Information Abundance

That’s Who You Are!

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You are information abundance. You are a brilliant woman entrepreneur.  Your business is an extension of your life. You are the heart of your business. Your life and light reflects all the goodness your business was created and designed to be which is to be a help to others. If there is anything you are withholding that continues to lay dormant in your luminous being, please let it out and share it with the world. You created your business to change and bless lives. If you touch one person and they are blessed by whatever product or service you offer or provide I sincerely believe that their life has been changed or has the potential to change at some point and time, all for the betterment of their home and/or environment. 

Now is the time to pour everything into your business that is in your reservoir, you, attach passion to it and make your dynasty even more successful then it already is or everything that it has the potential to become. 

You are abundance filled with a well of overflow. As you swim in the sea of unlimited potentiality you can never run out of ways to leverage your business and make it even greater. While you may not think that this is possible remember that you have endless possibilities for growing your business. This is how you stay inspired. This should be where your motivation comes from just knowing that God opens one door and then the next as long as you stay true to Him, to yourself and to your business. You may as well make a beeline to Office Depot, Staples or Dollar Tree and purchase a bulk of journals because God is promising to do new things for you. He knows what you are capable of producing and doing. He sees all that you are doing with the gifts He has given you. He’s going to bless your deeds and actions in ways you only dream about. All of this is real. You better believe that you have an amazing journey ahead of you.

I want you to enjoy and love working your business. It’s a part of you. You birthed it. You nourish it  and it grows. You bless it and it flourishes.  So if there is anything on your plate in reference to your business is not feeding you nor your business scrape it off your plate right at this very moment. There’s never a need for you to be all over the map. Having too much on your plate should never make you feel important. Doing what the Holy Spirit instructs you to do and you heeding His every word should make you feel all the more awesome and highly blessed and favored because you are important to Him. When it comes to being an entrepreneur you excel because you belong to God. It is with the blessings of His infinite wisdom that you do all that is exclusive to you.

Be the phenomenal entrepreneur you were born to be. Be blessed. 

Written by Cynthia G. Boyer

Now Is The Time

Now Is The Time To Plant Those Seeds

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 Now is the time to sow seeds in the richest soil of your business, yes that would be you, and allow them to take root by watering them with your gifts and knowledge. Your seeds will grow and your increase shall be a bountiful harvest.  Don’t ever forget that you have unlimited potential to grow your business into fields of prosperity and abundance.

It’s time to think of your business like a garden. How does a garden grow. Think about it. Apply this same wealth of information to your business and increase your sales today.  

It’s February, but for the most part the days have been pretty mild with a few cold days here and there. Most landscaping businesses are preparing and gearing up for the humming of their lawn mowers. Their customers will need to have their lawns manicured. Their goal is lots of greenery to beautify and compliment the exterior of their homes. The landscaping businesses start planning and planting seeds early so that by the time April and May usher in the lawns of their customers have been fed and nourished with those vibrant green grass enhancing products they use or create themselves. 

Let’s take a look at your business. Is it where you want or need it to be. Are you really making money or is there something lacking in your business. Could it be that you’re not getting enough traffic or leads because in order to make money you must have massive traffic going to your website. This can be hard to accomplish if you don’t have or aren’t using the right tools and please know and understand that with the correct tools your business can soar like a city fenced up to heaven.

So, where are you in your business right now? If you’re struggling ask yourself what you can do differently to make an impact on/in your business. Study your business. See what you can improve upon. Does anything need to be changed?  Evaluate your business. Take your time and really think about all these things. You have great potential. You are awesome and sometimes it just takes positive words to affirm your greatness to remind yourself that yes I can do this. Also don’t ever be afraid to ask for help if you really feel you need it. Everybody needs help from an advisor, coach or mentor from goal-to-goal, dream-to-dream. You’d be surprised how your business can jump from one level to the next ten levels if you just ask for help and if you do decide to ask for help and you feel it resonates with you then make sure you apply it to your business.

I hope that this little piece of information is an enormous piece of information that has done just that. To God be all the glory!!!! Be Blessed. 

Written by Cynthia G. Boyer

Soar and Sell

Give Your Business a Boost

Planting Seeds of Words of Encouragement Everyday

Into Your Mind and Heart for Every Aspect of Your Business


You maybe wondering why I wrote soar and sell instead of sell and soar. It would be beyond easy to just say what you know is the obvious; sell and soar. If you have a product and you make a sell your energy level soars through the roof.

So instead of doing the norm, let’s create a new way of manifesting your wealth. 

Let’s get real excited.  I want you to write down those things that you want to help make your life a lot easier and more productive.  You have been giving and so very generous in providing for others what they need, now it’s time for you to do the same for  yourself.  So, to change your current financial forecast let’s get excited and soar in your business.  Everyday when you enter into your office or work space, I want you to say to yourself, blank is going to soar today!  Visualize this and watch your product start selling like never before.  Is it just that simple.  You’d better BELIEVE it!

You Have So Much Talent

Use What God Has Gifted You

To The Fullest of Your Potential

You have so much talent. So why are you stopping there. You are beyond gifted. In addition to your gifts and talents you have an abundance of tools swimming in the sea of unlimited potentiality. These tools, you know the ones that are relevant to your business, can make an enormous difference in how successful your empire can be. You just need to know what tools you need to use, like having systems in place. You don’t want to use anything that isn’t relevant to your dynasty.

A Gift Just For You

Coming Soon!

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I am euphoric, exuberant, jubilant and clothed in excitement about the most spectacular gift I am about to share with you.  It is chain breaking, stress relieving, fear releasing. It’s wonderment. It is amazement. It is a reservoir. It is rain from heaven. It is manna. It is nourishment. It is empowerment. It is riches abounding in abundance and wealth for your life. It is hope.  It is energy. It is fuel. and majorly impacting. I hope you find it enriching, enlightening and forever eye-opening and positive thinking which is life-loving and powerfully life changing. 

It is the ultimate invitation you will be overjoyed to receive and accept.  It is going to change your life.  I am about to jump out of my skin because I am about to give you what God has given me. Can you think of anything greater than this. To receive gifts and blessings from the Source of my strength. My everything. My all and all. My One and Only Dearest best and closest Friend. He knows my heart. He always have had my best interest at heart, as He does yours, and His plans for my life have been incredible. All the people in the world with the highest degrees could not even come close to devising a plan like the one God has penned for me. I am grateful. 

Now. This is all about you. It is for you!!  And like I love to say; It is as real as real gets and oh did I say it is authentic. Well it is because it is from God the Father. I take no credit at all. He gets all the glory and I know He truly deserves all the glory. 

He created you. Wonderful you are. Your beauty is beautiful from the texture of your tresses to the tone of your skin, your eyes , nose and everything about you is breathtaking because you were created by the Hands of a phenomenal and loving Father. He is desirous of your success. He’s given you a reservoir overflowing with His riches. He knows your needs. He wants you to have the desires of your heart so please stay tuned for there is a bounty, a rich harvest is coming your way!

The Impact

God’s Virtuous Woman Entrepreneur

You Ladies Are Simply Brilliant!!!

This is the year that you impact your business which means you are really going to impact your life!  Every area of your life. 

Today is the day you renew your spirit. Now is the time for you to shine in brilliance. This moment is the second that you alter your life. Speak truth into your heart. 

Pour out your passion into the place where God has placed His name; your business. Being an entrepreneur means propelling your business onto a path of prosperity. It means being of phenomenal life changing service to those in dire need. It means being the attraction and center of attention in the world of entrepreneurs. It means being the Christian woman business owner with answers to questions to those who ask the questions. It means demonstrating and displaying the gifts that were birthed with you when you made your entrance into the world. It means sharing the testimony of your journey. It means planting and watering the seeds of freshly seasoned entrepreneurs. It means thanking God for giving you the dream, goal and vision along with the faith and trust to change your own life present and future in such an awe-inspiring way. 

Believe in yourself.  It’s the only way to live!

Boyer Acquisitions

Equals Streams of Income

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Most people go into business for themselves for numerous and different reasons. I started my business simply because I am passionate about creating, designing and writing. I  cannot put into words the feeling that envelopes me when I begin to write a beautiful real-life short story. Whenever I write a heartfelt poem warmth sinks deep into my spirit and I have to tell you when I create a Vincent Vangoh like masterpiece (in my mind anyway) it becomes the therapy and peace I love and welcome. That’s when I know the Holy Spirit is clearly speaking to me just like now as I’m writing this post. When He speaks to my heart and tells me the colors to piece together I’m on a whole new planet in a world all by myself. I can’t explain it really. So starting my own business has been birthed from the gifts God gave me along with the desire to be my own boss without having a salary cap I would have to agree to if I worked for someone else. My gifts and skill set are priceless and because countless opportunities are always being presented to me I will always walk the path of unlimited potentiality which means I will always make money. 

Now anyone can have in place one to seven streams of income but what is the reason behind these multiple streams?  Ok. Let me explain exactly what I mean. My son is the owner of a conglomerate; Boyer Acquisitions  and under his empire’s umbrella are multiple businesses. Many of those businesses I founded and own. I have about ten business. Three of those businesses are strictly to be a blessing in my efforts to help and bless other.  My other businesses have been setup to have money flowing into my businesses from the ocean of my unlimited potential. Now in being completely honest some of my businesses are making pennies with the great potential to make thousands and then my other business have me in a completely different tax bracket to the tune of I never ever have to worry about money for the rest of my life. Now if you have three streams or seven streams of income it’s fine. It just depends on whether seven streams versus three streams of income works. Three streams of income could be that the money is consistently flowing in but not in large sums or vice versa. Now seven streams may be sending you large quantities of money but just from two or three of your business. I don’t think it matters if you have three or seven streams of income flowing into you. What matters here is that you’re making the kind or amount of money you need to keep your life and your business afloat and well managed and maintained on a rock solid super strong foundation built on the word of God. What’s also important here is that you use your gifts and skill set to bring glory to God. Be thankful unto Him and bless His holy name. He is going to give you the power to get wealth. Be passionate about your passion. Don’t ever give up. If things appear to be slow just stay consistent and watch your business take off!  I’ve been there and I’m still working and living what I’m doing; this right here. Helping and hopefully being a blessing to you all. I give God glory!!!

Business Success

What Are The Requirements?

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Do you know what is required for you to have a truly successful business. Do you know the essential components to building your business and igniting your brand. A business that stands firm on a mountain sized foundation. A business that, when the competition sees you it embraces you. Impactful, profound and powerful your deep seeded passion really does fuel your desire to propel your empire out into the light of God’s glory.  You and your business are more than just another business and you’re more than just partners. You are a story that others business owners want to hear and read all about. Something like when you read an interview or article from mark Cuban explaining how to make millions of dollars everything around you tunes out and he has your undivided attention.  This is priceless information that you simply cannot afford to ignore. 

Starting a business can be and should be the rewarding and amazing venture you expect it to be because it teaches you so much about yourself. It teaches you how intelligent you are. It teaches you responsibility, time management and how to stay organized. Starting a business teaches you a great deal about business and all the pieces to the puzzle that you will need to start manage and grow your business. Do you know that before you delve into building your business you need to have a system in place that will guarantee your success. Here they are:

  • Thanksgiving
  • Faith
  • Confidence
  • God’s principles
  • Strength the mindset
  • Authenticity
  • Courage

Your Infinite Potential

Creating Your Wealth

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Are you aware of the fact that you have access to a great wealth of information and that you have infinite potential and that this can lead to your reservoir of overflow and abundance? 

I’m always thinking of ways to leverage all of my businesses. Opportunities are constantly and consistently being presented to me. 

When I’m lying in bed at night oftentimes a light will come on surrounding me with brilliance in the darkness of night. I pick up my pen and pad and the writing begins with intentions to enact the vision with a solid plan. I have an umbrella that I own that includes my precious commodities and they are ©Treasures of His Grace, LLC, Cyndi’s Light Work Designs, Treasures Inside You, in addition to a brand new brand I am preparing to share with women all around the world. I plan to launch my new business within the next few weeks and I will you posted.

Another way that I make money in business is with my tee shirt business that I love.  I always wanted to have my own tee shirt line.  When I discovered Spreadshirt it was a perfect fit and match for everything that I envisioned for my tees and designs.  Check out my store by clicking on the tee shirt below.  Perhaps you may be interested in starting your own clothing line.  You can open an account for free, upload your own designs and start earning commissions.  You never have to about inventory because Spreadshirt does all the shipping for you!  It’s a great business and the potential to make as much money as you want is incredible. 

I am super excited and beyond thrilled with all that God is giving me. As I pursue all of my dreams and as I work towards attaining my goals and as I blaze my brand I would love to see you take steps towards birthing what the Holy Spirit has conceived in you!!!

Be blessed.


Opportunities Never Ending

Enjoying Business and Loving What You Do!

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When you enjoy working your business and you love what you are doing the opportunities to leverage your business will be never ending.

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Have you ever gotten excited by all that God reveals to and gives you when it comes to your business. Do you complete one project only to look up and see and hear all about another project awaiting you. Well that’s my life’s story. I’m telling you when I started my business adventures the journey continues to be life-loving fulfillment for me.  The journey from starting a typing/transcribing business, a design business, publishing my very first book of poems, Quiet Time for Her, Treasures of His Grace, Treasures Inside You and more I’m elated and overjoyed. I am deeply passionate about design and using my creativity to bring God glory as you will see in the three pieces of wall art that I designed below.  I love what I do.






My latest business venture, Beauty and the Face, LLC, (Registered/Trademarked) has spread like the foundation of the universe!!! I know that there’s a ton of competition out in the World Wide Web, but when God gives you something unique and exclusive to you you already know that you have an awesome product or service to provide and share.

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Life is about giving and helping others in an effort to make their lives better and easier. It never needs or has to be complicated. Just plain easy and simple works!!!  No big fancy words are required and no gigantic pieces to the puzzle to make a person’s life whole. 

Whatever you are doing I pray that you are doing to your fullest and greatest potential. 

Be blessed,
