Best Places to Find Inspiration

Some people love routine. They’re perfectly happy getting up at the same time, doing the same things, eating the same foods, and working the same job, day in, day out. I guess it’s comforting to them.

Not me. I thrive on variety. Newness. Challenges. Getting out and about and making things happen. Starting a project and feeling that awesome sense of accomplishment when I get it done … right.

And that’s exactly why I hate this time of year. It’s the weather.

This is the start of northern California’s rainy season, and I’m an outdoors kind of guy. Whenever I can work outside, I do it. Coop me up inside for too long, I start to lose it. And the first thing to go is my inspiration. No, I don’t need sunshine to think, but enough days without it and my brain starts to develop its own sort of gloomy cloud system.

You know the feeling. Everyone has those moments when you feel like you’re stuck in quicksand: the harder you fight, the more it pulls you in.

Related: Richard Branson on the Best Places to Find Inspiration

It’s a problem for anyone who has to think for a living. Managers, executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, marketers, engineers, software developers – all knowledge workers need inspiration to innovate, come up with insightful ideas, solve complex problems, make tough decisions and excel at their jobs.

Over the decades, come rain or shine, I’ve always managed to find things that inspire me, ways to get my creative juices flowing again. Will they work for you? Beats me, but one thing’s for sure: They’ll never work if you don’t try them out.

Talk it out. Sure, there are times when things just come to you. It happens to me all the time, usually when I’m half asleep or in the shower. But when your brain just refuses to function, a little brainstorming can provide just the spark it needs to get going again. The truth is, some of my best ideas came during impromptu, thought-provoking chats.

Do drugs. No, not those kinds of drugs. I’m talking about caffeine. It’s an amazing stimulant. Whenever I need to do some real thinking, I go for the cappuccino. And when I need a big idea but I’m too wound up, I find a glass of wine or two in the evening helps my mind to relax and the ideas to flow. Not for everyone, but it really works for me.

Disconnect. If you’re looking for inspiration, the last thing you want to do is check your Twitter feed, your email, or anything else online. That’s just a bottomless pit of distraction and instant gratification. The same goes for video games, shopping and stress eating. Because it’s addictive, it feels good, even though you’re really not accomplishing a thing.

Related: 10 Twitter Feeds for a Timely Dose of Inspiration

Take a walk. I’ve heard that doing something repetitive frees your mind. I don’t know if going for a walk or a hike qualifies, but for some reason, just getting out and about in the neighborhood or on a woodsy trail gets my synapses snapping like crazy. It even extends to walking meetings, believe it or not.

Start a long-term project. Start a project, something you’ve never done before that has nothing to do with work. I once spent an entire fall and winter season designing and building a large greenhouse in my spare time. And you know what? I’ve never been so productive at work.

Get your blood pumping. Once you get over the pain – or at least get used to it – going for a run, shooting hoops, anything really strenuous makes you feel like you’re on top of the world. It always helps me clarify my thoughts and put things in perspective. Little things that build up seem to evaporate when your pulse rate hits 120.

Commune with nature. Beautiful landscapes, mountains, flowers, majestic coastal redwood trees, rock formations, animals – anything born of nature – has a magical way of drawing you in and making you feel apart of something alive and wonderful. There’s a breathtaking view of evergreen mountains and a bougainvillea vine outside my office. The hummingbirds love it. Me too.

Related: Focus on Passion, Not Labels

Practice mindfulness. No, this isn’t some New Age mumbo jumbo. It’s science, and it’s real. Mindfulness meditation can help you learn to live in the moment, deal with stress and gain perspective. It’s a great way to unblock your mind. A leader in the field is Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, of the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Check out his bestselling audio book, Wherever You Go There You Are.

Play with your kids. If you’ve got them and they’re the right age, I can’t think of anything more inspiring than seeing the world through the eyes of little kids. If not, play with your dog or cat. They love the attention and, you know what? So do you.

Above all, get to know yourself and be good to yourself. If you do, you’ll never hold yourself back or be your own worst enemy. Then all you’ve got to do is figure out how to change the weather.

Steve Tobak is managing partner of Invisor Consulting — a Silicon Valley-based management and strategy consulting firm — and a former senior executive of the technology industry

Read more:

Making Money Should Be Easy

Making Money Does Not Have To Be Complicated

Manifesting money is easy when you know how

How to manifest money quickly and easily and consistently

Trust in the Lord with all your heart.

Do you know that making money is easy? Many people in the world today are chasing after money for different reasons. Some people want and need money because they have families to care for and some people want to live a certain lifestyle.

I can honestly say that I have never chased after money because I didn’t have to. Did I need money? Yes, but don’t we all need money to pay bills, buy food and for other reasons.

When sales were slow I would feel a little down, but not because I wasn’t earning money, but because I wanted my potential customers to experience my amazing skincare products. Me being able to help others has always been my main goal. I knew that I had great products and I wanted as many people as possible to see how their skin would glow once they tried my all natural body butters. And when that didn’t happen I knew that I had to do something different.

Please understand, making money is important to me because again, I get to tithe and help others. I love to tithe because it blesses the lives of others. It is important that we all thank the Lord for giving us the tithes to tithe because if it weren’t for the Lord we wouldn’t able to tithe or do anything else for that matter.

Listen, making money does not have to be complicated. Would you like to know how I make money on a constant basis?

Here’s how I get money flowing into my life.

The art of manifesting money

I speak what I want because I believe God when He said I can have anything I want. So I simply speak to my heart and mind as if I’m talking to a friend and I say, I have………$……… the amount of money that I want. Believe that you can have whatsover you say and open your hands and arms to receive it.

Speaking affirmations is another way that helps me to receive. I only use affirmations that resonate with my spirit. This is important. I’ll share these powerful affirmations in my money series that’s coming soon.

I also use prayer bullets that help me to manifest money

And then of course I use my gifts that God has given me because I am deeply passionate about these gems from the Lord.

Now do you see how easy it is to manifest money? And not only is it easy, but it’s also fun because you are going to enjoy watching money flow into your life.

Asking questions about money can bring a whole lot of money into life. I’ll tell you more about that some other time.

For now, I hope this short manifesting post will help you to get started on your manifesting money journey.

Relax and let go and watch money flow into your life freely, easily and quickly.

Be blessed,




Celebrate Your Business

How To Make Your Business

More Successful Than Ever!

Greetings Beautiful Women in Business

If you’re in a place in business where your business is not moving one iota then it’s time to celebrate your business. How do you do this?

First you need to create something that promises to engage and empower your audience. What could that be possibly? Well the possibilities are endless. Here are some ideas that can get the motor to your business running on a consistent basis without it ever stalling out or failing.

  • Write an ebook.

If you like to write and you have something of value to share then get over to the computer or pull out your writing pad and start penning. Whatever your topic or subject will be make sure that your audience can use it to solve a problem in their lives. Also, make sure that they can use it as a guide to refer to time and time over and over again. Make it easy for them to read with clear understanding.

  • Use your resources to create a new product.

Okay within you lies an abundance of wealth. Why not use some of your wealth to create and design something so spectacular that it makes you a millionaire. Whatever you decide that will be you will need to market it like nothing has ever been marketed before. And while you understand that doing the norm in business. I want you to take the extra ten miles to do what no one has ever done before. It will be well worth it, trust me.

You are brilliant in business. Now is the time to let your brilliance shine through. Whatever you decide to do make it as phenomenal as you are. Once you have decided on whatever it is you are going to create and design make sure, once again, that it is going to change lives.  So why not think about putting a pop up shop in place. You could have a launch party introducing your new product. Also, remember to access all of your social medial outlets. You are going to blast it all over your hangouts, be it social media, your blog or website and remember you are going to do this thing with confidence, faith and positivity.

It’s time to celebrate your business and give it the recognition it and you deserve. Now go Queens and reign where you are needed.

Successful is yours,


Bless Your Brand

Bless Your Brand And Give God Thanks

blessing your brand everyday

Dear Creative Luminous Beings,

Blessing your brand everyday is an amazing way to stand out from the competition.

God has blessed and gifted you beyond the depth of your knowledge.

Do you know that utilizing your gifts can really change every aspect of your life. We all need to be passionate and thankful for having been gifted with a plethora of presents that have been lovingly gifted to us.

As you work your business it is imperative that you bless your brand.

Your brand is exclusive to your business. The creation and design is yours.

Having the brilliant mind to create such a need for others, your brand is what others look for. There is trust in the name of your business.

Blessing Your Brand Everyday To Enrich Your Empire

Furthermore, there is a power in your brand that when people see and hear your name, they know what they will be getting. A quality product that has the amazing ability to change their lives.

This is how you will enjoy a  lucrative, life-changing empire.

To God be the glory!

Bless your brand  and be blessed God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs.


We are amazing Christian women in business

Go To God In Prayer and Ask Him for His Help

Christian Women in Business, Let God Help You Start, Manage and Promote Your Business, He’s the Best CEO There Is

Go To God In Prayer and Ask Him for His Help

Hello God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs,

Have you begun your entrepreneurial journey and you find yourself stuck? I suggest that you go to God in prayer and ask Him for His help.

When I realized that I had been blessed with this amazing gift to help those in need my life changed.

From the moment that I began listening to other people’s problems I did just that; listen.

I never offered advice unless I was asked to. However, when I did offer advice after being asked, I gave the best advice that I could give and it was the Holy Spirit who gave me the words to speak.

Deciding to become a coach I felt it was my calling. It was short lived only because I wanted to coach in a different way.

My coaching platform became a business that I could use to prosper lives. I did this by way of my writing and graphic design.

Knowing what God was calling me to do was important to me. Being filled with the knowledge of His will was also imperative to my life as well. If my business was going to blossom I knew that I had to hear from God.

I needed His guidance and direction more than ever. I wanted to be sure that I was doing what He was calling me to do.

My relationship with God has helped me to understand my path in life.

When I decided to become an entrepreneur I was elated that I was about to embark on something so exciting because I would be doing what I love to do. And that included more than one thing.

Beauty and the Face, Love for the Skin

Go To God In Prayer and Ask Him for His Help

Beauty and the Face came into my life at a time when I was in need of quenching my skin’s thirst.

After trying every moisturizer on the planet I had a bright bulb moment that told me to create my own skin care products. I did just that and my skin care results have been remarkable.

My skin is healthy. It is soft. My fibers are silky satiny and am I in love with how my skin glows.

The all natural body butters that I make are beautiful. They are smooth like butter and they melt into your skin making your skin feel warm and comfortable. Every body butter is hand whipped with a special blend of essential oils.

I have created every recipe from my own research. My body butter business has been an amazing experience for me and my family.

Loving what I do is the reason that I walk through endless doors of opportunities. My love for business comes from God. He has been and continues to be with me every step of the journey. I cannot tell you how grateful I truly am.

Go To God In Prayer and Ask Him for Guidance and Instruction

Go To God In Prayer and Ask Him for His Help

If you are still on the fence about starting your own business pray and ask God to speak to your heart. Ask Him to give you clear direction and wisdom. Go to God in prayer and ask Him for His help.

There is nothing He won’t do for you. You just have to ask Him.

And so I say all of this to say that I am beyond thankful for having been blessed with the gift of discernment. I am deeply grateful that God has given me so much and that I am able to put it all to good use for His glory.

I hope if you need a little push that reading this has helped you in some way because I believe we all need help in some area of life.

Like me, you have so much abundance breathing inside you that you may be trying to achieve every single goal all at the same time.

My advice to you is to take it easy. Slow down. Calm your fears. Breathe and trust God. You can achieve all your goals, but just make sure you do in the right season at the right time.

You’re going to enjoy this ride. It’s going to take you places you’ve never been before. And your life will never be the same.

Now go to God in prayer and ask Him for His help. He’s waiting for you.

All for God’s Glory,


Christian Gifts



Why You and Your Business Matter

Because You Empower and Enrich Those Who Know You

why you and your business matterWhy you and your business matter should be of the utmost importance to you.

Why? Because you have something to give to the world.

Your giving matters just as you matter.

You became an entrepreneur because you had/have something to share with others. Furthermore, you are a treasure chest of tools and resources ready to bless, warm and transform lives.

Creating wealth for others has become a way of life for you. Extreme joy overcomes you as your creative juices flow.

Immense prosperity

The power within has changed the way you live your life. Forever empowered, you have some of the most brilliant idea of any female entrepreneur.

Here’s why you and your business matter.

The messages steeped in your heart and mind have the great ability to alter the minds of lives of others. When you share your messages with those who need what you have, you press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Your business is a brand that is much more than just a brand. It is a way of doing things while being the example for those who recognize your brand that can help to prosper other Christian women business owners and beyond.

Being a light that brightens the world is who you are. Illumining and prospering you are a force in the universe.

Use your mind, hearts and hands to create a life of wealth because you can and because you are great.

You and your business matters. Let the world know that you are here to transform the world.

why you and your business matter





Be blessed,



Prayer for Financial Help

Helping Christian Women Entrepreneurs to Increase Their Financial Wealth a Little Every Day

Prayer for Financial Help


Dear Ladies in Business,

How are you today? I pray your businesses are thriving and you are flourishing in life and in all of your entrepreneurial endeavors.

God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs, do you know that God wants you to prosper and be in health?

Let me ask you this, do you need a prayer for financial help? If you do I have a prayer that can help to get you out of the depths of financial hardship and onto the path of financial security.

Please pray this powerful prayer everyday with faith and trust in God and watch God move in a mighty way on your behalf. Blessings.


The Prayer That Every Female Entrepreneur Needs for Prosperity and Financial Wealth

Ladies, the reason that I want to share this prayer with you is because, first, I know we all need prayer. Secondly, I believe that each and every one of us could use help where our finances are concerned.

Furthermore, praying this prayer every day, 2-3 times a day will have a profound impact on your money. If you want to increase your finances and manifest more money then prayer this prayer morning, noon and night. Feel the warmth resonating from the words that have lovingly formed this prayer.

Here is the prayer. Be blessed and may God give you a harvest of money that you can use and share.

Dear Father God,

I surrender my financial affairs and concerns about money to your Divine care and love. I ask that you remove my worries, anxieties, and fears about money, and replace them with faith.

I know and trust that my debts will be paid and money will flow into my life. I have only to look to nature to see proof of the abundance you provide.

I release all negative thoughts about money and know that prosperity is my real state.

I speak forth promotions, business ideas, Divine connections, and partnerships.

I commit to being grateful for all that I now have in my life.

I learn to manage my finances wisely, seeking help where needed.

And finally, I ask you to help me understand my purpose in life and to act on that purpose with courage and strength.

I know that prosperity will come, in part, by doing the work I love. I will prosper in all things and be in health, just as my soul prospers.

Please help me use my skills and knowledge to be of service in the world.

In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Prayer for financal help

Thank you, God.

To God Be All The Glory,


Believing In Myself and My Dreams

How Believing In Myself Helped Me to Start My Own Home Based Business and How It Changed My Life

Believing In Myself and My Dreams

Believing in myself and my dreams has changed my life drastically.

When I decided to become a business owner I knew exactly what I wanted to do which was to glorify God.

God had given me some of the most amazing gifts ever and I wanted to use my gifts in such a way that He would be honored as long as I was in business.

My other goals for starting a home based business was to be able to stay home for my 4 children. I had worked in corporate America for quite some time and needed a change. I needed to see my children safely onto the school bus every morning and greet those sweet faces at 4 o’clock everyday. Being home for my babies was extremely important to me. God helped  to make my dream of being an entrepreneur a reality for me in a way I never imagined. I will always be grateful.

I Believed In The Power To Get Wealth and That’s Exactly What I Did, Believe

It was important that I create my own schedule around my kids’ schedules and carve out a window of time to build my businesses which would help me to enjoy a highly successful empire.

The learning experience has been phenomenal.

Through building a great business I have thoroughly enjoyed designing my businesses for long lasting success.

From carefully planning my present and future goals, the lessons I have learned have helped to make a tremendous impact on my life.

When I was working on corporate America I discovered the gift of graphic design and my creativity came to life.

Believing That I Could Achieve All That Had Been Laying Dormant on the Table of my Heart

I began creating all kinds of designs that opened up a never ending list of opportunities for me. I was blessed beyond belief with more and more in terms of my creativity. Great ideas for more business ventures were constantly being poured into me and dropped in my mind flowing directly into my heart. My businesses started to grow beyond anything I could have ever thought of on my own. The Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and I grabbed a pen and pad. He is still speaking to me and I am still writing.

And then with my services and products my other goal was to bless other women. I thank God for giving me what some women need to change their lives. I know what I needed and so I am passing my blessings on to you.

Having complete access to God’s abundance has changed my life. If you are still not sure if you want or are even ready to start your entrepreneurial journey, go to God in prayer. He’s waiting to answer any questions you may have.



Women Entrepreneurs of the Century

Rise, Climb and Shine Christian Women Entrepreneurs,

We are entrepreneurs on a serious life-changing mission!

Women entrepreneurs of the century

Here in my mind I discovered and have received more wisdom, knowledge and understanding on how to be an even greater entrepreneur.

I must say that my entrepreneurial journey has been blessed and I am highly favored.

Also, I have to you that I am sincerely grateful for the tools that have been placed in my hands that have helped me to navigate on this wonderful and awe-inspiring journey like no other.

You know what else God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs, God has led me on this path of entrepreneurship that only He could have ordained.

To say that I am learning so many new things and embarking on new adventures always keeps things in perspective for me and my businesses. God has graciously mapped out a plan for me that he only could devise. I wrote the vision and I made it plain, but the Holy Spirit told me what to write.

I am loving the goals that God has gifted to me. They are being accomplished for His glory only, day-by-day. I am taking my time so that I get things right as I work towards the visions, for there are always more than one.

This Female Entrepreneur is Simply Doing All the Things That I Love, And the Feeling is Awesome

Women Entrepreneurs of the Century

Why not join me for the ride?

Listen women entrepreneurs, keep rising, climbing and shining. We are Christian women business owners of the century and we have all the resources to be the greatest entrepreneurs to ever grace the planet. This is a bold statement, but I believe in my heart that it is true.

Keep doing what you are doing for God’s glory and enjoy the journey. It doesn’t get any better than doing what you are called to do, heeding God’s wise counsel and seeking His face everyday.

This is every entrepreneurs dream to be highly successful and seeing you in your own dreams while attaining every goal that God has lovingly placed in your heart.

Be of good cheer, Jesus is with you every step of the way.

To God Be All The Glory,


The Successful Entrepreneurs Brand, Prosperity and Abundance

Here’s How To Prosper and Manifest More Abundance into Your Business

Every female entrepreneur’s dream is be successful and here’s how you do it

Your Brand Prosperity and Abundance

Dear Christian Women Business Owners,

How are all of my entrepreneurial spirits and queens? Are you enjoying entrepreneurship the way it should be enjoyed. There are countless benefits to being an entrepreneur and I pray that you are taking advantage of them all and building your beautiful brand one resource and tool at a time.

I have been away for some time only because as I was exploring news streams of income I have discovered something about myself that now has my entrepreneurial journey taking a newfound path. I’ll explain more in another post at a later time.

The Perfect Business Plan for Every Female Entrepreneur

Let’s talk about you and your brand. You know that your brand and everything about it is one of the most important aspects of your empire.

You should also know that having an effective business plan leads to great success.

Your brand differentiates you from  your competitor’s and as you stand out from the crowd you become known for your amazing products and services.

One way that your brand becomes a blessing to you and your customers is God’s Word.

Implementing God and His word into your brand gives you the power to get wealth. It gives you open door opportunities and more creative power.

When you are bold and courageous your mindset changes and you become the business woman you were meant to be.

However, you cannot go it alone and you cannot create, build and manage your business without God’s heart and hands helping you.

Here are a few verses of Scriptures to remind you to always keep God first and His word. Keep God at the forefront of your business and He will bless your brand.


Your Brand Prosperity and Abundance

Your Brand Prosperity and Abundance

Blessings to you God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs.

To God be all the glory.

Cyndi, God’s Servant

Helping women to live phenomenally fulfilling lives!

Christian women in business working for God’s glory

Love for the Skin