Marketing Your Business For Success with Canva

Marketing Your Business For Success with Canva. As promised, here is the platform that I use to create stunning marketing campaigns.

Marketing Your Business For Success with Canva

Canva is free. It is a great design tool for business.

Let’s just right in and allow me give you, amazing women of God, a great tip. When you create your free account with Canva I suggest that you upgrade to a pro account not long after you’ve given Canva a try because you’ll have access to some great features that you can only get with a pro account, but it’s well worth it. 

Another tip I want to share with you is this. When you start to design in Canva you should make it your own. In other words, don’t use the exact template that they offer because others maybe using that same template. You’ll want to change the colors and wording, but not necessarily the layout of the template. This way you can be sure that your creation is original and unique.

I’ve been using Canva for years and recently I upgraded to pro and it has been amazing. You can make videos as well with Canva.

Check out Canva and see what you think.  At least try it and see if you like it. I think it will serve your business well and you will find that your marketing campaigns are going to help you to prosper in business.

Be blessed,



How I Do Marketing

The past two months have been extremely busy for me and for my business, Beauty and the Face. My goal, this year, is to grow my sales.

I intend to add more products to my store in an effort to make more money.  I am constantly reading and researching how to grow my sales. One can never stop learning. Honing my skills is something I enjoy doing especially with things evolving in the world with every heart beat.

Now anyone who knows me knows that I like to come up with my own unique ideas which just seems to work when it comes to marketing my business.  Another thing about me is this; I’m going to give my customers the very best products that I can provide.

As a female entrepreneur I think it is imperative to have my heart committed to every aspect of my business which means I’m going to offer the best customer service because my customers deserve only the best.

When it comes to my business there is one thing that you will never find me doing as a women entrepreneurs and business owner, and that is false marketing. What do I mean by this.

First let me say this. I believe in my body butters, sugar scrubs, lip balms and shower steamers which means if people want them they will buy them without me ever having to do false marketing campaigns like order now because when they’re gone they’re gone and they won’t be coming back and then a few months later that same product is being reintroduced to my audience. I don’t the dishonesty that can be found in those kinds of marketing campaigns, but for some companies this kind of marketing works for them.

I am going to always be authentic and honest and give my customers the true story behind every hand whipped custom order body butter I hand craft for my beautiful beauties.

I enjoy creating, writing and designing my business changing marketing  campaigns because they tell a story and they get the job done! 

Here’s a video that I created yesterday for the ad I’m going to purchase for a few of my social media accounts. I hope you take the time to have a peek. It’s a very short attention grabbing video that I hope my customers will enjoy watching. Everything I do I do with my customers in mind because after all I would not have a business if it weren’t for my faithful beauties.

If you want to know how I design my marketing materials for Love for the Skin, click here to learn more!

Be blessed,



Lets Finish The Year Strong Starting Today

Let’s finish the year strong starting today.

Today when my son called me, I told him that he needed to clean up his office and organize the papers in his office. He said, “I did it already”. I said, “Good; it doesn’t make sense for you to have that beautiful office with papers covering every inch of your desk and floor”.

He then went on to tell me that he told my youngest son, his baby brother, that when 2021 arrives they are going to do things differently.  I remember him telling me that same exact thing last year about 2020. Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting get understanding.

Lets Finish The Year Strong Starting Today

Women entrepreneurs, I want to make a powerful suggestion to you.

If you have plans for restructuring your business, do it today. Do not wait until the year 2021 to incorporate your brilliant ideas to continue building your business.

Here are a few suggestions to help you to get clear on your strategies so that when 2021 ushers in you will be way ahead of the game to explode sales. You don’t want to be bombarded with those tedious things that can make your head spin.

Let’s Finish The Year Strong Starting Now!

You may want to:

  • Clean up old emails. Delete them from your files.
  • Be sure to unsubscribe from any emails that do not serve you in any way.
  • Make and name new file folders on your computers and place all relevant files inside that folder.
  • Throw out any old papers that you do not need.
  • Clean out your desk drawers. Get rid of any old pens that do not write!
  • Get rid of old notes to yourself that you don’t need.

Once you’ve gone through this list or whether you have your own list the goal is to finish the year strong and bless your business.

Women entrepreneurs, you are remarkable ladies. Continue using gifts for they, like you, are rare. You are rich, abundant, prosperous and amazing. You can do this. If you feel stuck or if you get stuck, walk away, come back and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart. It is then that you will flourish and be at ease moving forward to complete the tasks before you.

Be blessed amazing women of God,








Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For The Sale

Don’t be afraid to ask for the sale is my new mantra! And a great successful mantra it is to have.

Being an entrepreneur means stepping out of your comfort zone and doing well, the uncomfortable.

What may feel uncomfortable to you is the very thing that is going to propel you into prosperity and success.

I want to share a short story with you if you don’t mind. It is a brief and to the point kind of story.

Some of you  may know that I founded Beauty and the Face, along with my other precious pearls. I love what I do and I enjoy passing my blessings on to others in endless ways.

When I started out talking about skincare, it was because I had this one minor skin problem that seem to blossom every month and I wanted to share my journey with the girls who lived on the side of my face without an invitation.

Beauty and the Face was birthed and I am hand whipping body butters that I and my customers adore.

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For The Sale And I Asked For The Sale!

November and December are usually very busy for me due to the Christmas Season.

Even though I shop super early for my family’s Christmas gifts, I always find myself doing a million things to ensure that we all get to enjoy the Christmas season all year long. I enjoy it so much that I go above and beyond baking cookies, brownies and cakes so that my husband gets to enjoy his sweet treats all season long. It brings me much joy knowing that my boys’  stomachs are smiling.

This season I have been extra busy hand crafting O Shea butter creams for my customers. My new scents came out in the fall and then I introduced my Christmas scents with pride and joy.

When the first day of December came in I gladly presented my body butters to my Facebook friends and family and received about four large orders in multiples. In all the large orders that I receive I give a beautiful gift that I order from Macy’s every year since I’ve been in business. My customers love this special gift that sparkles and shines.

Gifting, I believe, should be a large part of any business. It sends a loving message to the customer that you truly appreciate their business. I am grateful when I get orders for my body butter creams no matter how small or large. There is a sense of gratefulness when orders pour in because I know that I am giving my customers a high quality product that makes their skin feel skinsational. This is extremely important to me.

Do you want to know how I was able to procure more sales for my Shea body butter business? You got it! I asked for the sale and I did it clothed with confidence and faith.

I said to myself, Cynthia, be super bold and ask for the sale.

It was then that I picked up the phone and sent text messages to those who have never tried my product and I asked them if they would order a 4 oz jar of love from me. Out of the five that I asked, four said yes. The task was effortless and I am thankful. The excitement that overcame me gave me the inspiration to ask for more sales. My heart is still singing and not so much because of the money that I made, but because my customers get to try an amazing skincare product that really does glow their fibers.

There was one friend who, when I asked for the sale, went all around the globe, just being real and honest, and came back, never answered, but continued her own conversation as if I had never asked her to make a purchase from my online store. I was disappointed, not that she didn’t buy the body butter cream from me, but for the mere fact that she never even answered my request.

I told myself I will not be asking her to purchase anything from me again. There’s a history there and I won’t go into the details, but I wanted you to know that even though you may know what the answer will be before you ask the question, don’t be afraid to ask for the sale because you probably already know that not everyone you ask is not going to buy from you.

And so I say that I am happy that I opened my mouth and asked for sales.

I am deeply thankful that I stepped off of my comfort path to ask for what I wanted. God’s word says you have not because you ask not. Now I don’t know if this verse of Scripture applies to every situation when it comes to business, but I do know that if I want something, I cannot be afraid to ask for what I want or desire.

Get your business out in the forefront and let the world know what you are doing. If you are selling a premium product and you’ve tested it yourself and it works a true miracle for you and you know that it has the potential to work for your customers, then tell them about it and then go ahead and ask for the sale…they will be glad you did when your product arrives.

No go and don’t be afraid to ask for the sale!

Be blessed,


Visit our temporary website until our new website is ready! Click the ring just below.

One Reason Why You Should Become An Entrepreneur

One Reason Why You Should Become An EntrepreneurOne reason why you should become an entrepreneur, you are extraordinary.

The list for why you should become an entrepreneur goes beyond what any human being will ever know.

My son’s friend, who is like a son to me, once said that his college professor told him that if something is amazing then that thing is pretty spectacular!

Well, that would be you awesome women of God.

I am here to tell you that you are incredible, remarkable and sensational on many levels.

Empowered, you are extremely gifted, talented and skilled.

My question is this; if being an entrepreneur is in your future why not begin taking the steps to becoming one of the greatest entrepreneurs to ever grace the world of female entrepreneurs.

Right about now would be the time for you to start planning and journaling while renewing a right spirit within you! 

One Reason Why You Should Become An Entrepreneur, Amazing Women of God

Now is the time to make YOU your focus.

And while it may take a little time to collect your thoughts on what your niche will be, one thing that can help to make your journey into entrepreneurship easier is to ask yourself a few simple questions which are:

What is it that I love to do?

What are the gifts God has bestowed on me that I can use for the glory of His name?

What is it that I am deeply passionate about?

What is my skill set?

Am I confident enough to start my own business?

Do I have faith enough to do this thing?

Do I really want to be an entrepreneur?

What about money; how much money do/will I need to start my business?

These are all great and valid questions. Maybe you’ll ask yourself a few of these questions or perhaps you’ll be asking yourself all of these questions.

One thing for sure is that only you can answer these questions and if you should get stuck and need help, the Holy Spirit can and will give you confirmation; all you have to do is ask Him.

I’ve been asking the Holy Spirit all kinds of questions where my businesses are concerned and He always answers.

One Reason Why You Should Become An Entrepreneur

When I started Beauty and the Face, Love for the Skin, Luxurious Body Butter, I was so very passionate about it because I had started a stand-alone blog about skincare ten years prior and when I decided to start my own skincare line of Shea butter moisturizers it became the baby that I am nurturing right now.

When I started Cyndi’s Light Work Designs it was crystal clear to me that I was on the right path because I loved to design. All these things are gifts from God.

I also have this great desire to create beautiful masterpieces that warm and touch lives in an empowering way.

In doing all these things and more, I have been fearless and unstoppable! Bold and courageous, I discovered some things about myself which is I don’t have to be afraid to do what God has been calling me to do and I am doing exactly that and I do it with a grateful heart and passion.

It is exciting to know that you have the ability to change your life just like that. Beginning with your thought process, you have the power to do amazing things. Why not start now and start enjoying your life in a brand new light. Remember, mindset is everything!!!

Get your brand up and running now. Why wait? Start your business right where you are and let the flow of abundance, wealth, riches and prosperity come to you without delay!

Don’t you know that you deserve to take this explosive journey? You are going to learn a great deal about yourself when you make up your mind that you are more powerful than you ever knew.

Enjoy the journey!


God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs



Seven Amazing Things To Be Thankful For

Seven Amazing Things To Be Thankful For

Psalm 69:30

I will praise God’s name in song
    and glorify him with thanksgiving.

Seven amazing things to be thankful should be a way of life for all female entrepreneurs.

Being grateful for the things you have opens up the door for greater abundance.

When you look around you what do you see? Do you see food, clothing, four walls which reminds you that you have shelter?

Well, these are the basics that we always give thanks for. However, being grateful goes beyond these things.

Do you want to know what these seven amazing blessings are?

Well, first, you are breathing because you are reading this post. Give God thanks!

Here are seven amazing things to be thankful for.

One of the most important things in this life that you should be thankful for is breath and from the breath from the blast of God’s nostrils you inhale, exhale and have your being.

Secondly, you are in your right mind and your mindset, positive I hope, helps to position you for greater success. You can attract abundance to yourself when you have a positive mindset.

The third amazing thing you should be grateful for is your gift(s) from God. Your gift(s) is/are your passion that you use to build your business and brand; it’s how you make money.

And then there’s your faith in God. Your faith empowers you to speak what you want and/or need for your business. Your faith will guide and place your feet on the path that you would not normally be able to do without faith in God.

Confidence then comes in, invited by faith, that let’s you do the impossible.

Courage to spread your wings by confidence and faith, you fly with your wings soaring without fear.

Now, we cannot forget power. You have the awesome power and ability to get wealth. Your wisdom, knowledge and understanding provides you and your business with brilliant creativity and wonderful ideas. You become empowered and so bold that you work your empire with astounding confidence so that your clients and customers know that when they call on you they will be receiving an authentic and trustworthy business owner who sells life-changing products.

As Christian women entrepreneurs, you are brilliant in every way. I hope you will take these seven important components and implement them into your business. They are a necessity for every successful female entrepreneur.

Be blessed and prosperous,





Blessed Beauty Daily Inspiration

As a self-taught inspirational graphic designer, one of my many joys is bringing light and life into hearts and minds of many.

Therapeutic and warming, I love to create masterpieces that have the ability to bless, warm and transform lives.

I want to share with you a small portfolio of my light work designs. It is my prayer that these beauties will bless and inspire you.

I hope you see the messages in each creation. They are powerful and they are for you.

Blessed Beauty Daily Inspiration

Blessed Beauty, Daily Inspiration Blessed Beauty, Daily Inspiration Be blessed and be prosperous,

Cyndi Tea Bee

This Is Your Season To Soar and Shine

This is your season to soar and shine!

Do you need a touch of inspiration before starting your day in business? Are you feeling a bit discouraged? If so, come back to this page to be encouraged. You are wealthy, worthy and wise. You are resourceful and you are brilliant.

From time-to-time, you may find yourself falling into hopelessness and despair. Perhaps you may feel like your business is stagnant and you can’t leap over that wall and you sit wondering what to do next.

Maybe you just need a little nudge to help refuel and jump start your mind, body and spirit.

Should you find yourself stuck, calling on the Holy Spirit will open up new doors for you. If you find yourself stuck, don’t be in a hurry to get back to do what you love. It could just be that God wants to reveal something to you. I would advise that you enter into a place of peace and wait to hear from the Lord and trust Him while you wait.

Once you hear from God, it is then that you should take inspired action to move and to take your business to the next phase in your life.

And please, don’t forget to speak the above affirmations over your business. You will feel good when you speak these words out loud letting them sink in your mind to be uplifted and inspired.

This is your season to soar and shine, be wise and give God the glory!


This is your season to soar and shine This is your season to soar and shine This is your season to soar and shine

To God be all the glory!


Beauty and the Face, Love for the Skin, Luxurious Body Butter

Women in Business Prospering Through Wisdom

Passion and Pursuit

Every Woman’s Life-Loving Journey

Abundance Is Yours


You Are The Head And Not The Tail

You are the head and not the tailBe prosperous, abundant, wealthy and powerful!

You, ladies, are amazing women entrepreneurs, brilliant in every way.

True leaders, your success is admirable. You are the head and not the tail.

I want to encourage you to stay on the path and work towards achieving greatness on purpose!

Inside you there are treasures evermore. I want you to continue to use your unlimited potential no matter where you are at this very moment.

I would like to see you use your strength, spread your wings and take flight.

I want to inspire you to live your dreams and to always B.U.I.L.D. (Believing and Understanding The Importance of Living Your Dreams!) on those things that you see surrounding you! Take heed to the soft whispers of the Holy Spirit. Let Him lead, guide and direct your every step. You shall not stray.

Be encouraged for you are the head and not the tail. You are the lender and not the borrower. God is giving you houses that you did not build and wells that you did not dig. You are the tree planted by the rivers of water; everything you do shall prosper. Open up your mind to accept what you are about to receive which is abundance and wealth.

Make the shift and stay positive throughout your journey.

Never be afraid to step out in faith to lay the strong foundation of your empire using your gifts. Layer it with your talents, skill set, your wisdom and understanding and be not afraid for the Lord is with you wherever you go.

Allow God to use you and open your heart and mind to receive.

Be good to yourself. Always be true to yourself. Treat yourself and celebrate.

Speak to your heart and be clear. Encourage yourself to be the best you that you can be because even through the storms you should know that you are brilliant, bold and bright. Jesus is the Light that illumines within shining in your business and forever glowing in your life. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. You have it all. Give God thanks and soar!

Blessings forever,


How To Make October Unstoppable

Happy Monday Female Entrepreneurs,

You are blessed. Today is the day that you will shine in your brilliance. Let us give God the glory!

Starting this week, you are going to be operating from unstoppable faith!

Want to know how to make October unstoppable? Please, keep reading. You will be blessed.

Women of God, open your journal and let’s beginning the planning stages of staying the course as you take leaps and bounds of faith to do what you were called to do. Shift your mind and speak to your heart to forge ahead to accomplish your goals.

It’s the set time to execute the plan that God has laid before your feet. If you feel stuck, tell yourself that you can and will do this.

Get your emotions stirred up. Get excited because you are truly unstoppable women entrepreneurs. You shine in your brilliant and like a diamond, your sparkle never goes out.

Now, tell yourself that there are no more setbacks, no more fear and no stagnation. Speak to those giants that are blocking your path and tell it to move away from your life. You are unstoppable and you have the power to do greater than great, female entrepreneurs.

Here’s how to make October unstoppable God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs:

  • Be authentic
  • Be true to yourself no matter what
  • Be true to the woman God created to be great, YOU!!!
  • Listen to and take heed to the words that the Holy Spirit speaks to your heart and soul
  • Love and embrace your amazing ideas and love yourself
  • Believe in every dream and concept that God gifts you; they are real and the reason you will succeed in business
  • Glean your thoughts to ensure your great success
  • Write down the vision that you see before you and give it the clearest details that lay on the table of your heart
  • Create and design a business like no other business in the world
  • Execute your plan with consistency
  • Be diligent
  • Read the word of God and apply His principles to your life and your business
  • Bless yourself, your brand and business
  • Be confident and courageous
  • If necessary, hit the ground blessing and thanking God for guiding you with His eye
  • Vow to give and never stop giving.

And so Christian women business owners, that is how to make October unstoppable!

if you’re still on the fence or have doubts about your business, change the game today by incorporating unstoppable faith into all aspects of your business. Shift your minds, female entrepreneurs and start anew by the renewing of your mind today.

Blessings, hope and love,
