What Goes Into An Effective Sales Funnel?

She gets a funnel, he gets a funnel, you get a funnel! It may be no surprise that everybody is talking funnels these days. 

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the idea of a systemized process to get your buyers to take a certain action is by no means a new concept. In reality, a “funnel” is just a fancier term for getting your customer from point A to point Z. The only things we’ve refined and perfected as marketers are the modalities and steps we use that ultimately lead to better conversions. 

Before diving into the steps, one should examine the overall objective of their funnel. Is it to upsell a client? Are you targeting repeat customers or brand new prospects? Do you want to lead them to your page to purchase a complementary product? Alternatively, is this the first intro they’ll receive to your business? 

So, how do we give clients (and ourselves) foolproof funnels that convert for every type of customer along the buyer’s journey? 

Start With The Problem Or Need

While we always follow best practices for funnel creation, we should first take a step back and ask: What does the client want first and foremost? In an ideal world, what is the precise outcome they are looking for? Once you have a clear picture of what they’re looking for, you’ll know what copy to include that speaks to their ideal outcome. 

Next, examine every step of the buyer’s journey. I’m not talking about a plug-and-play buyer’s journey. Dive deep into different target markets (potential clients and customers for your client), and think about the thought processes, the hurdles and the pondering they may do before finally making a purchase. 

The goal of this exercise is to decipher how each ad (or stage in your funnel) will affect them, both emotionally and psychologically. 

There are many ways to optimize the perfect funnel built for conversions. Will your funnel include an eye-catching lead generation piece, a stunning landing page or an e-book and video sales letter (VSL) that really speaks to the audience and provides the value they’ve been dying to discover?  

Let’s run through a solid five-stage funnel process and examples of content you might include with it:

1. Awareness Stage

First impressions are everything. Just as you want to go on a few dates before you put a ring on anyone’s finger, you’ll want to warm up new leads so they become familiar with your brand. Try pieces that really dive into the psychology of your target market’s problem or, similarly, tell a strong brand story. 

2. Lead Generation

A strong lead generation piece usually acts as a teaser. Oftentimes it asks your potential customer to download a valuable piece of content where they have to share their email address. Aim for catchy headlines and “clickable” content. You might offer an e-book that lays out step-by-step action items to help coaches bring in new clients, for example. 

3. Landing Page

A landing page is a specified page that includes a unique selling point (USP), hero image, benefits, social proof and, of course, a strong call to action. This piece is focused on one sole outcome: getting the prospect to take a specified action. 

4. VSL

A video sales letter is a short “elevator pitch” that allows prospects to get to know the speaker and builds brand awareness and loyalty. Your video sales letter should include similar aspects of your landing page but can be done all through audio. 

5. Thank You Page

A funnel wouldn’t be complete without a strong thank you or follow-up page. After all, the best way to receive brand loyalty is to let customers know how grateful you are after they have made a purchase. These items help you create repeat customers who will tell others about your brand. 

Creating a complete funnel is no easy task. If you skimp over any of the steps, your customers will drop off like flies. Pay attention to the beginning stages, especially, as this is where your market research is done. Speak your target customers’ language. Be the solution to their problems. And lastly, guide them through a seamless sales process.

By Solomon Thimothy, CEO of OneIMS. A sales and marketing guru who has built a number of successful companies over the last decade. Read more at Thimothy.com.


How To Live Your Passion Every Day

Doing What You Love For The Glory of The Lord

How To Live Your Passion Every Day

How to live your passion everyday using the Power within you.

I am an entrepreneur who loves using God’s gift to bring Glory to God.

If you’re like me you will want to do God’s will. You’ll be overjoyed when you are doing God’s will and executing His plan for you.

As women entrepreneurs you have the skill set and mind to do phenomenal works.

Your creativity is just one of your many gifts from God. How are you using your gifts to honor the Lord. Will you show God how much you appreciate Him giving you the mindset to introduce to the world your products or services?

Wherever you are in life at this moment, you should be using your gifts with passion and faith. Be confident in your abilities to change your life. Your passion can send you soaring to new heights. What are you waiting for?

Creating Your Crafts With Passion 

Creating a brilliant company is super easy with the right tools and resources.

Here’s my story.

My creativity is an integral part of who I am as a servant of the good Lord.  Great and wonderful is He. 

God is awesome and so truly amazing. I love to share my gifts, creativity and special skills with other people. I want others to see just how much He richly blesses me. 

Through all that I am able to accomplish with His Holy Spirit living on the inside of me my passion soars.

God’s Holy Spirit is always working to help me in some way in my life. In all the ways that He helps me He shows me that I have the power to get wealth.

Working as a Christian and inspirational artist, I am amazed when the Holy Spirit speaks to me. He tells me when it’s time to create a gorgeous masterpiece. 

When He prompts me to make a unique masterpiece I heed His wise counsel.  I heed His every word and I wisely use His instructions to design whatever He lays on the table of my heart.

How To Live Your Passion Everyday and Enjoy Success and Prosperity

I am also a poetess.  I love writing for the Lord and about the Lord.  It seems that when I am awakened by the blast from the Lord’s nostrils, I am awakened to a new poem with words lovingly flowing from my heart, I begin to write which usually occurs on Saturday and Sunday mornings for some reason.  I love it and I live my life for the Lord thy God.  It is He who gives me the power to get my wealth and a wealth of creativity and talent lives on the inside of me.

My passion burns deep inside me.  It is the fuel and heartbeat of my life that pours over into my business.

If you’re passionate about the gifts God has given you, you should be building a strong foundation on which you can stand and be proud of.  If you’re in business and you’re doing what you love it will make it that much easier for your business to grow and prosper.

To God be all the glory!


Happy Friday Women In Business

Give thanks unto the Lord

Let Us Give Thanks Unto The Lord

Give thanks unto the Lord.

Hello Entrepreneurs,

It’s Friday.

I am beyond thankful that God has blessed us all with another brand new day of life.

I hope and pray that on this Friday, August, 27, 2021, your life is filled with God’s blessings of protection and provision.

May all your days forever be blessed.

O magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together.

Here are some Scriptures to bless your mind, heart and your business.

Build Your Business On Faith Scriptures

Exodus 31:3-5:

“And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with ability and intelligence, with knowledge and all craftsmanship, to devise artistic designs, to work in gold, silver, and bronze, in cutting stones for setting, and in carving wood, to work in every craft.”

Exodus 35:10:

“All who are skilled among you are to come and make everything the LORD has commanded.”

Proverbs 22:29:

“Do you see a man skillful in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men.”

1 Corinthians 12:4-6:

“Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone.”

Ephesians 2:10:

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

May God’s word continue to light your path and strengthen your heart.

Be blessed virtuous women.


Your Power To Get Wealth Is Inside You

Your Power To Get Wealth Is Inside You

Happy Saturday Morning Entrepreneurs,


I am in my office preparing to start my day which consists of designing and marketing my beauty products business.

Brilliant Ones, when the Lord woke me up this morning I gave Him thanks and I began to rejoice because this is the day that He has made.

After that, I delved into God’s word to hear His voice. I asked the Holy Spirit what He wanted me to do today. He spoke my heart and mind and said, get on Canva and start designing your marketing material for Love for the Skin. Creating and designing my own marketing pieces is something I have been doing for years and I love it.

Before getting too busy today I wanted to write this post for you and I hope it blesses you.

As I was reading Scriptures this morning God’s word says in Deuteronomy 8:18, But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God; for it is He that giveth thee power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore unto thy fathers, as it is this day.

When I think about the gifts that I have, my talents and my skill set I give God thanks because these things are what I use everyday to get wealth.

Using the power that God has given me, I make money and I create a lifestyle that I love.

How To Use Your Power To Get Wealth


If you’re a business owner and money is not flowing from your business the way you expect it to, then you have to implement some new strategies to change it immediately.

Here’s how you can make that happen.

  • Write out the perfect marketing plan.
  • Come up with some unique slogans, titles and taglines.
  • Open up Canva and start designing. They have pre-made templates to make it easy for you just in case you’re not a designer or don’t enjoy designing.
  • Use your brand colors to make your materials pop.
  • Upload them to your websites.
  • Make a whole new page to let your customers and clients know what you have new products or an extra added service that can improve some are of their life.
  • Offer a discount for a limited time. Send out monthly newsletters and promote on Pinterest, Instagram and other social media outlets.

The hardest part is getting started so I say just do it because your power to get wealth is inside you.

It’s time to take your business to yet another level. You can do it. Have faith in God and believe in yourself and your business. Remember, your power to get wealth is inside you.

Blessings to you forever and always,


Email: cyndisdesignz@gmail.com


Being Thankful Is the Key to Business Success

Why It Is So Important To Give Thanks in Everything

Being Thankful Is the Key to Business Success

Being thankful is the key to business success and abundance.

Growing up in the City of Brotherly Love, I had an amazing childhood.

Raised by two of the most loving people on the planet, I learned at a very early age to always give thanks.

Giving thanks became my daily mantra whenever I was blessed to receive the most delicious and healthiest meals that would nourish my body with nutrients and a whole lot of love.

I taught my children the importance of giving thanks and until this day, they say thankful no matter how small or big the gift may be.

Being an entrepreneur has taught me how to be more appreciative of all of my accomplishments. I have learned to celebrate my success simply by saying thank you.

Do you know that saying thankful opens the doors to more success.

Saying thank you when you conduct business, make transactions or make a sale, say thank you.

Let saying thank you become a part of your daily living. Pass it on and be a blessing to others just by saying thank you.

Being Thankful Is the Key to Business Success

Being Thankful Is The Key To Enjoying Great Success As An Entrepreneur

Telling someone thank you could possibly change the way they do business. So go ahead and give thanks for this is the will of God concerning you.

A thank you here and a thank you there is the beginning of your success in business.

Success is a feeling of awesomeness! It comes when you make a sale and you feel super grateful for having accomplished, yet, another goal. And then you say to yourself, if I can make one sale, I can make two sales and so on and so on.

You look into your mind and you see visions of you creating more products and make more sales. These are your thankful moments that lead to greater success.

So starting here and now give thanks and expect more sales to flow in and remember, being thankful is the key to business success, greatness and abundance.

Be blessed,


Whose Playing On Your Team

Kobe Bryant Was One of the Greatest To Play The Game of Basketball and He Knew His Teammates Well

Whose playing on your team

Over the years the Los Angeles Lakers have enjoyed many championships.

Talk about a winning team. There seems to be something special about Laker Nation!

They have been victorious for many years. This is just a part of their tradition it seems.

I also believe that the main reason for their long lasting success is that the entire organization knows what they are doing. Furthermore, they know how to run a successful business while building prospering teams every season.

From the owner of the Los Angeles Lakers to the general manager and coaches, they know what it takes to win games.

The chemistry is hot and the players are definitely highly skilled.

Most of them have above basketball IQ’s and that’s exactly what it takes to be victorious year after year.  

Their unique skill sets compliment one another and harmoniously they play in rhythm like an orchestra that makes amazing music.

When Magic and Kareem, Kobe and Shaq played together they were blessed and highly favored.

Do you know whose playing on your team

Women in business have a brilliant way of creating powerful teams that know exactly how to run a business.

Let me get right to the point.

Each person on your team gets assigned specific tasks depending on the knowledge and skill set.

Those tasks must be completed in a timely and professional manner.

I cannot begin to stress enough to you the importance of not just completing the tasks at hand, but to work together to get things done. This is the master key to wealth, success, riches and prosperity. 

While your team members are working together to ensure your success, you can then focus on all the other things that help you to keep the foundation of your business standing.

Also, it is equally important to put time to each task required because just as quickly as these duties have been completed, more will be forth coming or waiting on the next list of things to do.

And when you, a phenomenal, kind and patient boss and entrepreneur use your authority to command your team members to work diligently and consistently, reward them generously because they are a part of your remarkable winning team.

When you are good to your team members, they will go the extra mile to make sure that you are victorious.

So when you are choosing your team members make sure that you get the right pick be it in the first round pick or the 3rd round pick, just know who it is that will be playing on your team.

Will it be an outstanding dedicated persistent consistent team player who you can trust to pass the ball to every time you need to score? Do you know whose playing on your team?

Giving God the Glory,




3 Empowering Words For Women In Business

Discover How To Become An Amazing Entrepreneur with 3 Empowering Words

3 Empowering Words For Women In Business

3 empowering words for women in business are here.

Women are making amazing strides in business.

Exploring and discovering the abundance within, women everywhere are doing a new thing.

And they are using some key components that change the way they do business.

Also, women are being encouraged by words that have the power to send them soaring to new heights.

Let’s jump to it!


Yes, women are confident that they can walk away from their 9-5 which has kept their hands tied for quite some time. Confidence is a business building tool that can do for you what you may think is impossible.


Faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen for by it the elders obtained a good report.

Starting your own business is deeply linked to having faith in God. It is also beyond important that you have faith in your skill set before you begin your entrepreneurial journey. With faith in tow, you can be sure that you’ll go far.


Believing in the power of the Holy Spirit who indwells you, He is going to empower you in ways that you could never have experienced working for someone else.

Furthermore, it is important that you believe in yourself. Always believe in you because you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.

Please be sure to take these 3 empowering words for women In business and use them. Write them down and don’t ever forget them.

The One Simple Thing That You Can Use As An Entrepreneur

When you use the one simple component that can turn your startup into a 6 figure income you will be in awe of what you can do as an entrepreneur.

God has given you a priceless gem that you can use everyday to soar easily to success. Yes, you heard me right. I said easily because when you use what God has given you it is easy because God is with you every step of the way!

Knowing your worth, skills and abilities, you can enjoy so much more success.

You can forge your own path and break down barriers. You will never be stuck because God will guide and direct your business.

So wherever you are and whatever you are doing, stop and start your startup.

Use your God-given gifts and setup yourself for success. Incorporate thankfulness and grow from there.

Be blessed.



How To Generate More Financial Wealth

Using Your Creativity To Generate More Income

How To Generate More Financial Wealth

God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs,

Thinking about how to create more income from your businesses for your life can be a real challenge.

I know because for such a long time I struggled like crazy trying to generate more income for my lovely family. All of my businesses had the potential to be highly lucrative and net me great profits, but I was unsure how to go about creating my financial wealth.

Lost and absolutely confused when it came to making a lot more money, I knew something had to change as quickly as possible.

Money, it seems, can be hard to get and sometimes even harder to keep, but here’s the thing; I knew I had the skill set and ability to make as much money as I wanted and even deserved, but it was not happening for me as I expected it to.

Even though money was and continues to come from sales from my website and social media platforms, I wanted a six to seven figure income. How was I going to accomplish this goal of making a whole lot more money, you might be asking.

There are tons of ways to make a tremendous amount of money. Doing things the traditional way when it comes to building a powerful business is good, but sometimes you have to do things a little differently if you really want to shake things up, in a great way, when it comes to working your business.

Would you like to know what I’ve done to get more money flowing into my empire?

Now is the time and this is the path, walk on it

How To Generate More Financial Wealth

First, I had to go to the Holy Spirit and ask for His help. He spoke to my heart, changed my mind and helped me to focus more on my business than ever before. He told me to be consistent and stay persistent. 

He also told me to add more products to my business.  The more products that you have the more money you can make.

The Holy Spirit told me to renew my marketing strategies. I had an amazing marketing system in place and I needed to continually add to that system in order to stay successful. It is essential to have wonderful marketing strategies incorporated into your businesses.

So if you desire to be more successful than ever, use your extraordinary gifts, talents and skill set in a way that you have never used them before. Get excited and get creative!

The social media platform called Facebook to help you generate more financial wealth

Another way that you can generate more income is Facebook Ads. Ads, and more ads.

Facebook is one of the best platforms that you can use when it comes to business.

If you have a business page on Facebook I suggest that you utilize it to the fullest.  Learn how to work that page. Grab yourself a pen and pad and start writing your ads. Make sure they are relevant to your business.

Also, give your customers and potential customers detailed information about your products. Make them click that link. They will be glad they did because you have amazing, life-altering product(s) or service.

Enjoying the fruits of your labor begins with you. Wherever you are in business or if your business is not where you want it to be, think about all the things that you can do to make your business flourish.

Don’t be in a rush. Take your time and think. Get in a quiet place and think about the direction you want your business to flow into.

Please visit God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs to learn more about how to generate more financial wealth.

To God Be All the Glory in Jesus’ Powerful name, Amen











June’s Jewels Letter for Christian Women Entrepreneurs

June, We Welcome You With Open Hearts and Minds

June's Jewels Letter for Christian women


June’s jewels letter for women is your invitation to being the best woman entrepreneurs you can see.

Hello God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs,

How are you all doing? I pray that you and your business are enjoying an abundance of blessings. It is my sincerest prayer that God has opened the windows of heaven and you’ve opened your heart and hand to receive all that He has for you.

You know, ladies, we serve such an awesome God. He’s always with you, guiding and instructing you. He knows what you need and promises to supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Let us give God the glory and praise He so richly deserves. It brings me great joy to be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. His word is true and I would advise you to heed His every word whenever He speaks to your heart.

Ladies, June, is on the horizon and preparing to bring you greater. Let June arrive. Let us give thanks to God for giving us richly all things to joy and I do believe that this includes all of your dreams, concepts, visions, goals, empires and businesses.

When God tells or gives you something that pertains to your business it would be wise for you to heed His wise counsel. He is the Lord thy God.

Allow God to encourage and speak to your heart through His word. This, I guarantee, will ensure your success. If you are successful in business, you are successful in life.

Have you ever stopped to think about God’s goodness. At this very moment, please open your mind to receive all that God has for you.

June Has Arrived and So Have You

June’s Jewels Letter for Women is your invitation to wealth and prosperity.

One goal, thought and accomplishment at a time helps you to build an unmovable foundation on which your business will forever stand because when you build your dynasty on the word of God it simply cannot and will not fall and you, Christian women in business, cannot fail. 

You see, God equips His children with the most powerful tools and resources exclusive to you and your businesses. Tools of enlightenment, empowerment, enrichment and encouragement. These are the most amazing tools that have given you the motivation to start your own empire if you weren’t aware.

From there God is going to give you one creative idea after another in His time. Please be patient. Work with and use what you presently have.

God will provide you with everything you need to move forward on your entrepreneurial journey. This is going to bless you beyond belief. Furthermore, you can always trust that your rock solid foundation you call a business will flourish beyond your greatest imagination.

You will then begin to use your potential to the fullest. Going beyond infinity, you are going to be in awe when you see things coming to life on the screen of space and as to how God will speak to your heart everyday when you believe, trust and have faith in God.

All of these components are mind-glowing and transformational.

So get ready. Welcome June with open arms and with an open mind. This is how you are going to go to the next level and experience greater and amazing. 

Living a phenomenally fulfilling life to the utmost will be your new way of thinking and living.

Get ready because the ride promises to be sensational.

May God bless you and your businesses. Your businesses just get better with age and you God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs get richer when you have complete faith in God.

Sincere blessings to you GVWE,






A Bright Bulb Experience That Gives New Meaning To Life

Why It’s Important To Know What You Want In Life

Say Goodbye to Corporate America to live your life your way

Saying goodbye to corporate America to live your life your way.

My son’s bright bulb experience that gives new meaning to life.

My son received a job offer, Friday, May 7, 2021.

He was absolutely delighted when he received the email informing him that he had been offered the position.

Although he has a job, he was not happy with shifting papers all day.

He was diligently looking for a new job for almost a whole year and finally he had landed a job doing what he was great at which is social media marketing.

Needless to say he accepted the offer and currently is awaiting to start his new career.

A Bright Bulb Moment That Can Change Lives

This morning when he stopped by, he told me that this is his last job in corporate America. He has been dreaming really big. I see his dreams coming to fruition because he has been taking inspired action to fulfill his goals.

The business he owns is taking off quicker than he ever imagined.

And now, he is getting ready to go the next mile even though he will be working in a new position. His salary has doubled and that’s a plus.

Even though he tried to negotiate the salary it didn’t happen, but he is still highly grateful.

Say Goodbye To Corporate America and Fulfill Your Dreams

Anyone reading this post I want to tell you that unless you are working for yourself, you are doing yourself a disservice.

No one should tell you that they are putting a ceiling over your head. No one has the right to tell you how much money they are going to pay you.

When you have your own business you pay yourself with as much money as you want.

As long as you believe and you use your skill set and your God-given abilities you can achieve anything. Say goodbye to corporate America and don’t look back.

be blessed,

God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs

We are amazing women in business!