You Have the Power.
You Have the Victory.
These Guys Are Some of the Best
To Ever Play The Game and So Are You!
Hello Women of Excellence,
It’s Thursday evening around 11:30 at night and the game is on. I am watching the NBA finals and loving every minute of the action. With action being the key word I am taking what I like to call impacting notes. Notes to help me to become an even better business owner.
I often hear from the sports world that Lebron James is the greatest player of all time, but with so many other great basketball players who came before him I have to disagree and just say he may be the best player in his era/time. And since I’m not a LB fan I’ll just say he’s good. I will not take that away from him. With that being said I am going to watch Steph, Klay and Kevin shoot the lights out as they press towards winning four consecutive games and once again, becoming NBA championships for a third year. I’m excited.
As I watch this action filled, fan cheering, stadium packed basketball game I’m pondering how to add, through my creative mind, the very thing that is going to boost my business even more. It is a constant mind thinking business planning strategy.
As the game is being played I’m thinking about the Warriors players and how well they shoot. They are phenomenal players with great coaches, awesome fans and amazing support systems; their loved ones. Even the sports commentators are fantastic as they report on and share their expertise with each play. It just doesn’t get any better than this NBA package brilliantly planned with great knowledge and intelligence. The NBA players are some of the most talented players in the world. They are indeed the very best.
And just like them we are stars. Whether we are silent behind the scenes entrepreneurs or motivational speakers constantly pouring out our knowledge with those in need of our services/products we are some of the amazing business owners to ever grace the universe.
We possess minds so creative that we have the unique ability to erect empires that cannot fall nor fail because with our positive thinking we are successful. And if it’s possible for us to be and do even greater we strive towards that goal. The possibilities are life changing. We just have to be open to receiving and accepting them one by one. It’s how we grow when we accept those challenges that make us really think and delve into that new goal that is presented or given to us. It’s how we prosper our businesses and it’s how we prosper as we sleep.
We are now in the 4th quarter of the finals between the Warriors and Cavs. Golden State is up; 84-80. There is absolutely positively no doubt in my mind that the Golden State Warriors are going to win this game and there is no doubt in my mind that I’m going to take away some fantastic tips from all the shots taken and all the dunks made and just like the Warriors we too have the victory.
Because every woman business owner needs words of encouragement.