Christmas in July

This is a Time to Present Your Gifts

Christmas in July

Christmas in July is here! It’s time for you to celebrate your achievements.

I am over the moon because I love me some Christmas. Guess what ladies, I celebrate Christmas in my heart every day.

Many stores are celebrating Christmas in July.

This idea of celebrating and gifting during the month of July started?

Even though I have never participated in this brilliant yearly celebration, I think it works for those who love Christmas. You can find some great items on sale. QVC offers 5 easy payments on a lot of their products and I always find myself shopping for the actual Christmas season.

Christmas in July would be a great time for you to start your own business. Why not gift yourself your own home based business during Christmas in July.

If you have been thinking about how you can make money from home then starting your own business would be ideal.

Here I go. When I started my business years ago it was great because I had the power and unlimited potential to prosper my business with the abundance of tools along with the skill set that came and will alwaysl comes from God’s infinite wisdom.

Along the way I have learned a myriad of lessons. One being that being boss lady over my own business has blessed me in countless ways.

Christmas in July is a time to celebrate

When I launched Beauty and the Face in 2013 I had to put my business on hold because I had to take care of my mother. I was told she had six months to live when I brought her home from rehab to live with me. Well, she lived for five years and I’m so grateful that she did. I cared for her here in my home and I put BATF on hold while I gave my mother my full and complete attention. I was happy to do so.

And now my body butter business is booming. Sales are up and I am super elated. My hair butter is selling well and growing hair of those who have placed orders.

Am I excited because my income is growing? I am excited because my skin care products are blessing my customers. You see, for me creating and formulating products that work is important to me. My moisturizers soften smooth and soothe skin and my hair butter helps women to achieve healthier hair.

As orders flow in I have to fulfill them as quickly as possible which is to say that I haven’t had a chance to think about having Christmas in July sales, although my face serum was on sale for a month.

And now I’m in the midst of preparing for fall and winter. You know it’s never too early to prepare for greatness. You should be doing the same thing.

So are you ready to start your own business. Decide and go forth be the greatest boss lady ever.

I hope this post blesses and motivates you to start your home based business.

God has gifted you so why not gift yourself by building an empire you can call your own.

In Jesus mighty name,



Did I Forget To Tell You That I Am Blessed

I Am Blessed Beyond Belief and So Are You

Did I Forget To Tell You That I Am Blessed

Did I forget to tell you that I am blessed? You are blessed beyond measure too.

Blessed. Yes, that would be us; blessed.

The works of my hands have been blessed to create and hand whip some of the finest butter creams for your skin.

Hands blessed to create and hand whipped from some of earth’s most alluring butters I present to you a skin loving experience.

Like the perfect color palette of makeup highlighting or enhancing your loveliest features our jewels of amethysts, emeralds and rubies beautifully compliment your skin.

Using simple and yet majestic ingredients of ever natural properties you will see radiance glowing like the setting of the sun.

Softness will be felt and beauty shall reign evermore.

Beauty shall come forth.

Did you just read the above?

You Are Blessed, Brilliant and Amazing Too

Did I Forget To Tell You That I Am Blessed

You are highly favored and truly blessed because you are women of the Most High.

That is why I am blessed as well. I get to hand craft some of the most beautiful butters in the world. Now, how do I know that my body butters are the most beautiful in the world? I don’t, but I believe that they are.

See, believing is the key word here. I believe in myself and I believe in my skin care products.

If you have a product or if you provide a service to your clients you must believe that you offer the very best in every aspect of your empire.

Did I forget to tell you how blessed I am and so are you.

When you think this way you can build on what you already have.

Believe it and receive it and always be blessed.

All for His glory,



See yourself as a successful entrepreneur

How To Be A Successful Business Owner

How to be a successful business owner is your guide to long lasting success in business.

Women entrepreneurs have amazing minds, skill sets and are beyond gifted.

If you want to see yourself as a successful entrepreneur read on. Below are just a few things that you can do to enjoy success and prosperity all the days of your business life.

Is there something that you’d like to do but something is holding you back.

As entrepreneurs our mindset speaks to our hearts. Our hearts tell us that we have the power to get wealth.

We have a multitude of gifts that can be of great value to others. How do you share your gifts. In what way do you think that you can make an impact on someone else’s life. What can you give as a give away that can alter the steps of your sister entrepreneurs.

There are several in which you can offer and add value to those in need.

Firstly, let’s think about what makes you happy. You must do what you love and enjoying doing before you can share your blessings with someone else.

Are you joyful when it comes to giving. Knowing that Your mind has the power to shift and help you make great strides in your life will help you to decide in what area in which you want to offer and then provide a product or service. This is your opportunity to send that same amazing energy soaring to others.

Being a Blessing to Others Is the Success You’re Going to Love

Ask yourself how you can be a blessing to others. There are countless ways in which you can spread much needed joy.

See yourself walking in someone else’s shoes.

Perhaps you can lend a hand by choosing to offer a service that has tremendous value.

For instance, if you were to head over to you will see a very large market full of value. From website building, coaching, logos to all kinds of graphic design and so much more this may spark your interest.

This is a great way to grasp new ideas that you can offer others.

Once you have decided what to offer create a splash page to promote and market it. This is also a brilliant way to drive unlimited traffic to your site.

Make sure that you have your offer front and center on your page. Give your offer that wow factor that will make your visitors click on your product. Make the offer easy to get. Place the download where it is easy to see and easily accessible.

Tell your visitors how they can get what you are offering. Make sure that you place the link strategically on your page. You don’t want them to leave without downloading your offer because you know how powerful your product is and you know it has the great ability to change lives.

It’s time to get super creative. You can do it. Now is the time.

Be blessed entrepreneurs,

All for His glory,


Why You Should Always Give to Others

God blesses us everyday with miracle upon miracle and that is why it is important for us to give also

Why You Should Always Give to Others

Entrepreneurship is a blessing. Having been gifted by God with some of the most awesome gifts in the world it is important that we use these gifts for God’s glory.

As an entrepreneur I’m constantly trying to figure out ways to be a blessing to other entrepreneurs. Whether it’s females or males I feel the need to share and pass on my blessings to others from God the Father.

Giving is powerful as it has the ability to make an enormous impact in the life of the giver as well as the receiver.

Furthermore, giving feels great. It feels amazing.

For me, giving is the right thing to do.

When giving comes naturally and we do it without complaining or fussing we give ourselves permission to receive even more of Gods abundant blessings.

Always remember God can do exceeding abundantly above all than we can imagine.

If you’re traveling on your own personalized entrepreneurial journey it is my sincerest prayer that you are giving to those who need your help.

Perhaps you’ll have a free give away of your product or offer a 30 minute coaching, counseling or mentoring session if that’s the field you’re in.

Whatever your entrepreneurial spirit inspires you to do I pray that you do it and give from the bottom of your heart with all your heart.

If you have yet to give why not start today and when you do you are going to be in awe of the wonderful feeling of being so generous will bring to you.

After all God gives us everything we need to be happy at peace and content. Why not do the same. It brings blessings after blessings and open doors no one can close.

All for the Glory of God,


A Powerful Prayer for Female Entrepreneurs

Pray this prayer daily for prosperity, wealth and abundance women entrepreneurs

A Powerful Prayer for Female Entrepreneurs

This is a powerful prayer for female entrepreneurs.

Dear God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs, pray this prayer daily and without fail for riches, wealth and prosperity. You are already abundant. Be blessed and give God thanks.

Here is your prayer.

Dear God,

I come before Your presence to ask You to bless this amazing group of beautiful and brilliant Christian women entrepreneurs.

Lord God this special community of female entrepreneurs is a powerful one.

As they work to lift up Your name I ask that You bless the works of their hands. Lord God prosper them. Give them all the things that they need and some of the things that their hearts desire. Let the meditation of their heart and the words they speak be acceptable in Your sight.

Lord God as they enter into their offices each and everyday I ask that You encamp your Angels all around them.

Please protect them Lord God. Feed and nourish them with manna from heaven. Thank You Lord for Your provision.

Father God, plant seeds of wisdom with sprouts of understand deep into their hearts, minds and souls.

Guide them with Your eye Lord and be merciful unto them. Be the Shepherd they need to lead them to greener pastures where they may eat the good of the land. Bless and clothe them with strength and power.

O Lord release unto them resources to ensure their success and prosperity. Show them how to use the power you’ve given them to get wealth. Let money flow into them from the windows of heaven. Help them Lord to be good money managers. Let their finances be life changing.

Father God remind them to always give freely and cheerfully.

I pray they bring tithes into your store house. Lord continue to make them the head and not the tail. Lord bestow upon these remarkable women who love You wisdom and clear understanding and let them know, Lord, that they can always trust You.

Lord teach them to apply Your principles to every aspect of their empires to ensure their great success. Let them write Your commandments on the table of their hearts.

All these things I ask in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

Prayer written by Cynthia G. Boyer

Why I Stepped Out in Faith to Become an Entrepreneur

My Faith Has Taken Me Places I Never Knew Existed, In My Mind Anyway

Why I Stepped Out in Faith to Become an Entrepreneur

Stepping out in faith, something I had always been scared to do, I finally found the courage to take that first step towards my entrepreneurial journey. And in my mind, I knew I had this incredible power to do remarkable things, like changing people’s lives with the gifts God had given me.

When I made up mind to start my own business I realized that without faith in God nothing was going to happen. My first step would have been impossible for me to take if I had not clothed myself with faith. Also, there could be no way that I could ever leverage any of my businesses without faith in the Lord thy God. All of it when have been impossible.

The great thing about all of this though is that not only has my life shifted, but my mindset has taken me on a powerful journey in more ways than one. As a result I am truly enjoying the life loving lessons that have positioned me for greater.

Stepping Out In Faith To Do What I Was Called To Do Which Is To Be a Help To Others

Firstly, during the building of my businesses of which there are many and all that I love God has graciously deposited seeds into my garden. Upon watering these seeds I along with the guidance of the Holy Spirit have grown a bountiful harvest. This harvest, rich and plentiful, is the environment in which my mind lives thrives and abundantly flourishes.

Secondly When I started out in business I had a powerful system in place. I learned how to create my own marketing materials. I also learned the ins and outs of WordPress which in my opinion is one of the most complicated and amazing platforms on the planet. It was a difficult process, but one that I was willing and ready to master. I am glad I did.

WordPress has so much to offer in terms of helping you to build a professional blog or website. It has everything your business needs to help you to create a website masterpiece.

WordPress can do wonders for your business if you’re willing to put in and do the work. You can transform your business if it’s presently stuck in the miry clay. Once you master WordPress I think you will see that it has everything you need for the success of your business.

Thirdly I knew that if I was going to prosper any part of all of my business I had to read and learn as much about SEO as I could to drive traffic to my blogs and website.

Stepping Out in Faith Meant Trusting God Wholeheartedly

I also learned about affiliate marketing. Google Adsense was one of the first programs of many that caught my attention. I signed up for an account and it took me a little over a year to receive my first $100 check. The reason why it took me so long was because I wasn’t getting nearly enough traffic to my sites. This seems to be a problem many blogger and business owners have. No not one. It wasn’t until I had a few bright bulb moments that I finally had/have money coming in from my websites as well as from my products and ebooks.

If you’re struggling to start your very own entrepreneurial journey and you feel as though you have no faith in God, the first thing you should do is go to God in prayer. Pour out your heart to Him and tell Him what you are feeling and thinking. Trust me, He will guide your footsteps to where He wants you to go.

As an entrepreneur,  you are going to enjoy the lessons that have the great ability to prosper you as a female business owners.

Okay, so why are you seeing yourself as an entrepreneur, but have yet to start planning your business. The time is this second for you to get up and get moving. Your journey will be a great one, but only if you believe it and take inspired action.

Allow yourself to go places  you never knew about even if it is only in your mind for there is wisdom and understanding dwells and this is where change can take place.

Why I stepped out in faith to become an entrepreneur you ask? Because I have to change lives. It’s just that simple.

Be blessed,



Everyday is a special occasion because you are an entrepreneur

Why You Should Celebrate Your Business Every Day


Everyday is a special occasion because you are an entrepreneur


Celebrating your entrepreneurial achievements should be a daily routine.

Everyday is a special occasion because you are an entrepreneur.

Your business and your value. Don’t forget about your worth. You cannot put a price tag on it because like you, your business is unique and amazing. To be perfectly honest with you, you can’t put a dollar sign on your business. It goes way beyond money.

Whatever you doing at this very moment I want you to stop and think about your empire.
First, let me ask you a few important questions.
The first is this, do you offer a great service that has the unique ability to change lives in an impactful and positive way. Maybe you specialize in creating happiness through a product that you designed to help others.  Could it be something women children or families need that helps to make their lives easier or more productive?

Celebrate Your Product or Service

Everyday is a special occasion because you are an entrepreneur
Let’s say that you offer a service that speaks to the spirit of your customers or clients.
If you provide a product or service to your target audience and it has changed the path of their course, then celebrate.

When you begin to celebrate you and your business you will start to feel a real sense of joy.

Now let’s take a look at you. Take a look in the mirror and see the awesome woman of God staring back at you. Shaped in His image, you are a masterpiece created by the Master. Also, don’t forget that you are beyond brilliant.

You are amazingly awesome. Gifted with a genius mind, you can do what your heart says you can. Remember Who resides there so you already know that you have the ability to succeed.
There is no way that you can ever fail. You need not ever think that you can’t do something.
Don’t ever devalue your business, service or product because of what you think others may think. Your product/service and you deserve the award of a lifetime because you, God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs are phenomenal. Everything you touch turns to gold and that is the norm for you so go on and celebrate you and your business!
Everyday is a special occasion because you are an entrepreneur! Believe it and receive your wealth.
All for His Glory,

Female Entrepreneurs Grind Hard

Entrepreneurs Grind Hard Not Because They Have to But Because They Love To

Female Entrepreneurs Grind Hard

Female entrepreneurs grind hard because that’s what has been embedded in us. It’s what we do and we do it well.

When I decided to become an entrepreneur I was expecting greatness. That greatness would come from deep within my own mind, heart, soul and spirit. Greatness to do great things.

My focus and mission would be to give God glory. Expecting God to lead, guide and direct my every move, I had to be obedient to His call on my life. I wanted what God wanted. I also had plans to give what He had and continues to give me. Blessings bestowed upon the works of my hands after blessings.

I wanted to produce products and offer life-changing services that would bless women who are how I use to be which was once upon a time, fearful and hopeless aimlessly walking without faith in God. With that storm now over, I am doing what I love. And so I grind real hard, but not because I have to, but because I love to.

Entrepreneurs, I believe in my heart, are those Christian women business owners who love to grind hard everyday. It is simple. We have so much to share and give that we take honor and pleasure in running our businesses with hearts like Jesus, of gold and thankfulness.

To grind hard presents us with more open door opportunities for God’s glory. Those open door opportunities are blessings that gives us more chances to scale our businesses. Grinding hard doesn’t mean that we wear ourselves out to the point that we are too tired to give full attention to our empires. It means that we love creating more as it pertains to our businesses and always for our customers and clients.

To All My Female Entrepreneurs, Keep Grinding, Working and Giving God the Glory

Female entrepreneurs grind hard to ensure successful empires and businesses while giving God the glory, honor and praise.

Grinding hard enriches every aspect of your business. It also empowers you to keep going and to enjoy the success that you deserve as you consistently and constantly work to be a blessing to others.

Be blessed in Jesus Christ,



Praise the Lord

Give God Praise, Glory and Honor

Praise the Lord


Hello Luminous Beings.

Praise the Lord.

It’s Friday, May 20, 2022.

The weather is beginning to heat with the humidity right up there with it. I thank God for the humming of my air conditioner because I know it still works after 17 long years of keeping us cool.

As I continue to work on leveraging Love for the Skin, God has shown me something new. I am sincerely grateful.

Many of you may know that I sell body butter. I love to hand whip home made body butter creams for my customers. My all natural body butters are incredible moisturizers, but they are now moving off of my shelve as fast as I hoped.

I asked God to help me to do some completely different that may make a difference for my business.

He spoke to me and told me to launch a collection for maturer women. God said, Cynthia, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel; why waste time.

So I am going to be offering something new. Even though the body butter business is saturated, I believe in my products. I offer a range of body butter balms and creams that benefit the skin.

My skin care products soften and soothe the skin incredibly and beautifully and I wanted something to go along with these powerhouses. God gave me the concept and I am going to add it to my already awesome collection of moisturizers, but with a twist.

I’ll be launching this brand new collection soon. Am I excited? Very.

I cannot wait to share my new skin care line online for existing and potential customers.

Please listen out so that you can have a look at these new precious commodities.

Be blessed,



Bible Verses for Christian Women In Business

Read These 3 Bible Verses Daily for the Works of Your Hands To Be Blessed Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs

Bible Verses for Christian Women In Business

Bible verses for Christian women in business is God speaking to your heart.

Spending time in the  presence of God is vital for holy living.

When you read the Word of the Lord, you learn that our God is an awesome God who loves us beyond comprehension. Our God is a great God and worthy to be praised.

Before you enter into your home office to start your day give God glory and thank Him for all that you have.

I want to encourage you to read these 3 Bible verses and be blessed.

Psalm 112

Praise ye the Lord.

Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord,
that delighteth greatly in his commandments.
His seed shall be mighty upon earth:
the generation of the upright shall be blessed.
Wealth and riches shall be in his house:
and his righteousness endureth for ever.
Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness:
he is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous.
A good man sheweth favour, and lendeth:
he will guide his affairs with discretion.
Surely he shall not be moved for ever:
the righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance.
He shall not be afraid of evil tidings:
his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord.
His heart is established, he shall not be afraid,
until he see his desire upon his enemies.
He hath dispersed, he hath given to the poor;
his righteousness endureth for ever;
his horn shall be exalted with honour.
10 The wicked shall see it, and be grieved;
he shall gnash with his teeth, and melt away:
the desire of the wicked shall perish.

Psalm 122:7

Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces.

Malachi 3:10

Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
Bible verses for Christian women in business is going to bless you and your business in a powerful way. Thank  God now.
Peace and blessings be unto you,