Another Day

Graced with Life-Loving Opportunities

Good Day Women of Excellence,

It’s Tuesday, May 30.  The time is 11:51 a.m.

Today I’m going to talk business and creativity. 

Over the weekend my husband cooked on the grill.  Since moving to West Chester, PA from Philadelphia, PA I decided I would let him cook on the grill since I did for 25 years and we’ve been married for 30.  I just wanted to spend some more alone time with God our Father this weekend to heed His wise counsel, which is life-changing for me.  I went to my bedroom which is also my office and sanctuary and waited to hear from God.  He clearly spoke to my heart.  I penned the words to the notes in my phone and immediately sent myself the email so that I would not lose all that the Lord had shared with me.

Being an entrepreneur is such a blessing because for one, we get to use our creativity in such creative ways that it takes on a whole new meaning; at least for me.  I have been working on Beauty and the Face, LLC all week preparing to setup a display at my bank.  When the bank called and asked me if I wanted to share my business with their customers I leaped at the opportunity.  My creative juices began to flow and I began designing my marketing materials for my table and today I’m getting ready to handcraft about 4 oz of 24 carat gold in hopes that people who visit the bank will have a look at my products. 

Now, I’m keeping a positive mindset and with prayer I know that I’ll make at least one sale which for me will be absolutely awesome.  With the marketing materials I’ve created my potential customers’ eyes will go right to the flyers and then to my body butter or vice versa. 

The reason for this post is to share this with you.  As time gets closer to June 1, my first thought was to call the bank and reschedule my display.  Oh my, to be honest with you, I just didn’t feel like packing up and then setting up everything that this kind of thing entails, but then I thought to myself, why in the world would I do that.  Well, for one reason, I just want to be sure that I have everything in place in order to have a successful showing of Beauty and the Face. The second reason I thought about postponing it until the fall was because I wanted to introduce my new line.  I quickly had a light bulb moment that said, “No, just go with your original plan.

Listen Women of Excellence, is there is something that pertains to your business that you need to do, don’t think twice about if it you already know there is great potential for you to grow your business. I want you to take advantage of every opportunity that will be presented to you as it resonates with your spirit.  Now I do understand that not every single opportunity will be a good fit for you, but when it is and you know this to be true, please don’t let these golden business soaring opportunities pass you by no matter how much you may feel like you don’t want to do it for whatever your reason may be.  Just, please do it and then use your creativity, your genius to make it all happen.  You’ll be jumping for joy once you see the fruits from all the passion you poured into it. 



Dated Marketing Tactics


They Have No Place In Your Business



Please, plain and simple.  Please do not use dated marketing strategies. I cannot express this enough. I know I’ve written about this before, but I feel the need to say it again. 

When marketing your business don’t ever think that you have to lie to your potential customers to make money. 

Let me share q quick story with you. I will abbreviate it so that I get my point to you without taking up too much of your time because as you know I could go on and on forever writing a book that you probably don’t have time to read right now. 

There were times when I would chime into coaching calls from others in a true effort to market my business. Excited to learn  something new or different that I may not have been aware of in terms of marketing my business, I instead learned a valuable business building WHAT NOT TO DO TO OTHERS lesson.

There was a young lady I connected with or so I thought. I am one who is always willing to let others into my heart because business for me is more than just business. It’s more than making a thousand dollars in a few days. It’s about building trustworthy relationships and new friendships simply because I love people. I absolutely love to give and I think it’s life changing when we give and are willing to share what God gifts us.

When I give it seems that I am always reminded in some way that for most people business is strictly business.

Okay, so I met this young lady and we shared our business models with one another. She said I had an amazing product ( design business) and she promised me she could get me a ton of business if I allowed her to coach me. I didn’t think that I need one-on-one personal coaching because I had already been in business for so long that I just didn’t feel there was a need. I kindly explained that I would think about it and she said okay.

Well this young lady kept in touch with me on a weekly basis presenting to me her coaching program. She said the price is this, but the offer goes away at midnight. Well I have to say that she badgered me so badly I decided to decline her offer. It was then that she removed me from her Facebook page. Just like her offer, she took me off of her friends list. I was really beyond surprised because in my communication with her I was honest and sincere and excited to have found what I thought was a new friend in business, but me being naive I learned that people just want to make money.

This young lady didn’t care about me not one iota.  Her main goal and focus was her business and making money.  I accepted that fact and now after learning that valuable lesson I learned a lesson on top of that which is the importance of being authentic. Now please don’t get me wrong I’m not downing that young lady for what she did. She did what was best for her and her business. I will always believe deep down in my heart that she has missed out on something potentially awesome.

Create a unique and brilliant marketing strategy for your business and put your clients/customers first.  Remember, business is about people and when you put people first, their concerns and needs my oh my the success that can follow is astounding.

So I want you to think beyond those dated marketing strategies and just be honest. Create your own kind of new with sincerity putting into place a remarkable system using your gifts, skills, knowledge and wisdom.  Design that amazing marketing blueprint for your business and enjoy your unspeakable success.

Blessings Upon You,




When sharing important potentially business and life transforming information with your audience make sure that what you’re giving them is of great value. I think it’s vital for you to not necessarily be brief and to the point, but to be honest and give them true substance without the fluff. 

Be encouraged and you’ll encourage others. 

Be Encouraged

And Do All The Things You Love To Do Women in Business

Being an entrepreneur is hard work with amazing benefits. Working for someone else is hard work that has the potential to bring stress, but it almost always ensures that you receive a weekly, bi-weekly or twice-a-month steady paycheck.  It also almost ensure that you are limited when it comes to using your God-given gifts because you must abide by what you are told to do.  You see in corporate America there is a team and everyone has a designated role that they must play in order to meet deadlines and to achieve the results the company expects of you on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that if you are happy and content working for someone else.

Entrepreneurship can be rewarding if you’re using your life changing gifts. When you are passionate about the very thing you love doing it is then that you become a magnet attracting all the resources you need to be successful. You attract great customers and more doors of opportunities become available to you and the possibilities for you to prosper and soar become the reality you have always envisioned before you launched your multi million dollar business. 

When you work for yourself you can be sure that you will never be limited by anything or anyone.  Receive the increase that God will give you when you use every single resource He makes available to you and watch more doors of opportunities swing open stay open and when that door closes I want you to get excited just knowing that another door is about to open for you to do even greater and be more amazing, remarkable and phenomenal.  It’s who you are and this is what you were birthed to do so do it well and give God all the glory.

It’s More Than Just Business,

Blessings and Joy,



Possibilities and Opportunities

Never Ending Are Your Possibilities

Never ending are the possibilities and opportunities made available to you when you take inspired action to create value for others. 

When you create value for others a major shift takes place in your business. 

When we think of launching a business we think of earning a living to support ourselves and our families and for some of you, you are cloaked with a deep burning passion to help others. It becomes your focus and goal to ensure that someone out there is getting the help they need in that one area of life that could possibly impact their entire life, hopefully long term. 

When we do this on a consistent ongoing basis constantly working to share our knowledge and perhaps even lend understanding we create a whole new world of opportunities for ourselves. If we are sincere in our efforts, working diligently to accomplish our goals, it is then that we are able to design a thriving, prosperous and successful business; one that cannot fail. 

When you envision seeing someone benefit from a service or product you offer you change the entire dynamic of your business that has a lasting affect on your life. Abundance then begins to flow to you like a magnet. It is at that very moment that you change your financial forecast and future, but you must take the necessary steps and actions to change the lives of others. 

When you truly believe in yourself, your goals, your endeavors and you aspire to be the woman business owner who promises yourself to pour out your passion into every aspect of your business you are making a commitment to not just change your life but the lives of those who come to know you and trust you and this is the success you will come to love and appreciate. 

You are the greatest,


Blog About It

Writing Great Posts

To Propel and Excel Your Business

Blogging consists of writing excellent content.  When you are skilled in and knowledgeable about the things you write about writing weekly or even daily posts is super easy and highly beneficial, but I don’t want you to think that it’s necessary for you to write a blog post daily or weekly if you have nothing to write about.  Don’t just write something just to write.  Write what your heart tells you to write, let the words, sentences and paragraphs flow and you will be driving massive traffic to your website in no time.

When you make a blog post make sure that you are writing about those things that are specific to your business which makes sense right.  Take pictures and start a conversation about your images.  Tell a great story about the pictures or designs you’ve created. Write about the things you have experienced. Business things or life things. You simply pen about the stories you have researched and/or studied.  Pen your thoughts to paper.  Share your expertise with your potential customers and target audience.  Let them know how knowledgeable you are by giving them information they need in your posts.  Be sure to tell your why and your how.  Remember to always be sincere and write from your heart and/or knowledge.  Add a little wisdom and my you have an amazing journey you just have to share!


I do a ton of research and one of the things I’ve read is the importance of keywords. I know that in order to drive lots of traffic to your website you must use/have keywords, but I believe if you just write from your heart sharing your knowledge and wisdom the keywords will be added automatically because you will always be writing about specific topics that pertain to your dynasty so don’t think too hard about keywords. Stay focused on the thoughts that you need to pen to paper, do your edits and then write and post some more. Your empire is going to flourish. I promise. 

There’s something else I’d like to share with you. As I prepare to write my posts I ask the Holy Spirit for His wise counsel to guide and help me to pen the right words together.  I also use a pad to pen my message. Sometimes I use the notes in my phone.  I never just go to my blogs and start posting.  I give careful thought to my writings.  For me, this ensures that I get my thoughts and message across as clearly as I possibly can and I make my edits after I’ve done writing my posts. 

I hope that this gives you a touch of encouragement because I believe every female entrepreneur needs a touch of inspiration




Create Your Own Social Media

Create Your Own Social Media

We know the importance of driving traffic to your website to help explode your business. And while you have access to endless resources it is important for you to be creative in business. 

One way that you can be creative is by starting a blog and giving it a name that pertains to your business and writing amazing life changing content. Life changing content is information your target audience can use to help them to solve a problem. 

Let’s Look At An Example

Let’s say that you have a blog about losing weight and being healthy.  Who’s your target audience? Women looking for ways to shed those ugly, unwanted and unhealthy pounds. They want an easy way to shed those pounds and you are offering healthy ways to help them to lose weight and keep it off forever and you know exactly what that is if you have implemented that transforming program into your business and blog.  These amazing women are looking for a way to lose weight and to keep it off permanently.

In addition to the shedding of those hefty pounds they already know that the daunting task of losing weight will need to be combined with some form of encouragement as they go through their own unique weight loss journey.  Now, you could tell them something like this; How To Lose Weight; Not a fast loss of weight, but a healthy weight loss.

You can write articles about losing weight safely and slowly eating healthy foods and still enjoying some of the foods they love and enjoy. Let them know that losing weight doesn’t have to be complicated, but instead it can help them to live healthy and happy while giving them food choices to help them to look and feel their best!  

Using Your Creatively

From this one article that you have shared with your audience informing them how they can begin a successful weight loss journey, you can extract about twenty articles or more. This is where your creativity comes you. It is imperative that you carefully read over the things you share with your audience and constantly build on it.

For instance, you can research and share what foods they need to eat to begin losing weight and looking great. Let them know they also need to incorporate an exercise program to help with their new healthy lifestyle. Let them know that they need to drink 12-16 glasses of water daily, preferably 8-10 oz. Tell them that they can still have snacks. Take vitamins. Be creative by making your own videos and adding a twist. Only you know what that will be. 

This is all super exciting because as you write all of these different articles expounding on each topic, you know you are helping women who seriously want to lose weight and live as healthy as they possibly can.  You can share with them healthy food choices and recipes.  It goes on and on.  Use your creativity to help women to reach their goals once and for all.  

Give your blog a great name.  Implement a community where your audience can share their weight loss stories.  Post everywhere. Think of all of this as your own social medial platform inviting others to participate.  It just doesn’t get any better than this and if you’re passionate about what you’re doing and sharing, you will find yourself writing article after interesting, life changing articles that promise to not just change your life, but the lives of millions of other women.

Be blessed.



Write Your Goals

Write Your Goals, Read Your Goals,

Reach Your Goals

Hello Entrepreneurs,

I have been so busy during the month of April and now the month of May preparing for Mother’s Day! 

I am still crafting gift boxes for my body butter products.  Here I go again; I am in love.

To say that I enjoy putting my gift boxes together for my customers is a feeling of awesomeness.  I, myself, am amazed at how my gift boxes are coming together. 

Celebrating Mother’s Day

As I prepared for Mother’s Day, I gave careful thought as to what I would put in my boxes to wow Moms this Mother’s Day.  I wanted items to be unique and beautiful as my goal was elegance. I made a plan and began writing my goals, reading my goals to reach my goals and I have to tell you, it really makes an enormous difference when you write down your plans for your business.

I thought about having an open house to sell my gift boxes, but I sold enough gift boxes that helped me to reach my financial goal so there was no need for me to host an open house although I would have loved putting the pieces together for a wonderful Mother’s Day Open House.  I am not sure if I’m going to create gift boxes for Father’s Day, but I will see if there is a need and if it is, I will be on the hunt for gift items for Dads this year. 

I also have a plan to make gift boxes for all holidays and special occasions people love to celebrate.

Wherever you are in your business, I would like to make a suggestion.  If you have an idea in your mind and it consumes your thoughts, I want you to write your goals and then read your goals to ensure that you reach your goals.  It is really important that you do this for yourself.  Make it a habit and incorporate it into your business.  It will make all the difference in achieving your goals and being, not successful, but highly successful.

Be blessed,




To Be Reminded

That You God’s Virtuous Woman Entrepreneur Are Simply Phenomenal!

Women business owners are brilliant in every term if the word. To tell the truth women entrepreneurs have this phenomenal ability to do just about anything their hearts say they can do. For instance starting a home based business with little to no money at all. Women know that all they need to do is to tap in their resources available to them to cultivate a profitable and prosperous business. 

Women are at the helm of a lot of highly successful businesses simply because they have wealth. Now wealth is the very component I believe all women possess. Women are greatly gifted, beyond talented and have unique skill sets. 


And then some women just know how to set in motion those wheel turning, business producing elements that can yield large sums of money in addition to doing what they absolutely adore. 

I believe all women have the potential to make lots of money. It takes knowledge and understanding and a sincere faith, trust and belief system. This is a powerful system that can empower women to bring their dreams and visions to life. It is an amazing experience when you start a business and can grow it into only what you know it become. You and only you know what you are capable of doing so why not just do it if this is indeed your goal.


There is so much that you as women can do in terms of being a business and working for yourself doing what you absolutely positively love doing. And here’s the thing it’s never complicated. It’s not necessary. It just doesn’t have to be difficult. 

I know you are talented. I know you own a treasure chest of riches and gold. It’s well within your soul. 

Here we are about to enter into the 4th month of 2018. I’m excited and I hope you are as well. Excited because you have been given, once again, the opportunity to begin your entrepreneurial journey. Your spirit is high. Your heart is still speaking to you. This is a terrific time for YOU to be incredible and to share your dream product and/or service across the pond and all around the world. 

Let me tell you when I mix up a batch of body butter or when I write a post for one of my blogs or when I write a poem or create and design a new stream of income it is just life loving and I become overjoyed. I hope you are too. Now is the time to create and design your own business if you have not done so. Trust me when I tell you’re going to be elated and leaping for joy. 

Women Business Owners

Women Are Wealthy

Women business owners are brilliant in every term if the word. To tell the truth women entrepreneurs have this phenomenal ability to do just about anything their hearts say they can do. For instance, starting a home based business with little to no money at all. Women know all they need to do is to tap into their abundant resources always available to them to cultivate a profitable and prosperous business. 

Women are at the helm of a lot of highly successful businesses simply because they have wealth. Now wealth is the very component I believe all women possess. Women are greatly gifted, beyond talented and have unique skill sets. 

And then some women just know how to set in motion those wheel turning, business producing elements that can yield large sums of money in addition to doing what they absolutely adore. 

Women Have Infinite Potential, Naturally

I believe all women have the potential to make lots of money. It takes knowledge and understanding in addition to an amazing system of sincere faith, trust and belief. This is a powerful system that can empower women to bring their dreams and visions to life. It is an amazing experience when you start a business and you are able to grow it into only what you know it can become. You and only you know what you are capable of doing so why not just do it if this is indeed your goal. 

There is so much that you as women can do in terms of being a business, working for yourself and doing what you absolutely positively love doing. And here’s the thing it’s never complicated. It’s not necessary. It just doesn’t have to be difficult. 

I know you are talented. I know you own a treasure chest of riches and gold. It’s well within your soul. 

Here we are about to enter into the 4th month of 2018. I am thrilled, excited to say the least and I hope you are as well. Excited because you have been given, once again, the opportunity to begin your entrepreneurial journey. Your spirit is high. Your heart is still speaking to you. This is a terrific time for you to be incredible and to share your dream product and/or service across the pond and all around the world. 

Let me tell you when I go into my special room to mix up a batch of my luxurious body butter or perhaps when I write a post for one of my blogs or even when I feel a poem on the horizon or whenever I create and design a new stream of income it is just life loving and I become overjoyed. I hope you are too. Now is the time to create and design your own business if you have not done so. Trust me when I tell you’re going to be elated and leaping for joy. 

Shall you need help I’m here.