Merry Christmas Small Business Owners

Women Entrepreneurs Get Ready Because Christmas Is Coming!

Merry Christmas small business owners.
Good day awesome women entrepreneurs. It’s been a busy time with Christmas arriving sooner than later. Are you ready to give your small business another boost?

Convert Views into Sales and Make Christmas 2022 Spectacular!

Merry Christmas Small Business Owners

Now Is the time to promote your business with holiday sales, coupon codes and promos such as your BOGO’s, free shipping, half price or any other offers that will grab the attention of your target audience and make as many sales as you can this Christmas.

It’s an exciting time to celebrate and gift your customers by offering them some great offers from your business.

Let them know you appreciate them.

Show your customers how much you appreciate them with some amazing offers that they cannot refuse.

There is no greater way to say thank you then by helping your customers to save some money while getting the highest quality products or services that they may be in need of and that also has the potential to change their lives.

Create a an amazing marketing plan and execute it with diligence. Your business sales and growth depends on your marketing plan and how you promote and manage your business.

Merry Christmas Small Business Owners, You Got This!

Christmas can be a merry time to make those sales and grow your business like never before. Do your research to find out how you can make more sales this year from your business.

This can be a really fun time for you and your business. Get excited about what’s to come and give God glory.

Merry Christmas small business owners.

Be blessed,



October Entrepreneur of the Month

The Owner of Butter and Grow Premium Hair Care

Cyndi Boyer

Cyndi Boyer is the founder and owner of GVWE. She is also the owner of Butter and Grow Premium Hair Care Product.

When Cyndi started Beauty and the Face, Love for the Skin, six years ago she and her customers fell in love with her all natural body butters.

She then decided to make this one hair product after doing extensive research about essential oils that would make hair stronger and healthier. Cyndi nailed it with this one premium hair care product that has helped her own hair to grow. Butter and Grow nourishes the hair giving it great moisture to keep hair hydrated with a lovely sheen.


No Money to Start a Business

No Worries; All You Need Is You!

Things to Do Today.  Start Your Own Business!

No Money To Start a Business

Okay so you are excited and pumped up and ready to start your own home based business.  And you realize that you have no money to start a business. That’s okay, because you don’t need any money to start your empire. All you need is you, your gifts and your great skill set.

You might be limited to a strict budget when you want to start a business, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have any options. It is possible to start a business with very little money, if you have the right combination of skills, work ethic and marketing know-how.

According to Chris Guillebeau, author of The $100 Startup, “To succeed in a business project, especially one you’re excited about, it helps to think carefully about all the skills you have that could be helpful to others and particularly about the combination of those skills.”

Follow these simple guidelines to start a business when you have little to no money. Learn how to make money today.

1. Make something.
Yes, making something does take an initial cost in supplies, but oftentimes, these products can be sold for many times over their actual cost. What you decide to make is up to you, but there are several places you can sell your handmade options online:

Abe’s Market deals in natural and organic goods, such as lotions, candles, granola, and more.

Etsy is one of the largest online markets for almost anything homemade, from jewelry to wooden toys for kids.

Bonanza is another growing handmade marketplace, similar to Etsy. According to PC World, it boasts over 10 million visits per month.

eBay is one of the biggest online ecommerce marketplaces in the world, and its streamlined store options, easy checkout through Paypal, and customizable listing options make it a great choice for selling items.

Many business owners sell their products on multiple platforms to get the most exposure possible. It is important, however, to make sure your inventory stays updated on all sites you have a storefront on. If you want to learn about more resources for selling homemade items, check out this Lifehacker post.

2. Resell something.
If you don’t want to make anything (or you don’t consider yourself a creative person), many business owners have grown large businesses just be reselling products that have already been made. This can be done through a variety of ways or channels:

Drop shipping: Set up an online store and partner with drop-shipping companies that will do all the order fulfillment for you. Online ecommerce platform Shopify has a great drop shipping guide, and Tim Ferriss does a good job of explaining drop shipping in his well-known book, The Four Hour Work Week.

Thrift stores and garage sales: If you know where to look, you can find items at thrift stores, antique shops, flea markets and garage sales and resell them online or in your local community for more than you purchased them for. One extremely successful example of this is Sophia Amoruso, the founder of Nasty Gal. Amoruso started buying and reselling vintage and unique fashion pieces on eBay, and her company has grown to a net income of $24 million in 2011 with over 200 employees. Her book, #GIRLBOSS, is in inspiring look into how she got started.

3. Sell your services.
One way to start a business with little to no startup capital is to sell your services, instead of a physical product. There’s a huge variety of services you can offer, depending on your background and interests.

Related: Starting a Business? When to Scrimp vs. Splurge.

Some will require advanced degrees, such as accounting, while others require little more than a working knowledge of how it’s done (such as babysitting, lawn mowing or personal assistance).

success, goals, dreams, aspirations, inspiration

Because you are selling your services, you will need a branding plan to make sure your name and company gets in front of the people who may need the service. Some places that are free for promoting your services include Fiverr, Craigslist, Elance, Taskrabbit and Skillshare.

It’s also useful to have a website to show examples of your work, list your experience, and blog about your industry to draw visitors. If you want to learn more about branding and online marketing, check out Buffer’s social-media blog, Hubspot’s blog, Content Marketing Institute and CopyPress.

4. Barter to get what you need.
Unfortunately, it’s extremely hard to start a business without any type of funds at all. Even creating a freelance-writing business utilizing Elance and a free WordPress or Wix website will still require a computer to work on as well as Internet. However, there are ways to get supplies you need for starting your business without money.

For instance, if you find yourself in need of a used laptop, try to barter for it. Build a new website for a used electronics supplier, or offer babysitting services to your neighbor for their old Macbook.

5. Utilize low-cost services.
As mentioned previously, you can use sites such as Fiverr or Elance to advertise your products and services on, but you can also use these platforms to build up your own company. For instance, many designers offer $5 to $25 logo designs (that come with free revisions). Sort by reviews and look at past examples to find a designer or service provider that matches your style.

This is a great way to get branding materials, printed items (Vistaprint and Zazzle are great places to buy personalized items), or other needed items without much cost. And for additional savings, be sure to look for coupon codes on sites such as RetailMeNot before checking out at any online retailer!

Starting a business requires ingenuity and a passion for what you are doing. Once you find yourself doing something you enjoy, you will be more likely to find ways to make it all come together.

This article was written by Sujan Patel

I hope it blesses you in some way.

All for His glory,




17 Money Prayers for Women Entrepreneurs

17 Money Prayers That Work Instantly: And What You Need To Know

Money Prayers that work instantly

Here are money prayers that work instantly that you can use to pray.

Money is a spirit; there’s the ‘angel’ called ‘money’, He answers to the voice of God.

Money is a servant, it is sent to serve God’s purpose in your life.

Money matter is spiritual, that’s why Satan has his own version of money called mammon.

In order to frustrate God’s purpose for Christians, Satan sends the demon called mammon to afflict many of them causing them to always run after money, but yet they never have enough.

But what God wants is for you to have money without struggle, money enough for yourself and more to give away to those in need.

Whatever your need may be today for money, these money prayers that work instantly will bring money your way faster than you think if you will just learn to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and obey it.

Let’s get to it.

READ ALSO: 24 Hour Miracle Prayer Points

Money Prayers That Work Instantly

Money Prayers That Work Instantly

The following are money prayers that work instantly; you can pray them right away believing to see God come through for you with money in good time.

1. Pray and thank God for the blessedness of money and riches made available through the death of Christ, in Jesus name.

For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich. (2 Corinthians 8:9, KJV)

2. Pray and declare that because money is God’s servant, it will serve God’s cause in your life today, in Jesus name.

The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts.  (Haggai 2:8, KJV)

3. Pray and command the ‘angel’ called ‘money’ to answer to you now with the said amount of money you need now, in Jesus name.

Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? (Hebrews 1:14, KJV)

4. Pray and call the amount of money you need forth right now, in Jesus name.

5. Pray and claim the money you called forth, in Jesus name.

For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. (Mark 11:23-24, KJV)

6. Pray and command that Satan and his demons take their hands off that amount of money you need right now, in Jesus name.

7. Pray and command ministering spirits to go forth and cause the money to come to you right now, in Jesus name.

And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. (John 14:13, KJV)

8. Pray and ask the Lord to cause you to be at the right place and at the very right time to catch up with the money, in Jesus name.

The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. (Psalm 37:23, KJV)

9. Pray and command the four winds of the heavens to blow the money your way right now, in Jesus name.

And there went forth a wind from the LORD, and brought quails from the sea, and let them fall by the camp, as it were a day’s journey on this side, and as it were a day’s journey on the other side, round about the camp, and as it were two cubits high upon the face of the earth. (Numbers 11:31, KJV)

READ ALSO: Prayer Points For Spiritual Power

10. Pray and ask the Lord the Holy Spirit to inspire in your heart who to call right now, where to go right now and what to do right now for the money to come, in Jesus name.

And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left. (Isaiah 30:21, KJV)

11. Pray and come against demons of delay and denial, in the name of Jesus.

Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia. (Daniel 10:12-13, KJV)

12. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to inspire you with an idea right now to raise the said amount of money, in Jesus name.

And this he said to prove him: for he himself knew what he would do. (John 6:6, KJV)

But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding. (Job 32:8)

13. Pray and demand the heaven and the earth to shake and make happen for you the amount of money you claimed, in Jesus name.

14. Pray and demand that circumstances and situations happen right now to make happen for you the said amount of money, in Jesus name.

For thus saith the LORD of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the LORD of hosts. (Haggai 2:6-7, KJV)

15. Pray and ask the Lord to give you favor with any man or woman you may ask for the money right now, in Jesus name.

But the LORD was with Joseph, and shewed him mercy, and gave him favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison. (Genesis 39:21, KJV)

16. Pray and ask the Lord to make it happen for you by His mercy, to let money come forth for you now by His mercy, in Jesus name.

O give thanks to the Lord of lords: for his mercy endureth for ever. To him who alone doeth great wonders: for his mercy endureth for ever. (Psalm 136:3-4, KJV)

17. Pray and ask the Lord to give you a harvest of money today, in Jesus name.

I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labour: other men laboured, and ye are entered into their labours. (John 4:38, KJV)

Now go ahead and begin to thank God for answer to prayers, in Jesus name.

READ ALSO: Spiritual Warfare Prayers For Protection

Money Prayers That Work Instantly


Nonetheless exhaustive, these money prayers that work instantly are met to give you a head start as you pray.

But to be sure you get it right praying for instant money miracle, you will have to:

1. Be specific with the amount of money you want.

God works with specificity.

2. Call forth the amount you want in the name of Jesus.

Everything answers to the name of Jesus.

3. Be sincere with the amount of money you want and don’t waste it.

God will not give you money that you want to consume on your lost or use for things that don’t bring Him glory.

4. Be ready to obey the Holy Spirit.

You must be willing and ready to do whatever you feel led of the Holy Spirit to do after you have prayed.

Put that call across to that person now, if that’s what you feel He’s asking you to do right now.

Go to that place right now or do that thing right now, if that’s what He nudging in your heart to do.

You may even be nudged by the Spirit to give the last money that’s with you at the moment.

You must be willing to obey rather than negotiate and rationalized God’s leading.

You see, God is not a magician, He does not work with nothing. Rather, He is a miracle worker, He works by multiplying seed, He multiplies the little you have until it becomes more than enough.

That means you must have something in your hand for Him to breathe on and multiply. (See Exodus 4:2, KJV and 2 Kings 4:2, NIV)

Yes, you must be willing and ready to obey the Holy Spirit whatever He tells you to do in order to get the money you prayed for. (See Isaiah 1:18, KJV and John 2:8, NIV)

To add, if while praying, you feel that you need to pray in the spirit to be able to exhaust your prayers, then go ahead and do it, don’t hesitate.

In praying in the spirit, you will be able to pray powerful and effective money prayers that work instantly.

This post is from Faith Victorious. Please check them out!

All the best!

Empowered by the Holy Spirit

Heeding The Wise Counsel of God’s Holy Spirit Makes My Dreams a Reality

Empowered by the Holy Spirit

My Divine Aid, yes, my Comforter and my helper has always lived inside me; I was born into the love of Christ Jesus, my Redeemer.

The Holy Spirit guides me on my daily Christian walk of life. He leads, guides and directs me with prudence, wisdom and knowledge on a path that is just and merciful; a path filled with God’s unconditional and everlasting love.

My footsteps are blessed, forever secured by the power of the Holy Spirit. He leads me into all truth in God’s enduring, righteous and glorious majesty.

Empowered to prosper by the One Who lives deep within my soul, the Holy Spirit has made the dreams I dream the life I live.

Blessed beyond measure, my life has entered into a place of tranquility, with my cup overflowing with humility, gentleness, goodness, love, peace and eternal joy.

The eternal presence of God’s Holy Spirit is the precious light that glows in my life.  His presence provides me with great gifts not made by man’s hands; gifts I treasure to bless others; gifts I cherish and hold dear to my heart.

Empowered by all the wonderful and precious gifts bestowed upon me by my Divine Aid, I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me.

My God-given amazing goals I once thought were impossible to achieve, are the goals I have accomplished by the indwelling of the love of the Holy Spirit.

My goals, once defined as dreams impossible to reach, live and touch, are the realities I have come to love and appreciate.

He empowers me, He encourages me, He enlightens me, and He illumines my steps.

God loves me, Christ strengthens me and the Holy Spirit indwells and empowers me because Jesus lives.

I am wrapped in love in the arms of the Holy Spirit; He comforts me tenderly, He loves me eternally and He indwells me ever so sweetly; forever grateful I will always be.

Cynthia G. Boyer

Think Grand Ideas Small Business Owners

Be Encouraged Female Entrepreneurs Because You Have the Power to Get Wealth and A Whole Lot More

Think Grand Ideas Small Business Owners

Realizing the fact that I am the heart of my small business, I am constantly thinking of grand ways to draw more attention to my empire.

Because God is the Founder of my business, I trust Him to provide me with more golden door opportunities everyday.

I have to tell you that I love what I do. Creating body butter recipes, and now with my new hair butter, I am sincerely thankful for the dreams, visions and concepts that God has laid before me.

My personalized plans have helped to enjoy success everyday.

It doesn’t matter if I make sales or if I’m incorporating new marketing materials and strategies, success has become my way of life and I celebrate every aspect of my great success.

Loving the fact that I get to write down new ideas with a focus on God first for His guidance and provision, I implement these ideas with confidence and faith because I know that they are from God.

Let’s answer a few important questions to get you into the flow of experiencing success everyday:

  • May I ask where you are in terms of growing your business?
  • Are you enjoying your entrepreneurial journey?
  • Is it what you thought it would be?

When you ask yourself these questions, take your time to answer each one and be completely honest with yourself about your business goals.

If you are not satisfied with the direction in which your business is going, think about what you can do differently to help you to see more success.

Also, go to God in prayer and ask Him to help you. He will graciously and faithfully assist you as you work to achieve your business goals.

Think Grand Ideas Small Business Owners and Invite Success Into Your Life

Think Grand Ideas Small Business Owners

Being a small business owner should give you an overflowing sense of peace, calm and joy.

I say this because you are blessed to build your business your way without any interference from the outside world. In other words, you have the power to get wealth for yourself and your family.

If you have ever worked for someone else, you know the work that goes into earning a paycheck. And if you have ever lived  from paycheck to paycheck then you should also know that there is nothing like being your own boss.

Furthermore, when you work for yourself as a woman boss, you can do things your way which automatically screams success!

Think grand ideas small business owners and stay encouraged God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs,











Happy Tuesday Blessings for Women in Business

Get Up, Get Ready and Roar!

Happy Tuesday Blessings for Women in Business

Happy Tuesday blessings women in business!

As summer slowly begins to wind down, I am reminded that fall will be arriving soon.

Am I excited? I can’t find the words to speak! Why am I super excited you ask? Because fall is the time when I incorporate new things in my business.

As a female entrepreneur I am consistently walking through doors of opportunities. When God speaks to me and shows me the door I wisely heed His Wise Counsel and Infinite Wisdom. I, thank You, God because I get to share my vision, goals and dreams with my awesome audience. These are blessings that I love to pour out into the world.

There is something special about women in business

Smiling young African female entrepreneur sitting at a table in her home office reading paperwork and working on a laptop

Women business owners have a powerful way of changing people’s lives in a plethora of ways.

I like the fact that I get to spread blessings straight from my business ventures while giving the very best that I can give when it comes to helping women entrepreneurs to transform their own lives as they constantly work to build their own personalized empires, not matter how big or small.

Having the tools and resources to build rock solid foundations when it comes to being business owners, there are countless women who have stepped out in faith to start their own home based businesses. Not held down by limiting beliefs, women everywhere are stepping out on wings of faith to do what they have always wanted to do, but couldn’t for whatever reason.

Being an entrepreneur means:

  • Doing what you love however many days of the week that you choose to
  • Using your gifts for God’s glory
  • Making your own daily schedule that fits perfectly into your life
  • Coaching, counseling and mentoring to those who need your service(s) in a powerful way which means you are implementing God’s word to teach others.

What better way to serve God than to use His word for His glory, your business and your life.

Happy Tuesday, God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs. Be blessed.




Have a Happy Saturday Women of Wealth

Saturday is the Perfect Day for Small Business Marketing and More!

Have a Happy Saturday Women of Wealth

Good Day Women of Wealth,

Happy Saturday and blessings to you!

How are you doing God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs?

And how is your business coming along? Are you thriving and enjoying great success?

Are you embracing the abundance that is flowing into your life? I sure hope so!

I’m in my home office on this hot and steamy Saturday. I live in the City of Brotherly love and it is hot and humid here today. It’s been this way for the most of the Summer.

As some of you may know, I am working on my own little projects and hope to have them all completed by the end of August. Today is August 6th and I need to step up my game big time.

My daughter and her family are here from England and I’ve had to slow down on business bits just a bit. When Monday comes I will be back in full force fulfilling orders and completing my daily tasks.

Last week I had orders for my new hair grease. I did that and now I will be working on my new Autumn line.

At the moment I am taking a break from cleaning my house. There is a lot to do when it comes to maintaining a home. I love it though.

In this blog post, I want to talk about entrepreneurship and how you can prosper and make more money.

As a small business owner and female entrepreneur, I have been met with many challenges along my entrepreneurial journey. The lessons have been many and I am sincerely grateful. Why? Because these lessons have taught me what to do and what not to do as a business owner.

Through it all I research anything that I think would be of help to me as I am constantly and consistently trying to grow my business. It may not be super easy, but I love being a female entrepreneur.

I get a thrill out of being my own boss.

My work schedule, as well as my home schedule work extremely well for me because I put the perfect plan in place.

Although, my phone steadily rings with texts and calls, I have finally learned how to balance it all.

I have a daily routine that is conducive to my work schedule.

In the morning I spend time with God and His living Word. I give Him thanks even before I go to my office because I am expecting great things to take place each day that He mercifully and graciously awakens me. Everything I do is for God’s glory.

Goal writing I love, but to be perfectly honest, I don’t always write down my goals for the day. Even I think it is vital that we pen our goals, I don’t always stick to this rule for myself. That’s because my dreams, goals, visions and business plans and concepts are embedded in my mind and heart. Still, I should be writing down my goals everyday.

Business plans are important to every woman who calls herself an entrepreneur or business owner.

Now to help me to promote and prosper my business I use Canva to design my marketing materials. Canva is an amazing tool that can help you to create videos and graphic design for your business. It is awesome for small businesses. They have a myriad of templates to choose from. You can make them your own and blow your business out of the water. I have been using Canva for years and they just keep getting better and better.

They offer a variety of fonts, colors for branding and every other design for business marketing.

I hope you check them out. You may find that they are exactly what you need to help you to promote your small business.

When it comes to social media I have incorporated Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest into my business to help grow my business. However, there is something missing and that missing something is in me. When Holy Spirit reveals it to me I will let you know. I feel it in my spirit and I am beyond excited to receive it.

Let’s talk a little about Facebook. Facebook works well for me. I could do even better if I took time to promote my businesses there, but for now, word-of-mouth is doing great and I am thankful.

Ladies, it is my hope that your businesses are flourishing and growing to your fullest potential and beyond.

Whatever works for you do it. It doesn’t have to be what everyone else is doing. I have created my own avenues of riches, wealth and abundance using my own unique business strategies and it just works for me. That’s God. He blesses the works of my hands.

God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs, do your thing. Make it your own. Be authentic and take your business places no business has ever gone before.

Lovely Ladies, please have a very happy and tremendously blessed Saturday.

Have a Happy Saturday Women of Wealth

I am off to Chop House with my family for dinner before my daughter and her family fly back over the pond after their visit to America. She misses home, but loves England and the United Kingdom just as much.

Have a Happy Saturday Women of Wealth!

Blessings ladies,





Bringing Your Goals To Fruition Slowly

Reaching Your Goals One Thought and Step at a Time

Bringing Your Goals To Fruition Slowly

Bringing your goals to fruition slowly is an amazing journey every entrepreneur should incorporate into your business.

Realizing that I needed to slow down and focus on one goal at a time, I felt as though I had room enough to breathe without ever being stressed.

One thought at a time.

And now I take One thought. One action. One goal at a time.

There is never a need to rush through your daily list of goals.

Whatever doesn’t get done in one day will get moved to the next day. Are you okay with this because I am. It just works because you never want to feel pressured to get things done.

You don’t ever want to rush through any of your tasks for any reason unless you have a deadline for projects. It gives me a sense of calm and I love calm.

Years ago when I started out in business I thoroughly enjoyed seeing my dreams come to fruition.

I had one business that turned into another business. I was absolutely thrilled how God was blessing the works of my hands.

And Now I Abound in Abundance. Not just in terms of money, but in other ways

The more inspired action I took the more ideas flowed to me. My creativity was through the roof and I was utilizing all the tools and resources that were placed before me.

As I began to flourish my mind was racing and my plate was overflowing.

To say my plate was full was an understatement. I was trying to do a gazillion things all at once and I began to suffer. I was desperately trying to fit pieces into a puzzle that were not meant to be in the puzzle.

I was reinventing the wheel over and over again. I was wearing myself out in an effort to build an empire that already had everything it needed. The thoughts swirling around in my head led me to a path of total confusion. Does this sound familiar to you?

Furthermore, my businesses were beginning to suffer. Talk about lost.

Finally, after trying to slow down my mind from racing like crazy, I told myself to deepen my faith in God.

Whenever I have bright bold moments it’s because Holy Spirit speaks to me. He gives me clarity.

When finally slowing down I heard Him say one thought, one action, one goal at a time. Be not desperate for anything.

Heeding His wise counsel, I have learned to slow down and just be at peace. It works wonders in my business affairs and I want you to do the same. You’ll be glad you did.

All for His Glory,


An Entrepreneur Who Loves Doing Things My Way

Doing Things My Way Has Been My Success Ever Since I Became A Business Owner

I am an entrepreneur who loves doing things my way. This is how I became super successful.

Using the tools God has given me along with the wisdom, knowledge and understanding from His word, I love God’s success.

As an entrepreneur I’m always looking for creative ways to prosper my business.

I love the fact that I get to do things my way. It’s such a blessing knowing that I don’t have to work for someone else when I have the right and perfect tools to build my own conglomerate.

Learning to type at age 14, I typed accurately and I was fast as lightning. This led me to believe that I could start a typing business and make avalanches of money. And I did. However, this was short lived because I got bored real fast. The money was great, but it wasn’t grand.

After closing the doors to my typing business I discovered the art of graphic design and mastered it all on my own. It was a challenge but one I welcomed with all my mind.

I fell in love with graphic design. My focus wasn’t the norm though. I just wanted to create inspirational wall art, but I was receiving requests for logo designs.

I wasn’t a logo designer, but I poured my heart into every request I accepted and my customers were 100% satisfied. Get this, my heart was smiling because I had the opportunity to provide a need and that alone was complete jubilation for me.

My ultimate goal was to sell art work and tee shirts. My artwork didn’t move and I sold a tee here and there. And now I know how to use my power to get wealth I use it wholeheartedly.

It is really something how things come to you with clear and complete understanding at the perfect time.

I’m in the process of building my new online store positive that this time around I’m going to blow it out of the water. One of the greatest tools that I need to ensure my success is faith. Yup, faith is going on this new journey with me. There will be no wavering or fear this time around. I’m sure and I certainly believe that I got this sewed up. Watch me soar.

I am an entrepreneur who loves doing things my way.

All for His glory,
