Business Savvy

How and Why I Started My Businesses

Business With thoughts of helping stay at home become work at home moms, I created and designed Moms in Slippers to do just that.

The Closed Door

After being terminated from my position as program coordinator of the Internal Medicine Residency Program I went home and stayed home. Determined to start my own business I began typing and transcribing various reports and term papers for professors and students.

Magic Fingers, as I was called at my place of employment, was birthed and I was excited. Right after its birth I discovered the gift of design. My days at the hospital taught me much more than just typing a schedule. It taught me that I had infinite potential to get wealth. What I did not know was that wealth had been in me all of my life.

During my time in the Department of Medicine I was told that I would be responsible for typing up the residents’ monthly schedule. On a typewriter. If I made a typo I would have to get white out or tape to correct my typos. Unacceptable to me and beyond time consuming, I decided to type the schedules on the computer not knowing anything about the computer.

Lessons Learned.

Even though I had no clue as to how to use a computer or how type a schedule on the computer, much less in portrait or landscape form, I was committed to making the schedules look professional and easier to read than the antiquated method that was in place. The other secretary was totally against me making this change, but I felt it was necessary. It was then that world war 3 broke out, but it was also right then and there that my whole new amazing world of doors started opening up for my good. People who worked in the hospital started coming to me for my computer expertise and I was elated to share my knowledge with them. Even some doctors inquired about my computer savviness. I was doing typing work for doctors at home and was making a lot of money. So when I was terminated from my job because of the major changes had taken place I welcomed the close door. I had just lost my father and my young school-aged children needed my presence at home.


Starting To See Clearly

BusinessWhen I was let go from my position I collected unemployment for almost a year. This gave me ample time to figure out what I was going to do with my life. I knew working for someone else was not an option for me until I was forced to find work due to my inconsistencies running my business. I took a job at an elementary school doing absolutely nothing which paid me $11.95 an hour. This was extremely difficult for me because I was accustomed to being home, but hubby and I had just bought a new home and we needed the money. I can honestly see why some people get divorced over their financial struggles. I thank God that this was not in His great plans for my life.

I worked this embarrassing and demeaning job for a year and quit. I just could not continue driving to a job that had no substance. I decided that I was going to start, grow, work and promote my business like never before. That was until depression crept in. I was so down and out that I didn’t know which way too turn. Most of my adult life has been me trying to find my way. First of all let me say this. I had no faith in myself, in God, my skills nor my abilities, but this was because I had no idea what faith meant. I never heard the word faith growing up even though I attended Sunday School and church on a regular basis. I don’t think my friends knew anything about having faith.

Slowly Building my Businesses Through Faith

I grew up in a very loving Christian home with two of the most phenomenal parents ever to grace my life and this planet. The neighbors and their children adored and loved my mother and father as did I. Let me tell you that having faith in God is imperative to your life if you have plans to soar forward in your business.

Back to my depressed state. I was too depressed to do anything in terms of running my business although I had a reservoir of resources available to me I was just down from not being able to generate the kind of money I envisioned. I desperately need to have income flowing into our home.

Now in our new home with a $2000 mortgage I had to get this thing called my life together. It was then that I started to piece together Cyndi’s Digital Palette which quickly became Cyndi’s Light Work Designz. I started getting calls from customers, but it was totally and completely opposite of what my goals were for my design business. I was trying to sell art work, but customers wanted me to create works of art for their businesses such as headers, buttons and even website design and I was happy to do it.

Getting My Wealth

BusinessI realized my design business had the potential to be greater. I saw the potential to have fountains, not streams, pouring from and into my design business for years to come. It was then that I opened up a few online stores as well as tee shirts stores. I did very well with my online businesses and I was/am and have always been grateful because you see, throughout all that I have done and been through I have learned how to use my God given gifts to bless others. I love to share my business savvy with other women and young teenage girls. I love being able to share priceless information that is of great value to others who have plans of starting a business. I think it’s important to share what God has gifted us. It’s important for me to give from my heart, truth and sincerity. This is the reason God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs was founded. I wanted to share my own life and business experiences with you because I believe in my heart that it will be to you amazing, life changing and business building lessons.

Let me tell you that I absolutely love what I have been called to do which is to bless, warm and transform women’s lives while helping them to erect buildings and create and design businesses in a profound and impactful way. For me business is more than just your regular social media, email marketing, newsletters and every other normal business component that can drive traffic to your website and make you money. I will always believe that business is all about writing masterpieces, speaking encouraging words into your mind allowing them to sink deep into your heart while clothing and feeding your entrepreneurial spirit you work to build your empires. It is also about journaling. Oh the importance of journaling. It is you writing in your journal those things that have given you the power and positive mindset that promises to take you into greater while being awesome women of God and doing phenomenally brilliant things that can shape and hold up your business on a firm, rock solid foundation where God has placed His name and can never be shaken.

And so Moms in Slippers came into existence as did Magic Fingers Secretarial Services and from there Cyndi’s Designz followed and now Beauty and the Face, Love for the Skin, my new line of body butter cream in addition to my blogs that thrive and have their being. Now, with a new year and season preparing to make its entrance into our lives I am excited to give you a little more when the time presents itself to prayerfully gift to you.  I hope you accept it.


As one of the greatest entertainers told Miss Katherine, his mother, he was filled with music, I too am filled with so much wealth I have to use it and as I use it I just keep getting more. How I balance it all is another story for another new brand.

Be blessed.

Cynthia Boyer

Marketing Plans for Business

 6 Marketing Plan Examples to Fit Your Small Business


Do you have a marketing plan to guide you this year?

Small business owners often take a sporadic approach with marketing – trying lots of things at once, or trying one or two things inconsistently. Without a marketing plan aligned with your business goals, you will not get the results you want.

A marketing plan outlines the steps you need to take to maintain consistency and actually get to where you want to be. In this free guide, we provide 6 sample marketing plans for you to adapt to your business specifically.


  • Sample marketing plans for businesses of various stages of growth
  • Starting points to build your own marketing plan
  • Activities that should be in your top to-do’s
  • Examples of marketing plan execution

Use these basic marketing plans to structure your marketing the right way, and succeed!


Thrive Hive

Marketing Plan Specialists



Release All Obstacles

To Ensure Your Business Success


A few days ago I received a message from a business owner asking for my help and advice. This is how her message started:

“Hey i really need to know how to promote my business on line like you do im tired of doing for family and friends im really loosing to much money right now just got gagged by …………….. mom jm done i signed up for cash app i need to know how to sell on pinterest and esty i have to go hard with this time”. This is exactly how her message read.

This was the tone of her messages that were being sent to me. Her messages were being delivered to my phone quicker than I could read them and they went on like this for quite some time Saturday evening. I decided to give her a call the next day to breakdown a few things that I knew she desperately needed to hear that pertained to her business.

Breaking It Down


Two years ago I tried explaining the same thing to this business owner over and over, again and again, but because she had so many obstacles in her life (and she still does) she simply could not hear me.  The message I was trying to convey to her was that she need to have a business plan in place which would in turn help her to setup her system for success. She refused, absolutely downright refused to take the advice and information I had willingly shared and offered to her. She kept telling me that a business plan was a waste of time and she could not see how it could help her. So this time I decided to take a different approach with the Holy Spirit’s guidance and direction. I shared with her a story in the Book of Kings in the Old Testament. It was the story about Naaman the leper.

In 2 Kings 5:1-27 you’ll find the story about Naaman, his leprosy and his plea to Elisha to heal him of this awful disease. When I explained it all to her, I mean I broke it down to the point that I was shouting to the top of my lungs because I got so excited by the end of the phone which was on a Sunday, I told her to think about the words I had just spoken to her and to possibly shut down her business for now, regroup and start fresh in the new year I knew I had her complete attention and not only had she heard me but she actually listened and heeded my advice. I told her that I do not conduct business on Sunday but promised to give her a call on Monday. Monday came I called my client and guess what; she was singing a new song. She’s getting help with her business plan from her uncle who knows all about how to write them to ensure ones success. I’m saying all of this to say if you have a business and you have yet to write a business plan I suggest that you stop what you’re doing and write one asap. It’ll grow your business exponentially and you’ll have money flowing into your life for your highest good and those you love care and provide for.

I talked and tried talking to her using explaining and breaking down some great proven strategies and that how having a business is imperative for any business owner.  I told her to think about what I shared with her for the rest of the day because I don’t work on Sunday.  She agreed. 

Before we ended the call I told her that she would have to change her attitude and her way of thinking.  Once again, she agreed.

I understand it can be hard to switch and shift your mind when you’ve been living in a negative space for what can seem like forever.  I know because I have been there myself.  I’ve sabotaged my businesses by my own negative energy which wasn’t serving me in anyway.  When I made the choice to change my life it took a whole lot of time, but I knew it had to be done because it was affecting my business.  I wasn’t being consistent and I wasn’t accomplishing any of the goals I had put in place for my business.  When I finally made up my mind to do what I needed to do, it made all the difference in the world in a profound way.  My businesses were being impacted with such negativity that I didn’t think I could ever change.  I got tired of laying dormant because the negative forces all around me were pulling me down. 

ObstaclesWithout us ever knowing and sometimes we quickly realize it, we sabotage our own businesses. We don’t mean to, but unfortunately it happens.  Obstacles, blocks and all kinds of fears seem to invade our space and can have the power to take over.  If we stand strong and remind ourselves that we are able and capable of doing those things that we are afraid of trying to achieve, those goals we want to attain, we can do it without a shadow of a doubt. Now is the time to release all obstacles in this new season that is upon us.  Now is the time to walk through and accept those things that help to make our businesses a huge success.

Bless your business,




From The Word of God

Elisha’s healing of Naaman the leper, commander of the army of the king of Syria, is a familiar story to many (2 Kgs 5:1–27). Naaman hears that Elisha, the prophet of Israel, can heal him, so he makes the trip. When the two meet, Elisha tells him rather dismissively that he needs to take a bath in the Jordan River. Naaman doesn’t take this well and prepares to go home. At the behest of some servants, he consents to dip himself in the Jordan. He is miraculously healed by the simple act. The display of power, so transparently without sacrifice or incantation, awakens Naaman to the fact that Yahweh of Israel is the true God.


Streams of Income

How To Get Streams of Income Flowing From Your Business Into Your Business

Streams of income

Income. It’s what everybody needs to live a comfortable lifestyle.

Leveraging your business can be fun and exciting. It can also be a great experience filled with lessons that can change the way you see business and always remember that business is more than just business. It’s about giving and gifting what you yourself would expect from others.

Business is also about sharing and really caring about your customers and those who have come to trust you. If you were to take time to sit back and reflect on how you worked so hard on building your business, you would quickly realize that you’re like a star who recognizes the fact that you may not have such a thriving, flourishing and all around successful business if it were not for one, God the Father, your infinite source of knowledge, wisdom, abundance and prosperity who provides you with the necessary tools and resources you need, and two your customers/clients with whom you have an excellent rapport and awesome business relationship. For some of you personal relationships have formed simply by you being a dedicated and wonderful Christian business woman owner your customers know, respect and have come to highly trust.

Streams of incomeSo how do you get more streams of money and lots of it flowing from your business into your business.

Let’s say you are a graphic artist and you own a design business. The possibilities for you are endless in this great field. You could be making, easily, $100,000 a year. Here’s how. 

One way that you can stream income from your existing business is by using your unique graphic design ability and creating your own store where you can put your designs on a bevy of products that include:

  • Greeting cards
  • Tee shirts
  • Wall art
  • Keychains
  • Coffee mugs
  • Mouse pads
  • Pillows
  • Throws
  • Postcards and more.

Here are a few of my designs from my Zazzle store.  Right now I have a balance of $7.36 in my account.  I had a lot more, but I let someone go in and use the money because she was having a Sickle Cell event and I allowed her to use my earnings to order the mugs and buttons that I designed for her special event.

Streams of income Streams of income Streams of income Streams of income Streams of income

You can make a lot of money on Zazzle and CafePress, but it does take a whole lot of time and effort.  I have sold tee shirts and mugs mostly, but I haven’t really focused on my store too much this year because of my body butter business.  I plan to relaunch my store before the year is out.  I highly recommend opening a Zazzle store, but also know that when you sell items on Zazzle, they of course, get most of the percentage, leaving you with pennies, but if you sell a lot of items, it’s well worth it.  It does take time as I stated earlier. 

If you want to look into opening your store with Zazzle, you can open a free account here.

I hope this article has been useful in helping you to think about how you can grow your business to get more money flowing into your life. 

Setting up your system for success,



I’ll Say It Again Revised

Business Is More Than Just BusinessBusiness is more than businessAnd The Reason We Should Embrace It


Hello Women of Excellence,

Do you see the women in the photos smiling? It’s because they recognize the important fact that business is more just business. Read on to see exactly the point I am trying to make.

Business is business. I am constantly being reminded of it whenever I sell a product, but there is so much more to business than business.

One of the most valuable lessons I have learned as an empire owner is that most people have taken most, if not all of the emotion when conducting business. There is absolutely no emotion attached to business tradings, dealings and transactions. Well, except for me and I hope you feel the same. Listen, if we were to take all of the emotion out of our daily business practices I don’t think we would be in business for long. Business is strictly business for most, but is this really a smart way or the right way to run a business.

 I think it’s extremely important that we keep some emotion in our daily business transactions.  What I mean is this; when I hand make a body butter gift set for a new customer I make sure that I pour a lot of love into my gift box creations.  It is important that I place in each box that I lovingly designed the highest quality products that I can find because I want to give my customers the very best gift items that I can possibly give. This is important because I want my customers to be happy and satisfied with their purchase.  For me, presentation is everything.  

Business is more than business

Now just think, if I were to take all of the emotion out of my daily business goals I would find myself cutting corners and I probably wouldn’t take so much time crafting such beautiful gift boxes.  I enjoy what I do and it is my hope that it shows in each and every one of my presentations.  For me, producing great themed gift boxes is my passion and I want that passion to shine through the nano second my customers’ eyes open their elegantly designed gift box. I don’t ever want to cut corners when it comes to giving my customers the very best.

I think it’s safe to say that we as God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs, love to produce and give life changing lasting substance that has great potential and could possibly change someone’s life. Also, if I removed all emotion from my business I don’t think I would enjoy the success that comes from being that brilliant business woman who knows how to give! I wouldn’t be able to define success and if I couldn’t define success (in every aspect and area of my life and business) what good would I be to my customers, potential customers or myself. I would just be another business owner focused on making lots of money.  Now, please don’t get me wrong; I am sure that there are a lot of successful businesses owners who make tons of money, but I think the focus is just that money.  I think it’s important that we put our customers’ needs first and then the money will just flow right into our hands.  So, let’s not make money our focus.  Instead, let’s think about how we can change lives through our services and products.  It is imperative that we think about others.  When we do this, our business will soar like never before. Business needs to be more than just business. 

Business is more than business


Being in business means helping, giving, sharing, gifting, blessing and transforming. In our hearts we should be pouring out compassion into the lives of our clients and potential customers by providing them with highest level of service one can give. It’s that simple.

It’s an amazing feeling running a business, but it’s even more exciting when you run your business from a mindset that says I only want to offer and give the very best that I can give where my business is concerned and that includes exceptional customer service and the very best product/service in my specialized field which includes amazing prices that’s fair to both my customers and myself and a show of appreciation in the form of a special gift to my customers; a high quality gift that they can use to help them in some area of their life even if it only makes them smile. It is then that business is recognized as more than just business, but a caring individual who, behind the scenes presence can be felt in the most enriching and empowering way ever!

Be encouraged,

I Apologize

Good Evening Women of Excellence,

I pray all is well.

I felt the need to reach out to each and every one of you because I published a piece that went out before I was ready for it to be distributed.  The true article will be published tomorrow so please stay tuned and again, I truly apologize for the mistake.

God bless you all!


Women in Business


Gifted, Rich and Prosperous Beyond Belief…

It’s The Story of Our Lives!

As a Christian woman that has been blessed beyond belief to own a profiting business I have to say I do enjoy my flourishing empire. I love everything about my businesses because I feel like each one has been tailor made for and exclusive to me. It’s the story I get to write a little about everyday and it is one of my many loves. I water my business everyday with my heart giving it the love it needs. 

Perhaps you maybe asking yourself how I have been able to propel and soar my dynasty enjoying the great success I’ve now come to expect.

I have been going at this work-at-home “thing” for a long time; since 2002 to be exact.  When I closed the doors to corporate America and all of it’s stress, I opened the doors to limitless opportunities for myself.  It was back in September 2002 that I started my typing business, Magic Fingers.  It quickly turned into a secretarial and I soon found myself teaching myself graphic design.  I fell in love and taught myself how to create and design beautiful pieces of heart art.  I give God all the glory and you know something, He deserves it all.  

Cyndi’s Digital Palette was launched and now Cyndi’s Light Work Designs.  I love to design website headers for my own blogs, but most of all I love to design wall art for heart and home. 

Here’s how I have created and designed my business success.

First, I setup my own unique and powerful system for success that I simply call Setting Up My System for Success.

When you start a business it is vital that you have all systems in place. Here’s how I did it. 

  • I had goals and I began writing a business plan around all of my goals one by one.
  • I had a vision… more than one to be exact and I knew exactly what I wanted to bring to life.  I wrote out my vision and plan in clear and concise terms that I could go back to and use a guide for my business.
  • I had dreams, probably too many to count which has been awesome.   I never stop dreaming which helps to keep my focused and centered on and around my businesses.
  • Gifts.  I use my gifts to the fullest.  I recognized what my gifts were and began using them to build my businesses up from the ground. 
  • Talents.  I think women are the most gifted and talented beings on the planet and we specialize in using our talents in certain areas of our lives as well as in our businesses.  This is how success is birthed.
  • Knowledge and by wisdom.  I have taken all of the knowledge, which I love to call, tools and resources and I apply my knowledge and wisdom to my businesses to help them to sustain whatever comes my way.
  • Faith.  All of my faith is in God.  It has to be or else I’ll lose focus and veer off onto the wrong path.  You must have faith in God and yourself.  You must believe that you can succeed and you will.  You have to speak encouraging words over your business everyday.  I always say, such and such is going to make a lot of sales today and it is going to soar and guess what, it really does because I simply believe it and I take inspired action to ensure that I make great sales everyday!

I Also Did/Do This…

I took all the tools and resources available to me and I created and designed my own rich reservoir of abundance that I use as my guide and compass that leads me to the path of success everyday. I use all the gifts that I have been given in addition to my unique skill set. I love to write so writing out a great plan was really easy for me.  Plus, I was clear on what I wanted to do. Also, I add to my plan all the time. I have even reinvented the wheel more than I care to admit, but I have to tell you that it has blessed my business abundantly because it makes me think and when I think it takes my business to the next level if that makes any sense at all.

I also speak affirmations that work like a beautiful sparkling charm on a bracelet. They work because they serve me by encompassing my mind with positive words, sentences and some are even paragraphs because they are true. They have also helped me to shake fear and put positive thoughts in my mind making me smile while raising my vibration. There’s an incredible feeling that comes over me when I get excited about business. 

And then the best part is I get to give and share. There is no feeling like giving and this is one of my greatest investments; you and me. 

It is my sincerest hopes that you are using this wealth of information for your own businesses. It is so very important that we help one another as we strive to excel in excellence in our infinite potential. 

Where are you in business? Are you right where you want to be or are you where you should be according to God’s perfect and perfect timing?

If you are stuck and can’t seem to move one iota then it’s time for you to do something different. A new season of new beginnings will soon be upon us. What better time than the fall season to incorporate a new few business propelling components to send you soaring on a consistent basis and not just for a short while or for a season. You have all the tools. Use them. 

Happy Am I

All The Days of My Life

Happy Am ILife for me lately has been a river of tears. Happy tears. 

All last week I was really sick with a horrible cold. I have not had a cold in two years. 

Last Tuesday my throat was really scratchy and then I started coughing and couldn’t seem to stop. I decided to shampoo my hair and right after that I was confined to the bed. My husband made me a cup of tea which helped me to feel a little better. When it was time to go to bed I just couldn’t sleep for coughing. I was taking Robitussin, but it didn’t do much in terms of helping to ease the cough. 

As time went on I was feeling worse and then better until I went out to my credit union. Thank God my husband was with me because I got really dizzy and nauseous. I came home only to end up in bed once again. 

As I lay here, or is it lie here, resting I have been thinking about my life as an entrepreneur or as some people say a successful woman business owner. I thought about all of the things I have envisioned and all the dreams I have prayed for and worked to ensure that they come to fruition.  I also reflected upon my shortcomings and a river of thoughts came to mind. With all of my unique and brilliant ideas that I have gratefully been presented with and that I wisely implemented to ensure my success as a business owner I have, I’m sad to say, have failed. In my failures I have had to look at myself over and over time and time again. And now I am elated, overjoyed and happy to say that my failures have become my success stories. I now know the importance of confidence, faith, commitment, consistency and perseverance. I also know and understand the meaning of inspired action. 

And so it is I am here a woman of wealth and like you I have goals I must accomplish. And like you I have dreams that I long to bring into the light of my life as well as sharing my dreams with you for I know they will be empowerment, enrichment and encouragement just as they are for me. My heart is the cup that holds my wealth, my riches, my abundance and my prosperity. Here in my heart my true potential can also be found and it is the gift that opens the doors of never ending opportunities and the life changing covenant I have made with myself to ensure that you too reach your destination. 

Business Goals

Building A Successful Business That Will Help You To Live A Prosperous Life

Never ending are the possibilities and opportunities made available to you when you take inspired action to create value for others. 

When you create value for others a major shift takes place in your business. 

When we think of launching a business we think of earning a living to support ourselves and our families and for some of you, you are cloaked with a deep burning passion to help others. It becomes your focus and goal to ensure that someone out there is getting the help they need in that one area of life that could possibly impact their entire life, hopefully long term. 

When we do this in a consistent basis constantly working to share our knowledge and perhaps even lend understanding we create a whole new world of opportunities for ourselves. If we are sincere in our efforts, working diligently to accomplish our goals it is then that we design a thriving, prosperous and successful business; one that cannot fail. 

When you envision seeing someone benefit from a service or product you offer you change the entire dynamic of your business that has a lasting effect on your life. Abundance then begins to flow to you like a magnet and then you change your financial forecast and future which is in the very moment that you take the necessary steps and actions to change someone else’s life. 

When you truly believe in Yourself, your goals, your endeavors and you aspire to be the woman business owner who promises yourself to pour out your passion into every aspect of your business you are making a commitment to not just change your life but the lives of those who come to know you and trust you. This is the success you will come to live, love and appreciate.