Octobers Newsletter 2020

Octobers Newseltter 2020Fall made her appearance at the appointed time; September 21, 2020 and now she is settling into her own space quite nicely.

And now it’s time for you, God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs, to add to your investment.

In this brand new season, it’s time for all female entrepreneurs to make a commitment to your brand.

This is the season to pour into you and your business!

I want you to make this the investment of your life and expect great things to happen in your business Christian women business owners!

Women entrepreneurs and women of excellence, let’s get started.

Octobers Newsletter 2020 for Female Entrepreneurs

The sun rises as it accompanies the rain to grow the seeds planted by the rivers of water and now, this is your time to prosper and succeed in attaining your goals.

At this time and in this amazing season, I present to you a rich reservoir of powerful steps to help you create, design and live, through your business, a life wealthy, prosperous, abundant, bountiful, plentiful, rich and overflowing!

Your life shall forever be changed by the renewing of your mind, as you produce from the works of your hands, greatness from the empowering of God’s Holy Spirit who indwells you.

And now Octobers Newsletter 2020 speaks to your heart and WOW University Gives You:

Powerful Steps To Incredible Wealth:

  • Pour out thankfulness to God for your life and all that He has gifted you.
  • Praise and thank God for all things no matter your circumstances.
  • Be Persistent In Your Prayer Life
  • Have Mustard Seed Faith
  • Believe In God and Believe In Yourself
  • Speak Your Affirmations Daily, Morning, Noon and Night and Throughout Your Days
  • Meditate and Activate
  • Decree and Declare
  • Change The Way You Think
  • Take Inspired Action

Blessings, faith and hope!




Welcome October

Welcome OctoberIt’s the most incredible time in our lives!

We are here and blessed to enjoy and give thanks for all the abundant things that God gifts us everyday!

Welcome October, Welcome!

October, with all her beauty and glory has arrived and right on time!

I welcome, with a positive mindset and with all my heart, my girlfriend October! She is amazing as she brings gifts of love and wonderment along with her warm palette of breathtaking hues; reds, browns, oranges and so much more.

Oh October and I thank you for inviting prosperity, riches and opulence to my life. I am delighted that they have accepted your invitation. Thank you, October!

Whenever a new season is upon us I am reminded that each season brings and always offers new beginnings.

Well, during this awe-inspiring time in my life I am deeply honored and grateful that I get to bask in God’s wondrous works. I am going to continue to work on my projects as God’s Holy Spirit speaks to my heart, clothing me with the love I need as I journey into fields of everlasting success.

Perhaps I’ll do new things or maybe even something different. One thing I know for sure is that I am going to continue to walk on the path that God has placed before me.

Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces. Psalm 122:7

To do His will and to give Him glory as He blesses the works of my hands, I have great plans for myself and my businesses and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit this too shall pass.

Today, I am kicking off a new venture that I have been wanting to do for a long time now. I am finally starting my tee-shirt business and looking forward to and expecting to reach all of my goals today where my t-shirt business is concerned.

My daily to-do-list will be executed in a timely fashion and it shall be completed in a professional manner. I am excited to launch this business as I believe it will be a blessing to many. 

As I welcome in October with an open mind and positive mindset, I vow to manifest my dreams with confidence and ease. I will speak sales into existence and I will share my wealth with others.

Looking out into God’s excellent greatness I see the wealth that is rightfully mine. October, with her gorgeous self, reminds me of how phenomenal we all are as women of excellence.

What will you be doing during the month of October? What important tasks are you committed to accomplishing and completing?

In order to ensure that you get your goals achieved, create a remarkable plan. It would be wise to execute that plan with faith and brilliance. Do not procrastinate.

It’s time to live the life that you love! You have everything right there inside you to enjoy great success. There is Light inside you. You are a wonderful and creative being and God has given you the power to get wealth.

Enjoy October. This is the month that leads you into greater!!!

Blessings never ending,



Preparing for October Blessings


Preparing for October Blessings

Patiently, I awaited for this awe-inspiring season of fall to usher in and bring a wealth of all that God has for me.

Brilliant entrepreneurs, this is your season. It’s one filled with an abundance of God’s blessings, grace, mercy and love.

Focusing on the important things that help to shape and prosper our businesses you have the power to get wealth.

Yes, you have the ability and the power to make a lot of money during this time when Thanksgiving and Christmas are upon us. There are countless ways for you to make money so why not take advantage of this set time. 

It’s time prosper and power up and to be in charge of your journey.

Preparing for October BlessingsDo you want to know what I am doing in this amazing season that promises to open doors for me?

Well, first I have added three new scents to my body butter creams. I did extensive research on Lavender, Vanilla and Pumpkin and decided to incorporate these lovely scents into my Shea butter creams.

I ordered bottles of essential oils and scents to compliment my unrefined organic Shea butter. Infused with some of the most powerful antioxidants, I am thankful that I get to clothe, warm and heal. As my moisturizers soften and soothe, I smile and say thank You, Lord.

And now that October will be here in a few short days, bringing cooler temperatures, I stand and bask in God’s glory for having gifted me such awesome gifts and talents that I get to use for His glory.

Preparing for October Blessings Is Going To Bless You!

Women of excellence, how are you preparing for October blessings? What are you going to do to make this season bright? Do you have a plan in place to make sales and to change lives?

Whatever you offer, be it a service or product, lift it up to God, in the name of Jesus and thank Him now for the things He is about to reveal to you in this brand new season of your business.

October blessings are right around the corner. Why not get ready to walk through the doors God has prepared for you to walk through. This is such an exciting time in business and I want you to receive and claim what’s rightfully yours!


We Work for God!




Amazing Business Practices

Amazing business practices should be a large part of an excellent business plan and system.

Today and every day being the perfect time to get a lot of things done, I have taken advantage of every second that is available to me.

I have to tell you that I am loving every second of the time that has been gifted to me.

I think every second that I breathe is the right or perfect time to achieve my goals, one day at a time.

During the last five months I have been working and preparing new butter creams for my potential customers. I have also added to my present business plan and I want you to know that it is a concrete plan. I put this plan in place in 2016 along with a system that has proven to be highly successful for me. My business plan helps me to stay on track where all my business matters are concerned.

Amazing business practices

Amazing Business Practices, The Heart and Soul of A Successful Business

Loving all that I do and for the glory of God’s name of course, I have put together an array of body butter recipes and now I am happy to say that they are all ready for the fall and winter months. My ultimate goal is to provide my customers with the nutrients their skin craves. Because I have excessively dry skin, it was important that I create and design a powerhouse of a moisturizer that would work year round, not just for me, but mainly for my customers. I think I nailed it.

As my flagship Shea body butter cream continues to do well, I am in the process of looking into Shopify in an effort to grow my sales for my new skincare line, Lady Cynthia.

I am truly excited to introduce my new line of products because I want women and even men to have the healthiest skin possible. It’s something how my focus is always my customers and their true happiness. If my customers are not satisfied with my products, then I am not happy with my products. 

If you offer a product, products or a special service it is important that you pour your heart and soul into your business.

Whether you are a business owner or you are in the process of starting your own business remember these tips:

  • Be true to yourself and you will be true to your customers.
  • Give as much value as you can to your customers.
  • Let your customers know that you are there for them should they need to call on you as long as it pertains to the offer you are making.
  • Don’t ever stop giving and you will never stop receiving.

Don’t forget that you have the power to get wealth and if you have the power to get wealth you will be rich all the days of your business.

You are the foundation of your business. Be of a good courage and there will be numerous ways for you to obtain wealth as long as you remain the awesome business women that you are!

Blessings for your business,




Do Not Be Dismayed

Trust God

Please do not be dismayed because the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. The time is now.

Creating and designing the life of your dreams can be an exciting. Building a business can also be exciting. Walking by faith not by sight can be difficult and a real challenge for some.

Fear can halt your steps preventing you from doing what you love. As a result fear has the ability to tie your hands behind your back with some pretty serious consequences. With faith in God you can tell fear to be cast into the sea never to overpower you again.

When you walk by faith you trust God to guide your every step.

It’s not always easy to do this, but it would be wise to implement this powerful principle, not only into your business, but in your life as well. Trusting God to constantly speak to your heart so that you never lose your way as you work to build your empire one layer at a time provides you with tools to build a strong foundation on which your business can stand for years to come.

Upon the completion of your business details, from writing your business plan to designing your marketing materials, it is vital that certain principles be interwoven into the fabric of your business to ensure that it flourishes on a consistent basis for months and years to come. 

When journeying through the ins and outs of business do not be dismayed. God’s right hand is the power that will take you from one goal to the next into a world of abundance. You see God wants you to prosper and be in abundance. He wants you to be in abundance in wisdom, knowledge and where your finances are concerned. It doesn’t stop there.

Our Father wants you to have everything you need and He gives you richly all things to enjoy. Being surrounded by abundance you feel abundant. When you feel abundant you welcome in prosperity, overflowing riches and great wealth. It becomes the never ending story you get to write in your journal to be your compass as you work your business.

Penning your goals and successes opens the door to abundant opportunities.

Your mind shifts and your life changes. As a result, you get to witness eye opening experiences you never would had you not opened your mind to receive all that God has awaiting you. God bestows these blessings upon you little by little. Write them down.

Oh taste and see that the Lord is good. When God shows you His love receive it with a heart of thanksgiving. One at a time you can take it and learn from the things that God wants to reveal to you. Like flowers that bloom in spring or like leaves that change color during autumn season these blessings are enormous. It doesn’t matter how small they may seem they are humongous.

God does great works and His greatness is unsearchable. Receive the things He wants you to know and He will pour out  His blessings upon you with clear understanding. You may not understand everything at first, but keep trusting God and you will come to know and see all that God has for you a little at a time. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. And listen, all you really need to know is that God truly loves and cares about you. I think that’s all the understanding any of us needs. To God be all the glory.

Life can be filled with a myriad of lessons that have the amazing ability to change our lives. I often think about things that have transpired in my life and I simply say thank You Lord.

Here’s a short story I’d like to share with you.

My son texted me late Saturday night. I was sound asleep so I did not see the text until the next morning. When God woke me up the next day I saw Todd’s message.

A few minutes later my son called and asked if I had heard the news about Chadwick Boseman. I said no. He then said he died. My heart broke all over again almost the same way it broke when my cousin Kobe died. I was in shock when I heard the news.

When I went on Facebook I knew what I was going to see. Yes, Mr. Boseman’s face posted everywhere. I expected to see his face, hear about his work, his career and his private life. This is what usually happens whenever a celebrity passes away.

When I saw Chadwick on the View earlier this year I didn’t get the vibe that he was your typical celebrity. His demeanor and the way he answered the questions that were posed to him told me that he was just a kind spirit with a loving soul. And the way that he looked at the ladies at the table spoke volumes about him.

The look in his eyes said a lot about the kind of personality he carried with him everywhere he went. I loved that about him. I could clearly see that he was true or at least in my mind he was.

When we hear stories like the passing of celebrities, loved ones or those close to us, we tend to say things like, “live life to the fullest because tomorrow is not promised.”  And should we find ourselves in a torrential rainfall that blinds us to the point that we cannot see ourselves out of it,  we immediately call upon the name of Jesus.

Desperate to alter the hurt or pain we cry out asking Jesus to be attentive to our prayers to get us through whatever we are going through or dealing with. Jesus is always the answer. He is always with us at all times.

The point I’m trying to make is this. It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord for He is good and His mercy endures forever. We need to be thanking God every second of the day for blessing us with life. And it should not stop there. We need to be in constant thank You prayers to God for His infinite abundance help, support, encouragement and all the abundant things that He lays at our feet each and everyday.

It is vital that we use our gifts for the glory of God’s name and use them to the fullest of our infinite potential.

We need to be glorifying the name of the Lord through our works and thanking Him for giving us the gifts that have the ability to execute the plan He has given us with complete instructions. We need to be shouting for joy for the Lord’s goodness. Living in a state of euphoria should be one of our goals knowing that we don’t have to be dismayed because the Lord is with us, helping us every second we breathe.

Listen ladies, if there is something pressing on your heart and mind and you know for a fact that God is calling you into His great light to do work for the glory of His name I would advise you to do it. Be obedient to the Lord.

Do not wait another minute to execute that brilliant plan that God has laid on the table of your heart. Let me ask you a question; what are you waiting for? Is something holding you back? If so, figure out what it is, solve and get moving. Do you know that you are empowered by the Holy Spirit? His power is amazing and He will give you everything you need to be super successful.

Do not be dismayed because God loves you

I don’t want you to keep procrastinating. Are you saying to yourself, “I’m afraid of what people might say or you are thinking don’t have any money. Well, let me tell you if God is calling your name He has every single thing you need. He’s opened the door patiently waiting for you to walk through it.

Don’t you think you’ve waited long enough to start that remarkable business? It’s time for you to let go of the negative mindset and replace it with positive thoughts such as, I am a wealthy woman and I love myself. I am a phenomenal woman of God. I am a river. I am prosperity riches and abundance. I am powerful and I am assets.

God has already equipped you with every tool and resource you need. These life-changing and business building commodities are going to help you to erect a rich foundation. One that is so strong and powerful that no man, wind nor rain can knock it down.

You have a lot of work to do so let’s get moving. You don’t have to be afraid and do not let your heart be afraid or troubled because God is with you with each layer you are laying. You only need to work on yourself to change your life and enjoy the fruits.

God planted the seeds in you a long time ago and He’s giving you the rain to grow your harvest along with the Son to grow and succeed. I don’t think it gets any better than this. The best thing you can do is obey God and as Dr. Charles Stanley says, leave all the consequences to Him.

Now go on and make up your mind to leap out in faith and change your life forever. Not only will you be changing your own life, but those who are searching for your services and/or products, they have a special treat coming their way because you, God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs, are brilliant in business.

To God be the glory forever and ever. Use them Lord, use them in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen. Thank You, Lord, thank You.

Bless the Lord,


#wearebrilliant #womenentrepreneurs



10 Bible Verses Every Entrepreneur Needs to Read

Here they are, 10 Bible verses every entrepreneur needs to read.

As entrepreneurs, we are blessed to receive verses of Scripture to keep us encouraged as we go about our daily business routines.

These 10 Bible verses every entrepreneur needs to read will bless you and your business beyond measure. Read them and apply them to your businesses and enjoy the prosperity God has for you.

The Bible is packed with life lessons – stories of humankind’s experience with God. There are lessons for those feeling depressed, those struggling with sin, those dealing with difficult people – you name it, it’s there.

As a Christian, one of the most important lessons the Bible teaches me is to rely on God’s grace (that requires faith) and not my own works to make myself righteous in God’s sight. But there are other lessons that have also proved vital not only in the life to come but in my life today.

I’m an entrepreneur who juggles a lot of responsibilities. Thankfully, there are many Bible verses about business that teach some very valuable lessons. Here are some of the best verses in the Bible that can help the entrepreneur in you!

1. Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth. – Proverbs 10:4 (NIV)

Proverbs is filled with all kinds of fantastic observations about life. This one shows how if you slack off, you’re going to be met with poverty. This makes sense, right?

I believe in making the most of every moment of the day. I work hard, really hard. I believe that diligence that leads to financial stability. As a result of my hard work, I built a fantastic wealth management firm and a financial website (the one you’re reading now). These companies bring in much more than the average American makes, and I’m so thankful for the opportunities I’ve had to build these businesses.

If you’re wanting to get ahead in business, be diligent. You don’t have to absolutely wear yourself out, though . . . .

2. Do not toil to acquire wealth; be discerning enough to desist. – Proverbs 23:4 (ESV)

As I mentioned, I work pretty hard. But that doesn’t mean I don’t take breaks. There are much more important things in life than getting rich. Take my family, for example. What would I do without my wife and my boys?

There’s nothing inherently wrong with being rich. But there is something wrong with wearing yourself out to get rich. We’ve all heard the stories of the workaholics who make a fortune but then abandon their families. Their marriages fall apart and their children suffer. Is wearing yourself out to become wealthy really worth those consequences? Of course not!

I’d argue that you can grow your dough without running yourself into the ground. But trust me, I know it’s not easy. I have to watch myself to make sure that I don’t go overboard.

I must at all times keep my entrepreneurial spirit in check. One of the best ways to do this is to listen to your spouse. If they’re telling you that you need to slow down, you need to slow down.

3. Sluggards do not plow in season; so at harvest time they look but find nothing. – Proverbs 20:4 (NIV)

Here’s a lesson for entrepreneurs – always be on the lookout for opportunities that lead to a harvest. This verse is probably more about the virtues of having a willingness to work, but it also talks about working in season. With certain seasons come opportunities. If these opportunities are pushed aside, you might find yourself in need but not reaping anything because you didn’t work! Remember that the fruit comes after labor.

4. Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. – Colossians 3:23-24 (ESV)

Imagine working for the perfect boss. Everything they say and do is absolutely perfect. They make the right choices every time. They speak the right words every time. They are right – you guessed it – 100% of the time. That sounds pretty intimidating, doesn’t it?

Wouldn’t you step up your game if you were working for the perfect boss? Wouldn’t you be careful with how you handled their money, their time, and their other resources? Of course you would! After all, perfection sees all. When we are working for human masters, we know in the back of our minds that there might be room to slack off. But when we’re working for God, there’s no room to cut corners.

Not only will God be pleased with you when he notices the fit and finish you put into your product or service, but most likely your human masters will notice too. Just make sure you care more about what God thinks than what your human masters think. Do that, and your human masters will probably be pleased as well if they are godly people.

5. In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat– for he grants sleep to those he loves. – Psalm 127:2 (NIV)

At first glance, this verse seems to be making a general statement that it’s good to get your sleep instead of waking up early and going to bed late. While there’s certainly value in getting sleep, perhaps it’s saying something more. Here’s the first verse of the chapter:

Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain. – Psalm 127:1 (NIV)

It’s always good to look at the context of a verse. Here, the verse is talking about how the Lord’s hand must be in something for it to work properly. Could it also be that rising early and staying up late does no good unless the Lord’s hand is in it? Perhaps it’s a possibility. In any case, it’s important to remember that we should rely on the Lord. We shouldn’t trust in our own abilities alone – the Lord must be at the heart of everything we do.

6. So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. – Matthew 7:12 (ESV)

A business that God approves of requires a firm understanding and grasp of ethics. Thankfully, Jesus simplified much of the whole topic of ethics in just a few words commonly known as the Golden Rule. When we, as entrepreneurs, put ourselves into other people’s shoes, we’re more likely to treat those people as we’d like to be treated. Here are a few business questions you can use to do the best thing for your customers:

  • If I was the customer, would I be happy with the speed of service of my business?
  • If I was the customer, would I appreciate how my business communicates with me?
  • If I was the customer, would I continue doing business with my business?

These questions can help you improve customer satisfaction. One of the ways I help my clients is to provide custom-fit solutions. I recognize that every one of my clients is different. While there may be some overlap in their needs, each person is unique. Some of my clients want to set-it-and-forget-it, and others want detailed explanations and someone who will work closely with them to make tweaks and adjustments to their retirement plan.

Think about your business. How can you customize your products and services to your customers? How can you make every customer feel like the most valued customer? It starts with doing to others what you would have them do to you.

7. The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom, and whatever you get, get insight. – Proverbs 4:7 (ESV)

I continually educate myself about all things financial. I attend presentations and do a lot of research. Understanding is of great value in my business, and I’d be willing to guess it is in yours, too. Wisdom not only includes having knowledge and experience, but it also includes being able to use that knowledge and experience in a sound way – it involves proper judgment.

Notice the value of understanding: “Though it cost all you have, get understanding.” That’s right, understanding is worth everything you own. Now, you probably don’t have to go and sell everything you own to take a course that costs thousands and thousands of dollars, but this verse certainly highlights the value of understanding.

Make a sincere effort to always be a learner. Value education. Learn how to apply your knowledge in business and life. It’s worth a lot, friends.

8. In all toil there is profit, but mere talk tends only to poverty. – Proverbs 14:23 (ESV)

Back when I began my career with A.G. Edwards & Sons in 2002, I was in a training class including about 55 people. After the training a year later, our class was reduced to less than about 27 people. At my fifth anniversary mark, only five of us were left. The reason why so many people didn’t make it was because they weren’t really willing to put in the hard work required. They were all talk, no action.

You’ve probably heard that “actions speak louder than words.” True. But many people think that means you must act and speak. What if you just did the right thing without announcing it to the world? One might argue that that could result in less accountability, but if you actually follow through on your goals without speaking, it will show a sense of humility coupled with a dedication to working hard.

Work hard, and you can overcome many business challenges.

9. For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul? – Mark 8:36 (ESV)

I have quite a bit of money in the bank and investments. You might call me wealthy if you look at my net worth. I know others who are quite wealthy, too. But let me tell you, the numbers don’t mean a thing compared to the gift that my Lord Jesus gave to me on the cross. If you’re not a Christian, I ask you to look into the life of Christ.b Listen, we’ve all messed up. We’ve all fallen short of the perfection of God. We’re sinners! But God loves us so much that he came down to this planet to rescue us from the spiritual consequences of our actions. His name is Jesus.

If you’re an entrepreneur – or anyone else – who doesn’t yet have a relationship with Christ, seek first God’s kingdom. Wealth is deceitful, and it doesn’t mean a thing compared to the glorious riches in Christ.

10. The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty. – Proverbs 21:5 (ESV)

Diligence means showing care – many times over the long haul. Are you showing diligence?

Businesses must be carefully built. Don’t be hasty. Remember that it can take years to see some success. If you go for a quick win, you might find yourself with a quick failure.

There are so many Bible verses about business and entrepreneurship. I encourage you to leave your favorites in the comments below. Now go make some money, but put God first!


About the Author

10 Bible Verses Every Entrepreneur Needs to Read

Jeff Rose, CFP® is a Certified Financial Planner™, founder of Good Financial Cents, and author of the personal finance book Soldier of Finance. Jeff is an Iraqi combat veteran and served 9 years in the Army National Guard. His work is regularly featured in Forbes, Business Insider, Inc.com and Entrepreneur.




#money #wemakemoney

God’s Open Doors of Endless Opportunities

Gods Open Doors of Endless OpportunitiesBeing an entrepreneur has shown me many things. It has also presented me and opened my eyes to endless opportunities.

God’s open doors of endless opportunities have helped to grow, not just my businesses, but my life.

The lessons I have learned have been tremendous. Am I grateful? Yes. I am beyond grateful.

God has graced and granted me with much wisdom. His lovingkindness blesses me in ways too numerous to count. Whenever I hear someone say count your bless I say to myself it would be impossible because God’s blessings are innumerable.

However, not only do I count my blessings, I give God thanks for His blessings.

When I prepare to start each day I look forward to hearing from God. I know He is going to share something phenomenal with me. Whether it’s a word from His word to speak to my heart, or perhaps an article to touch, warm and transform someone’s life, I get excited because I already know His word is going to be powerful.

Not only is God’s word going to be powerful, it is going to phenomenal. He is going to clothe me with a lesson so profound that it will be life-changing in some way.

As a result, not only am I going to receive a multitude of blessings, but others will be blessed as well because I share and I give.

When this happens God’s open doors of endless opportunities immediately become available to me. I walk through each door as He presents them to me with faith and confidence. I glean valuable information that I refer to as priceless gems.

Have you ever experienced God’s open doors of endless opportunities in your business? If so, what have you learned? Are there any doors that you have yet to walk through?

I’m sure that God has a plethora of doors of endless opportunities awaiting you? Is there something that prevents you from walking through God’s open doors of endless opportunities?

If you are sitting dormant and some giants have stilled your steps, I advise you to go to the word of God and read the following Scripture. Joshua 1:9, Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”  Prayerfully, this will help you to see the light that will lovingly, mercifully and gracefully guide you to God’s open doors of endless opportunities.

You don’t have to be afraid because with Jesus leading the way and His Holy Spirit convicting you, you cannot go wrong. Your paths will be straight and your compass will direct you into even greater success.

Be blessed and give God thanks,






Stepping Out In Faith Once Again

Your Faith Walk

Stepping out in faith once againStepping out in faith, once again, I had finally found the courage to take that first into my greater. I have to say not only has my life shifted, but my mindset has taken me on a powerful journey in more ways than one. As a result, I am truly enjoying the life loving lessons that have positioned me for greatness. 
Firstly, during the building of my businesses, of which there are many, and all that I love, God has graciously deposited seeds into my garden. Upon watering these seeds, I along with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, have grown a bountiful harvest. This harvest, rich and plentiful, is the environment in which my mind lives, thrives and abundantly flourishes. 
Secondly, when I started out in business I had a powerful system in place.

Stepping Out In Faith Once Again To Be Bold and Brilliant

I quickly learned how to create my own marketing materials. I also learned the ins and outs of WordPress, which in my opinion, is one of the most complicated and amazing platforms on the planet. It was a difficult process, but one that I was willing and wanted to master. I am glad I did. WordPress has so much to offer in terms of helping you to build a professional blog or website. It has everything your business needs to help you to create a website masterpiece. WordPress can do wonders for your business if you’re willing to put in and do the work. You can transform your business if it’s presently stuck in the miry clay. Once you master WordPress I think you will see that it has everything you need for the success of your business. 
 Thirdly, I knew that if I was going to prosper any part of all of my business I had to read and learn about SEO to drive traffic to my blogs and website. 
I also learned about affiliate marketing. Google Adsense was one of the first programs of many that caught my attention. I signed up for an account and it took me a little over a year to receive my first $100 check. The reason why it took me so long was because I wasn’t getting nearly enough traffic to my sites. This seems to be a problem many blogger and business owners have. It wasn’t until I had a few bright bulb moments that I finally had/have money coming in from my websites as well as from my products and ebooks. 
If you’re struggling to prosper in business here are a few tips that I would like to offer you. I suggest you apply all these tips to generate more traffic to your business. Monetizing your business is one of the reasons you started your blog right? Why not utilize the resources available to you. 
May I suggest that you ask yourself the following questions:
Should you re-evaluate your goals?
What resources do you presently use to grow your business?
Do you use the various social media platforms available to you?
Have you found your target audience?
Ask yourself these important questions and I will help you search for answers.
Be blessed and be awesome!

Pandemic Leadership Pivots

Pandemic Leadership PivotsEntrepreneur and Coach, Lougenia Trailblazer Rucker sent me a copy of the slides from her Pandemic Leadership Pivots masterclass. Today, I’m sharing this special bonus with you – the audio recording of the masterclass!


Lougenia shared on Tuesday’s masterclass, that enrollment in the Diamond Heart Kingdom Mentorship is now open. Please do not pass up the opportunity for growth!

Wondering if the Diamond Heart Kingdom Mentorship is right for you? Ask yourself these two questions:

Does thinking about enlarging your territory, expanding your brand and figuring out what to do next make you feel overwhelmed?

Does the thought of crossing over into the next “Big” Dimension of your life make you feel vulnerable, nervous or stuck?

If yes, then now is the time to get diamond clear, power up on purpose to experience the SHIFT with amazing life-changing results and exponential growth through the power of mentorship and mastermind.

CLICK HERE to learn more and enroll today!

If you would like to setup an appointment with me to discuss if the Diamond Heart Kingdom Mentorship is right for you, CLICK HERE to get on my calendar.

Be blessed, be safe,

Dr. Lougenia Trailblazer J. Rucker

Divine Diamond Ministries

Copyright © 2020 Dr. Lougenia J. Rucker, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

Dr. Lougenia J. Rucker

PO Box 49082

Philadelphia, PA 19141

Add us to your address book





A Fruitful Life

God has created us with a longing to know that our presence in this world counts. He also designed us to find the fulfillment of that desire through His Son Jesus Christ.

Dependence on God is central to an abundant life. Trusting Him with all our heart means giving Him control over our families, finances, jobs, and everything else. Today’s passage emphasizes how essential trust is to a fruitful life: we are cautioned against being wise in our own eyes and warned—twice—not to lean on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5, 7).

When facing decisions, we can be tempted to gather information and choose the answer that looks right. But we can’t know all the facts or predict with certainty how others will respond. God, however, is omniscient. He “reads” hearts and perceives every thought; no aspect of our life escapes His notice (1 Chronicles 28:9; Psalms 11:4), and He cares about everyone. That’s why He alone knows which decision is best for each situation.

The abundant life also involves acknowledging the Lord in all we do. Speaking about Him is just part of what it means to give Him recognition. As His children, we are to have a marked resemblance to our heavenly Father—in thoughts, attitudes, and actions. Our priorities are to reflect His, and our plans should fit with His purposes.

Life becomes fruitful as we surrender ourselves to the Lord and carry out His will. By allowing His Spirit to live through us (Galatians 2:20), we will find our lives characterized by significance and satisfaction.

Dr. Charles Stanley, InTouch Ministries



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