscripts written by experts. They create a manuscript as best they can and then a book doctor puts it into publishable shape.
  • Ghost Writing. As a ghost writer, you actually do the research and write the book and someone else’s name is attached as the author.
  • Copywriting. Also known as business writing, this is writing that promotes a product or a service.
  • Book writing. Do you have an expertise in something professional, such as accounting or interior decorating? Or personally, like knitting? Why not write a book about it?
  • Magazine article writing. Magazines and newspapers are a great way to get your writing published before tackling the daunting task of writing a whole book.
  • Web page content provider. Providing content for a web site is a good way to make some money writing.

Has expansion possibilities

This business is similar to the computer repair business, but you will take on all sorts of electronic equipment besides just computers. With smaller electronics, you will need to be prepared to have customers bring their repair projects to you, as you would have difficulty recovering the cost of driving around picking up broken equipment and returning it. You may also want to encourage people to give you their old electronics so you can use them for parts.

Has expansion possibilities

One of the first things you need to do is visit every potential event location with which you plan to work. Work with the marketing manager to tour each site and learn what is available at each location. Start a database that will allow you to sort venues by varying features–the number of people each site holds, if there is AV equipment available on site, will you need to arrange for rental chairs, etc. Then when you are beginning to plan an event with a client, you can find out what the key parameters are for the event and easily pull up the three or four sites that meet the basic criteria. and engagement parties, etc.

Experience, training or licensing may be needed

One way to make money in this field is by being an expert witness yourself. If you have an expertise that could be useful in legal cases, you can market yourself to attorneys to act as an expert witness. Another way to be active in the expert witness field is to play a sort of matchmaker, matching attorneys up with expert witnesses for their cases–either for the defense or for the prosecution. Expert witnesses for big money cases can be expected to fly anywhere to testify. There’s no reason your database of witnesses can’t be from all parts of the country.

Experience, training or licensing may be needed

To start, you should go through the certification process so that you can label yourself a CFP (Certified Financial Planner). Your certificate shows that you have expertise and credibility, and this differentiation will help people choose you as their financial planner.

For more information and details on certification, click here.

Has expansion possibilities

People love to spend weekends rummaging through tables full of other people’s unwanted items, looking for treasures. Make sure to change your layout and put new stuff out for sale often. You want people to come back time and again to see what’s new. You don’t even have to have that much new stuff to make things look new. Just moving an item from a table to the top of a bookshelf might get it noticed, even though the item has been in your inventory since you first started having sales.

Experience, training or licensing may be needed

Let the local public courses know about your coaching business. Cultivate relationships with the staff and encourage them to recommend you as a coach. Another place to look for customers is the corporate world. Golfing is a game that business people use to develop relationships outside the office. You do need to be a better than average golfer to develop a reputation as a golf coach. You also need to be a good teacher, know how to be motivational and be willing to work with many different types of people.

Experience, training or licensing may be needed

All homeowners are always on the lookout for ways to save on their utility bills. You can come to their aid by providing them with an audit of their house and giving them a breakdown of how they could accomplish real savings in heating, cooling and electrical use. You can go one step further and do the implementation and installation of some of your suggestions in their home yourself. Do a complete appliance audit, with efficiency ratings and calculations based on the age of the appliance. And don’t forget the water heater!

Experience, training or licensing may be needed

In order to be successful, you will want to establish contacts with real estate agents who can recommend your services to customers. The home inspection field is one where you will need to do constant updating of your education and knowledge. New products are constantly coming out on the market–if you only know about decks made of wood, you will not know how to inspect and assess the new materials on the market, such as composites that are made to look like real wood. Also keep apprised of all safety updates of materials and issues with things like off-gassing, carbon monoxide production, and other chemical precautions.

Has expansion possibilities

You can choose either to do the organizing work or to come in to a home and consult on the things the homeowner could do to better organize. Have a portfolio of different organizational scenarios in different rooms in the home and talk with the homeowner about the style he or she likes. Create checklists and questionnaires to understand how the family uses the home. Are the kids wildly busy with after-school activities? Or are they usually home after school and want access to their toys? Do they share rooms? All of these things will help you tailor an organizing plan and become the family hero.

Experience, training or licensing may be needed

If you don’t already have work experience with importing and/or exporting, you will have a longer learning curve. You can start by learning the basics and hosting educational sessions to teach others what they need to know to get started in import/export. That alone would probably gain you your first couple of clients. If you keep going with educational seminars and expand your reach to outside your immediate region, you could probably develop a sufficient and ongoing customer base very quickly, but be careful not to outpace your learning curve!

Experience, training or licensing may be needed

Market your talents to building contractors. People purchasing new homes can often be overwhelmed with the choices and possibilities in home decorating. Design some questionnaires for each major element and each major room in the house. Find out how the homeowner will use the home–are there children? Pets? Does the woman of the house wear high heels? Do the home’s residents neglect to remove shoes? How will each room be used? Where might task lighting and ambient lighting be most appropriate?

Experience, training or licensing may be needed

There are many different ways of getting into the jewelry business and many different types of materials with which you can work. Working in metal will probably require the most in the way of specific tools. You need to be able to heat the metal to manipulate it, and you need metalworking tools to cut and engrave it. But there are many other materials that you can work with to make jewelry–glass, plastic, beads, feathers, even wood, to name just a few.

Experience, training or licensing may be needed

If you can write copy that gets people excited about purchasing what your client has to sell, you can make good money in this business. Unless you are highly experienced from working in the copywriting field, take a course. There are online courses or classes at community colleges and universities that can give you a leg up in getting savvy at writing copy for brochures, catalogs, advertising and, of course, marketing copy for the web.

Experience, training or licensing may be needed

In most states in the U.S., a notary public is a state officer who is authorized to witness and attest to the legalities of certain documents by signature and stamping a seal. Most states require that you pass an exam and a background check. It costs very little to become a notary and your income from notary work is negligible. A justice of the peace typically performs wedding ceremonies. States have varying rules and procedures for becoming a JP and performing services. Becoming a JP and/or notary public does not cost much money. And it is not a big moneymaking venture! Many states set the fees you can charge for JP services. JPs can add additional fees, and often do, including travel and hourly rates for additional meetings such as rehearsals, other prep time and any special requests.


This business is for someone who is supremely efficient and has the ability to make things happen. People who hire you will expect things when they want them and you need to be able to come through with not only what they want, but with a personal touch and a smile on your face. The most likely clients for a personal concierge service are top executives who find themselves at the office by 7 a.m. and are there most nights until 9 p.m., leaving them very little time to do all those things that often need to be done during those very hours.

Experience, training or licensing may be needed

Advertise your services in places where everyone goes, like restaurants and grocery stores. Having a website is a good idea–people want some privacy in their decision-making when it comes to getting fit. They can go to your website and determine if your approach to personal training is an approach that would work for them. It is important to emphasize the safety aspect of using a personal trainer. You can help clients get fit and avoid injury.


Your job, in the case of rental units, will be to make sure the property is running smoothly. For seasonal properties, you will most likely spend your management time making sure the property is ready for seasonal visits and well-maintained when no one is around. If the owners go away for six weeks in the winter, the property manager makes regular checks on the property. You will be the contact number if the security system operator needs to contact someone about a breach in security.

xperience, training or licensing may be needed

Most community colleges offer some level of engine-repair courses. Another way to learn would be to take a part-time position at a repair shop or a rental facility where you could learn on the job, although you will want to be open about your plans. You should be prepared to work on push-behind lawn mowers, riding lawn mowers, generators, garden tools such as rototillers and edgers, chainsaws, wood chippers and snowblowers. You need to decide whether you’ll want to take on bigger jobs, such as tractors, snowmobiles and ATVs; space may be your decision-maker.

Experience, training or licensing may be needed
Has expansion possibilities

As a solar consultant, you can basically conduct a home inspection and give clients a report on their solar options for their particular home and site. This can range from full-fledged general solar installations that generate electricity to simple solar walkway lighting. You might want to start by working in a solar products company to become knowledgeable in the solar energy field. However, to be a consultant, it is often best not to be affiliated with any one company or product and be able to recommend products and options across the field of solar energy.

Experience, training or licensing may be needed

Most tax preparation franchises offer courses, seminars, and training to get you ready to work for them. You will learn a lot about tax preparation while working for them before going out on your own. There is a lot of educational support out there to learn tax preparation and all its complexities. And there are lots of individuals and businesses willing to spend a few hundred dollars a year to have someone else prepare their taxes and keep watch for tax breaks or tax burdens on their behalf.

Experience, training or licensing may be needed

Today’s world of taxidermy isn’t exclusive to preserving real specimens. Taxidermy also refers to recreating a specimen using completely artificial materials. Taxidermy schools where you can learn the trade are located almost throughout the country, typically as courses over several weeks specializing in certain levels of expertise, from beginner to master’s level. Like any enterprise, there are taxidermy conventions that you can attend and learn about the latest techniques and materials.


If you have a knack for sewing, upholstery repair might be a perfect business for you. One of the best ways to learn how to upholster is to get some discarded upholstered furniture and start tearing it apart. Many books and some videos are available to help you learn this trade. Often furniture ready for upholstering will also need repairs. Have a list available of furniture repair people you can recommend to your customers. Or you can take the piece in, have repair people you work with do this work for you, and add it to the overall cost. You can also learn to do this work, especially minor repairs, yourself.


Almost everyone has a few boxes of books stashed away in the house somewhere. Why not make a business out of them? In order to gain customers–especially repeat customers–you will need to have some regular shop hours. Make your shop known for something-a specific category (or two) of books, having some first editions for sale, all paperbacks a dollar and all hardcovers two bucks, and/or a swap program. Maps, illustrations, postcards, greeting cards and magazines are good sidelines to include in your shop.


You will need to be up-to-date on wedding trends and fads, dress styles, color trends–almost everything under the sun! Offer your customers an ala carte menu of services, from helping pick flowers, the wedding gown and bridesmaid dresses to picking the venue and hiring the caterer. Before you open your business, shop at all the wedding shops, and even pretend you are a bride-to-be to see what kinds of services the wedding gown shop provides and how they treat potential customers. You need to know every detail of the business to give the accurate impression that you are the go-to person for anyone planning a wedding.

$1,500 to 3,000 to start up

Experience, training or licensing may be needed

Every household has a number of appliances, large and small. You can work on your own or on contract with appliance stores to cover their warranty service calls–or, best of all, you can do some of each. Plan to start slow and build your customer base on recommendations and referrals based on work well done. Consider developing relationships with contractors to be the go-to person to install appliances in newly constructed houses.

Experience, training or licensing may be needed
Has expansion possibilities

If you are proficient in both Macintosh and PC, you should offer training in both types of computers. You could probably make a living helping seniors learn how to use the internet and e-mail to keep in touch with their loved ones, who are now commonly spread around the country. Err on the side of caution in this business. People do not want to know all the details about what makes a computer work. If you overload them with information from the beginning by explaining bits, bytes, and megapixels, they will stick to their paper and pencil forever.

Experience, training or licensing may be needed

You can use desktop publishing software to create newsletters, magazines, books or even marketing materials. You can create the content for your desktop publications, or you can pay a writer to create the content for you. Alternatively, you can advertise your desktop publishing services to design and create newsletters and books for others with their content.


Fences are everywhere. And they don’t last forever, so they need to be repaired and replaced with a certain amount of frequency. The most common fence material is wood. However, vinyl has become a popular fence choice due to its longevity and relative freedom from maintenance. Wrought iron is another common fencing, especially in urban environments. You can have fun shopping for vintage wrought iron fencing at salvage yards.

Experience, training or licensing may be needed

Despite the proliferation of the internet, print media is here to stay for the foreseeable future! Fliers, newsletters, magazines, information sheets, letters and advertisements are just a few of the types of print media that business hire freelancers to create for them. Websites and online advertising need graphic design services as well. Even if your expertise is only in design, offer the works for potential clients, including the editorial creation and the printing and even mailing of the final piece. You can line up regular freelancers for those parts of the job you can’t do.

Has expansion possibilities

Finding a niche is the best way to start out in the gift basket business. Are you a dog lover, horse lover, or exercise guru who could put together baskets that hold the things that people with this interest would like? Do you already create a product that a gift basket could be built around? Have you made your own soaps for the past 10 years? A gift basket that included one or two of your soaps, hand lotion, a scrub brush and manicure kit could be a lovely basket to receive.


Create an arsenal of cleaning products that can clean almost every kind of product (paint, chalk, markers) from every kind of surface (cement, wood, pavement). The best way to conduct a graffiti service is to offer a subscription-like arrangement. Once a month or whatever interval makes sense for your clients, go around to their property and clean off the graffiti. Charge them a monthly or quarterly fee and make it simple for everyone–they don’t have to think about graffiti, and you just do your job.

Experience, training or licensing may be needed

Hairstyling is a popular business that can be quite lucrative. Generally a home based hairstylist business is likely to be started by someone who has already has a cosmetology career and wants a change. If you already have your cosmetology training and license, and loads of experience under your belt working in a hairstyling salon, you probably have a following that will follow you right home without any hesitation.


You need to decide whether you will sell your herbs as live plants, picked or cut in bunches and packed, or dried. If you plan to market to cooks instead of gardeners, you will want to sell your herbs either fresh cut and packed in sealed bags, or dried and sold in baggies. You can also consider a “pick-your-own” arrangement; however, be aware that herbs are more delicate than most P.Y.O products. You may save your garden a lot of strife and your plants a lot of wear and tear if you do the picking.

Experience, training or licensing may be needed

If you have a knack for this type of work, a degree won’t be necessary. Most people want their yards tidied up in the spring, their lawns mowed in the summer, their leaves removed in the fall, and their shrubs and driveways ready for winter snow. You will also want to offer garden work such as spring planting of annuals and perennials; vegetable garden preparation, planting and fall cleanup; pest control and watering. You can offer tree care service. There is plenty to do in the yard that has nothing to do with plants: stone wall restoration, fencing, irrigation system installation.

Experience, training or licensing may be needed

You will want to become certified in massage therapy to be able to effectively market your services. Courses that lead to certification include not only information on human anatomy and physiology and the effects that massage has on both, but also on how to make a business out of the field of massage. You could do either a certification program or an associate’s degree and stay within the $5,000 scope of this book.


Lots of people who are moving want to hire someone to do the heavy lifting for them. You can leave the large-scale, long-distance moving to the big moving companies. Your work can be the local, moving-across-town or to the town-next-door jobs. These are the ones that people start off thinking perhaps they could do themselves, and it will be your job to convince them otherwise. Your signs around town will tempt them to let you take care of that part of the move, while they are busy taking care of those other 500 items on their list.

Experience, training or licensing may be needed

You want to stick to the instrument(s) you know, but you may be a skilled enough musician to offer lessons on several different instruments, or those in a particular class, e.g., stringed or woodwind.You can decide to take on individuals or classes, depending on space and availability of instruments. Public schools are continually reducing their commitment to art and music classes for students, so you can try to work with the public school system to supplement their efforts in those areas.

Experience, training or licensing may be needed

Making money as a photographer can be done in a number of different ways. You can specialize in one area, the most common being weddings. There are niches you can explore for photography: portraits of people and their pets, families, and homes; photographs of holiday events, birthday parties or Christmas cards; the possibilities are endless.


You will need to learn how to work with all kinds of carpet fabrics, from synthetic to wool carpets. Decide whether you will take on valuable antique carpets and family heirlooms; if so, you will want to get specialized training in how to handle these carpets and the specialized ways of cleaning them. Learn how to get tough stains and odors out of carpets–such as dog and cat odors–and your services will be in great demand.

Experience, training or licensing may be needed

Many courses exist (many of which, logically, are offered online) where you can learn the language of website creation and can learn about the details, like how to set up shopping cart systems, security concerns, etc. You will, of course, need to learn about each company you design for. What is the atmosphere of the company that you need to reflect in the website design–is it wild and contemporary, meaning brilliant colors and fun graphics? Or will more classic colors like black, navy blue and maroon be more appropriate?

$3,000 to $5,000 to start up


Do you have a room that has its own bathroom and is private from the rest of the living space? Are you near attractions such as a tourist area, sports stadium or venue for a large annual event? Or is your home in the country with spring peepers, summer crickets and crisp fall nights that could give a city-dweller a weekend of peaceful living? Say you can rent the room for $150 a night for Friday and Saturday nights 48 weeks a year–that’s $14,400 in revenue! Utilize what you have and create a unique experience.


If you want to start a Christmas tree farm, you need to plan ahead. It takes approximately seven years for a Balsam fir–perhaps the most traditional Christmas tree–to grow from a small sapling to a 5- to 6-foot tree. Selling your trees yourself is the best option. Consumers come to the property, pick the one they want, and you harvest it for them. The other option is to buy your trees from a wholesaler and sell them either in your yard or in a vacant lot that you rent from Thanksgiving to Christmas.

Experience, training or licensing may be needed

Perhaps you love children. Perhaps you have children of your own and the idea of taking care of a few more for part of the day appeals to you. Child-care needs continue to soar in the United States. Many people prefer the option of their child being cared for in a home environment while they are at work, opposed to a more institutional-like setting. These things mean that a homebased childcare business can get off and running immediately.

Experience, training or licensing may be needed

Starting a pet sitting service requires almost nothing in start-up costs. You do need some general credentials that will cost little or nothing to acquire. Your list of credentials should probably include personal pet ownership–if not currently, at least in the past–as well as other pet-related experience, including working at a pet food store, an animal hospital or other animal-related business. You will need to spend a little to become “bonded.” This is known as “honesty insurance,” and ensures your clients that you won’t get their house keys and make off with their valuables (or that they’ll get their money back if you do).

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Prayer to create wealth and abundance by Elisha Goodman

This Life-Changing Prayer Releases The Flow of God’s Grace Upon The Works of Your Hands and Into Your Life

Prayer to create wealth and abundance

Pray this prayer right now and receive the abundance of God’s blessings into your life today!

Jesus Creates Abundance

He asked them, “How many loaves do you have?” And they said, “Seven.”

So He commanded the multitude to sit down on the ground. And He took the seven loaves and gave thanks, broke them and gave them to His disciples to set before them; and they set them before the multitude.
They also had a few small fish; and having blessed them, He said to set them also before them. So they ate and were
filled, and they took up seven large baskets of leftover fragments.

Abundant Blessings Into Your Life

Mark 8:5-8
How much abundance are you creating in your own time? The following statements sum up all that we’ve been studying
so far:1. Abundance is created primarily through breaking and sharing.2. Anything that is shared multiplies, expands and attracts others of its kind. When money is shared, it multiplies,
expands and increases.3. The law of sowing and reaping begins to operate in your favor when you share the first fruits with God.4. There is a divine distribution point in the spiritual realm that you could call the “ocean of abundance.”
You attach yourself to it by becoming a re-distribution point yourself.

5. There are spiritual enemies that can divert the flow of abundance from you unless you know how to deal
with them.

6. You must confirm to God that you’ve overcome covetousness for Him to usher you into the higher
realms of abundance.

7. For those who have been faithfully paying their tithes, sowing seeds in their local churches, and sharing with
others, but have still not tapped into the ocean of abundance, certain spiritual gates may need to be dismantled. That can be achieved by releasing a steady stream of hot, gate-destroying prayers until abundance begins to flow into your life.

Prayer to create wealth and abundance by Elisha Goodman

Are You Ready?

The Lord issued everyone born into this world with a key for unlocking the gate of abundance. Unfortunately, most folks
had their key stolen; some while still in the womb, others at PASSION PRAYER OF JESUS THE CHRIST
the gate of birth, and the rest during their time of ignorance without Jesus.

You cannot prosper or create any abundance without recovering that key. What’s more, you need to cooperate
with God so that He can smash open the gates for you to enter into the dimension of abundance that He wants to
take you through.

The spirits of these last days preventing folks from swimming in the ocean of abundance operate at the gate. The few
prayers in this section are designed by the Holy Spirit to overthrow any evil gate keeping you away from your
abundance. You’ll be victorious in Jesus’ name. Amen.Prayer Section2Confession: Ps. 24

Praise Worship

1. O Lord, let my season of divine intervention appear
in the name of Jesus.

2. O you gates in the (*) standing against my
destiny, lift up your heads in the name of Jesus.

* Insert each of the following:
• Heavenlies

• Waters

• Earth

• Under the earth

3. O God arise, and destroy every evil gatekeeper
assigned against my life in the name of Jesus.

4. I break the backbone of every spirit of scarcity in my
life in the name of Jesus.

5. O Lord, anoint my eyes to see divine opportunities in
Jesus’ name.

6. Lord, let every blindness to the treasures of my life be
cleared away by the blood of Jesus.

7. Let my divine helpers appear in the name of Jesus

May all of your be blessed God’s virtuous women entrepreneurs.

To God be all the glory.


Here’s To A Happy Snowy Saturday

And To All Christian Women Business Owners Who Are In The Office Working to Grow Your Businesses

Here's To A Happy Snowy Saturday

Here’s to a happy snowy Saturday!

Good Morning Girlfriends,

What a beautiful day.

It’s snowing in Philly and I am elated to see God’s hands, love and compassion displaying such loyalty.

Here I am again, coming to share a few new happenings that I am thankful for.

First, I have to tell you that as I prepare to launch my new hair grease, my printer still isn’t working and I still can’t find the Brother printer that I need to purchase. Once again, I will have to change my launch date, but that’s okay. I am not going to rush the launch until I have everything that I need in place. When all systems are go, then the hair butter will be ready to purchase.

Secondly, I am thinking about changing my body butter jars to glass jars because I want to give my customers the very best packaging that I can give. Talk about being grateful for some many things that I have and don’t have, in addition to my dreams and concepts, I am using all the tools and resources that God is laying right before me. I love God’s little notes and trinkets that He shares with me no matter how small or big. At times it takes me an entire day to decide what I want my jars to look like. It is also very important to me that I know and understand the difference between the plastic and glass jars and which one will serve my customers better which is the reason for the change. Whatever type of jar that I decide to go with I am give God the glory.

Writing Down Your Goals Changes The Game

Here's To A Happy Snowy Saturday

As I continue to grow my business you want to know what has been a game changer? Writing down all my goals. This year I am being more consistent.

Writing down my goals helps me to stay focused, Do you write down your goals? If not, you should. You should incorporate goal writing as a part of your system because every business needs to have a great system in place.

One good reason to write down your goals is that it can become an instant motivator as you begin to start your day. A wise woman entrepreneur writes down her goals and checks them off as they are accomplished. Achieving your goals will also encourage you to keep forging ahead in business no matter what your business looks like.

What are you doing today? If you’re not busy grab yourself a pen and pad, not  your cell phone, and start writing down your goals today. I am sure you are going to see a huge difference and help you to stay on your path to success.

Well, I am off to do more work. Here’s to a happy snowy Saturday!

Be blessed God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs.

To God be all the glory!



Happy Wednesday Virtuous Women

May Your Day Be Filled with Abundance, Wealth, Riches and Prosperity

Happy Wednesday Virtuous Women

Good Day and Happy Wednesday God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs,

I pray you all are doing great and enjoying this cold and rainy snowy day.

Are you enjoying the cold and snowy weather. I love it! It brings me great joy to see God’s love raining down upon us.

What are you doing today women of excellence?

Perhaps you are scaling your businesses to create more wealth for yourselves.

Whatever you decide to do, you have to decide.

Today I will be marketing my business all day. It is important that I keep my businesses in the front of those who are looking to remedy dry skin.

Let Your Passion Be Your Creativity and Enjoy the Abundance

Happy Wednesday Virtuous Women

Loving what I do and seriously passionate about helping others, I continue to build on what I already have. There is no a need to reinvent the wheel which I have honestly tried to do time and time again. The Holy Spirit has to remind me that I have a rich reservoir of abundance of tools and resources that He has given so keep using them. He says be creative. That is exactly what I am doing.

Well, brilliant ones, I hope and pray that your day will be blessed and that you will take time to take your empires to your destiny.

Be blessed God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs and give God all the glory in all that you do and say.




Have A Happy Monday and A Great Week

May God Bless the Works of Your Hands

Have A Happy Monday and A Great Week


Have a happy Monday and a great week women of excellence.

Good Day God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs,

It’s Monday, March 7, 2022.

I have a busy day ahead as I activate my faith in God.

Thankful to use my gifts and my limitless potential, I am doing a new thing, whether it’s small or big, to start my day and to constantly become a better human being and a more successful entrepreneur.

It is my hope that as you begin your day that you will use your success to become even more successful as you use your creativity to bless others.

Have a happy Monday and a great week.

To God be all the glory.

God bless you,


Today Is A Great Day To Start A Business

How To Leave Your Corporate Job To Start A Business

How To Leave Your Corporate Job To Start A Business

According to Google’s latest search data, “how to start a business” beat “how to get a job” in Google search queries in 2021. This information comes from Google’s “Year in Search,” which features data from the last year broken down into a list of trends by category. It appears that while millions of Americans are quitting their jobs in search of higher salaries, many of them are doing so in the hopes of becoming their own bosses.

Government data supports this trend. U.S. Census Bureau figures reveal that Americans submitted a record 5.4 million business applications in 2021—the highest in almost 20 years. Moreover, applications are on track to be even higher this year. So, if you are thinking about going from corporate life to being self-employed, you’re not alone.

The pandemic has presented many opportunities for would-be entrepreneurs. But, of course, the transition to being an entrepreneur is not an easy one. Working for yourself may give you the freedom to choose your own lifestyle, but then again, you aren’t relying on a steady paycheck. So, if you are thinking of quitting to start a business, here are some key considerations to make the leap successfully.

Start a business you are passionate about

Starting a business is like having a baby. Not only is there never really a “right” time, but it also requires a lot of planning, preparation, and dedication. There are going to be ups and downs. You’ll even have days when you are pulling your hair out thinking, “did I do the right thing?” But if the passion is there, it will help you through those rough spots. If you’re going to make a giant leap, it should be to do something that makes you want to get out of bed in the morning. Then, when you find yourself involved in an activity that feeds your soul and leverages your strengths, you’ll know you are on the right track.

Start a business for the right reasons

Some people are destined to be entrepreneurs. Maybe you love variety, calling the shots, and building something from nothing. Or you dream about pursuing your passion while having more flexibility and leaving behind a legacy you can be proud of. And then, of course, there is financial independence. But if you want to start a business because you hate your job, despise your boss or want to get famous, it’s probably a good idea to reconsider entrepreneurship.

Know what you don’t know

One of the keys to being a successful entrepreneur is leveraging your strengths and finding resources to supplement your weaknesses. You cannot do everything yourself. Even as a solopreneur, you will need to rely on freelancers, interns or other assistance to get the business up and running. Another suggestion is to find trusted advisors, coaches or mentors that can provide valuable guidance and feedback along the way. Find people whom you would like to emulate. A mentor or coach can help hold you accountable while giving you the support and confidence you need to continue moving forward.

Start slow but think big

Starting a business requires planning and dedication. Allow yourself at least 12 months to prepare your exit strategy. Ideally, you will want to start your business as a side hustle while still employed. Take time to get to know your target audience. If possible, conduct formal or informal market research. This approach will reduce your risk and give you more time to validate your business idea.

Financially prepare to start a business

It’s no secret that most small businesses fail within the first five years. But a study by U.S. Bank found that 82% of the time, poor cash flow management contributes to that failure. So before you make the transition, sit down with your accountant or advisor to review your financial situation. Having a healthy cash reserve will help you through the inevitable peaks and valleys that come with entrepreneurship. The amount of money you set aside will depend on your industry, expenses, and when you expect to begin generating income. You will also want to choose a legal structure, register your business, get federal and tax IDs and open a business bank account.

If you want to start a business, there is no better time than the present. You can benefit from the surge in entrepreneurship to network with other potential small business owners. Chances are, you are also working remotely, which gives you added flexibility. As Steve Jobs said, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma—which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

Wondering if it’s finally time to make a job or career change? Take my free 60-second career quiz and find out!

Follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn. Check out my website.

Woman In Bright Lights

Woman in Bright Lights,

Featuring Jenna D. Morrow of

The Morrow Home

A business and a blog, The Morrow Home is for the modern day millennial woman who wants to create a life and curate a space she loves.
Woman in brigh lights

Jenna says, My favorite part of the design process and sourcing and concepting. I do it daily for clients and now I’m doing it for our house. Our foyer is getting a slight facelift this spring–keep reading to see my modern entryway mood board.

Here is a photo of how our foyer looked when the sellers listed it. They had area rugs with a matching stair runner that were beautiful but not my style. They let us keep them which protected our floors through some winter snow storms but eventually, my new decor started showing up so they had to go.

I’m a coffee and champagne lover whose cup is usually stained with a bold, red lipstick. And I’m a content creator who wants to welcome y’all along my journey of figuring it all out.

Welcome to The Morrow Home. My home away from home.

Entrepreneur. Content Creator. Wife & Mom.

I’m a home decor enthusiast who loves hosting those closest to me for a night in on the couch or a night out on the porch. I’m a to-do list junkie who prefers a pen and pad over a laptop.

follow me on IG @Jennadmorrow

Good Day Women in Business,

Happy March!

Can you believe it’s March 1st? Christmas will be here before you know it, again! I am always excited when the Christmas season is upon us. It brings me great joy and peace so for me Christmas is every day.

From this time forth, I will be honoring a Woman In Bright Lights. Yes, she is the entrepreneur who, by faith in God, starts a business and flourishes.

During the month of March we are honoring our own, Jenna D. Morrow. Jenna left her job in corporate America last July to start her own interior design business, The Morrow Home.

Jenna’s business, in such a short time, has taken off. She is in the process of hiring an assistance due to her work load.

Jenna is a mother of a 16-month-old and she needs help as her business is soaring.

Check out Jenna’s website,

I hope you enjoy learning more about The Morrow Home. We are elated that Jenna has jumped on her own exclusive cloud of faith to do what God has called her to do.

Be blessed,



Small Business Information for Female Entrepreneurs

SBA Offers Increased Assistance To Black Female Business Owners

SBA Offers Increased Assistance To Black Female Business Owners

Women-owned businesses continue to become more established in the American economy, however women continue to face more obstacles than men when launching and growing their businesses.

These challenges — including securing small business loans — thwart the success of female-owned companies and hinder their ability to innovate, create jobs, and grow. Fortunately, helping women-owned businesses — especially those owned by minorities — has been a priority of the Biden administration.

Female-owned businesses, which must be at least 51% owned and controlled by women, have become increasingly prominent over the past decade.

From 2014 to 2019, the number of women-owned businesses soared to 21%, leading to over 12 million businesses in operation, according to the 2019 American Express State of Women in Business Report.

In those five years, overall businesses across the country increased by just 9%. Looking back even further the number of women entrepreneurs has risen 114% during the past two decades.

As of 2019, about 50% of women-owned businesses were operated by women of color. In the five-year span from 2014-2019, the average revenue for those women of color decreased from $67,800 to $65,800. Meanwhile, the average revenue rose from $198,500 to $218,800 for non-minority women.

SBA Supports Minority Women Business Owners

The Biden administration and the SBA have made it a priority to help Black-owned businesses owned by women.

Last week, SBA Administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman announced the availability of $1.5 million for 10 new grant opportunities for established Minority Serving Institutions aspiring to host a Women’s Business Center (WBC) to provide local outcome-oriented business services for women entrepreneurs.

During Black History Month, the SBA has reaffirmed its commitment to creating funding opportunities that increase equity for small business owners. This effort has been a priority under Administrator Guzman. Through the SBA’s  Office of Women’s Business Ownership’s (OWBO), the WBCs help entrepreneurs pivot, grow and navigate new opportunities.

Some of these opportunities have been created through President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, such as competing in the burgeoning industries solving climate change and to grow clean-energy supply chains that will help expand global exporting.

“Our efforts to help establish more Women’s Business Centers at Minority Serving Institutions across America will not only deliver on the Biden-Harris administration’s priority to invest in equity, but also will help more women entrepreneurs, who are among the most energetic, innovative and fastest-growing segments of our small business economy,” said Administrator Guzman.

Guzman added that Women’s Business Centers provide vital support, connecting women entrepreneurs with many of the SBA’s most valuable resources including access to capital, professional networks, skills training for business growth and resilience, and much more.

“My hope is that leaders of every qualifying institution will seize this opportunity to establish a Women’s Business Center and start building bridges to opportunity for our nation’s women business owners,” she said.

The purpose of the new funding will be for up to 10 private, non-profit organizations to provide entrepreneurial development services to women, with an emphasis on socially and economically disadvantaged entrepreneurs in locations that are outside of the geographical areas of existing WBCs.

Eligible applicants include the following institutions of higher education or their affiliates:

·        Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)

·        Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs)

·        Tribal Colleges and University (TCUs)

·        Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions (NHSIs)

·        Alaska Native Serving Institutions (ANSIs)

“Our office looks forward to supporting initiatives to ensure that multicultural women and the academic institutions that support them across the nation, have access to resources and support to advance entrepreneurial opportunities and preparation,” said Natalie Madeira Cofield, Assistant Administrator of the SBA. “This notable expansion builds on our historic expansion in 2021, where our center footprint grew to include 24 new centers, 60-percent of which were located in rural communities across the nation, including Puerto Rico.”

Since March 2021 alone, 24 new centers have opened. Among the newest WBCs are three affiliated with Historically Black Colleges and Universities and two in Puerto Rico, as well several focused on reaching entrepreneurs from rural communities. Currently, OWBO funds and supports the largest WBC network in the history of the SBA, with 140 centers in 49 states and Puerto Rico.

The SBA’s WBC network provides one-on-one counseling, training, networking, workshops, technical assistance, and mentoring to women entrepreneurs on numerous business development topics, including business startup, financial management, marketing, and procurement. To find other WBC locations and additional SBA resources, visit

How to Apply

Eligible applicants must be private, non-profit organizations with 501(c) tax-exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service and must or be affiliated with a Minority Serving Institution. The application acceptance period for this grant opportunity runs from now through Monday, March 14, 2022. Proposals responding to this program must be submitted through by Monday, March 14, 2022, at 11:59 p.m. No other methods of submission will be permitted. Proposals submitted after the stipulated deadline will be rejected without being evaluated.

When women businesses owners pitched ideas for early-stage capital, they received over $1 million less than men ($935,000, compared to $2.1 million), according to research from BCG. While men received more funding, the report found that businesses founded by women were much more prosperous in the long-term, gaining 10% more in revenue over a five-year period.

In terms of how effectively companies turn a dollar of investment into a dollar of revenue, it was found that startups by women produced 78 cents, while male-owned businesses created 31 cents. The data underscores the importance of providing access to capital for women-owned companies overall.

Follow Rohit on Twitter or LinkedIn. Check out his website.